Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tiny dots in a triangle on my left arm

Two small dots, easily viewed on my left arm.

Close up of the dots.

The location of the very faint third dot. In my youth, this one was just as prominent as the other two, creating a perfect little triangle. If this is a vaccine scar, someone please tell me!

A question I often get from researchers is: do I have any unusual marks or scars on your body?

At first I just answered no, and later I realized I have a scar on my nose (click
HERE for more info). And recently I found an odd scratch on my torso (click HERE).

There are only two dots that remain distinct, the third has almost completely faded away. I can still see the third dot in certain light, but it is very indistinct. I drew in a red circle where it appears on my arm.

I realized that I have a funny triangle shaped set of three pock-marks below my wrist on my left arm. I have had these since (as best as I can recall) elementary school, and that means about 1974 or so. I just turned 48, so these marks have been on my arm for about 36 years (and that is a rough guess). As a boy, I would marvel at how perfection of the triangular shape. I have no memory of getting any sort of medical inoculation. If this is simply a vaccine scar, someone PLEASE tell me. I did a quick search for "vaccine scars" and "inoculation scars" and saw a lot of gruesome images, but none that even remotely matched what I have on my arm.

I took photos today, after shaving the hair off the small area. I put a little vegetable oil on the area to help see the dots and took macro photos with a digital point and shoot in the bright sunshine next to a window. I also increased the contrast on the digital photo (using photoshop) and this helped bring the image out a little more clearly. Please note, I included an un-altered photo at the end of this post, as well as a photoshop recreation as to how they appeared in my youth. The dots are all 3/8 inch apart from each other.
This is a photoshop recreation. This is how I remember it looked in my youth, I was fascinated by the curious symmetry of the dots.

The red lines show the location of the triangular dot pattern on my arm. The tiny dots themselves are difficult to see in this wide view.
Digital image without any contrast change. This is how the dots presently appear. You can see how the lower left dot has faded, but it still visible.

ADDED TEXT June 2011:
There is a follow up to this post. This essay has been one of the most popular on this blog, here's a LINK where I speculate why that might be.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Audio conversation with Walter Bosley

Walter Bosley has a history as a federal investigator for both the FBI and the Air Force office of special investigations. And now he’s writing and exploring extremely esoteric paranormal anomalies. Add to that a lifetime of weird phenomenon stating in his teens.

These divergent experiences make for a fascinating conversation.

one-click download HERE.
Audio download / 1 hour 48 minutes

NOTE: If the audio link is finicky, try refreshing this page. Or, to download directly to your hard-drive, simply click on the divShare logo (at the right) and then click on the big button labeled "Download"

Topics include the his life as a federal investigator, books and movies, active periods of high strangeness, Don Ecker, Greg Bishop, Disneyland, profound life changes, UFOs, mythology, the Goddess Athena, Close Encounters, 2001: A Space Odyssey, the doey-eyed believers, his mentor, remote viewing, crows, owls, the author Sesh Heri, ley lines, the alchemical process, Gibbs Williams, synchronicities, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and lots of personal experiences.

Walter has been busy lately, and he wrote a very impressive book about the esoteric and occult roots of Disneyland titled LATITUDE 33: KEY TO THE KINGDOM, An Encounter with Arcane Science and Engineering at Disneyland.

And he’s been on a slew of on-line radio shows, including: Binnall of America (a great overview of the Disneyland book), The Paracast more than once (here and here), Dark Matter Radio with Don Ecker and Radio Mysterterio.

I was careful not to overlap too much information from these shows, there was no reason for Walter to repeat the same stories again. If I had an agenda, it was to delve into the deeply personal experiences and try to make sense of how they impact the direction of his life.
Also, today (August 20th 2010) would have been Mac Tonnies 35th birthday.

my role here

One simple and important question, alone on a sheet of paper.

Today I had a psychic reading with Anya Briggs set up for 11:AM, the appointment was made a few days ago due to a haunted feeling discontent. Something was off, and I felt adrift. At about 9:30 in the morning I realized that I should make a list of questions, so I got a clipboard and a clean white sheet of paper and wrote the one thing that had been really bugging me: my role here.

As soon as I wrote it, the phone rang. It was a person I had met at the Laughlin UFO conference in 2009, and I'll call him Joe. When we met I felt a very real kinship for him, we are both the exact same age and he was obviously very anxious (a lot like me). Just the other day I was reviewing a small notebook I had carried and found his email address, I had forgotten that I had written it down, but over the last year and a half I had often wondered about him, so I sent an email and asked how he was doing.

On the phone he filled me in on what has been happening since we met. He shared very scary set of experiences, involving horrifying virtual reality memories that were associated with out and out abduction events. It is a swirling nightmare of gray aliens, overt military influences and some sort of very scary training.

His stories were truly unnerving, and he shared even more during this long phone call. I listened attentively, and tried to make sense of his menacing experiences. Joe has a son and daughter, and they both share some of the same memories. And he tells of meeting 13 other people in his area that have almost the exact same set of memories.

His experiences were way beyond anything that I could relate to, so all I could do was simply listen, and offer some support and solace. We talked for over an hour, and at the end of the call he thanked me.

I was a little bit shook up by the intensity of the conversation and the obvious stress in Joe's life. But I feel like I was really good during the call. Minutes later, I was starting the session with Anya, and I had only one question written down: my role here.

I didn't need a psychic to tell me the significance of writing those words in a place of very real questioning, and then the phone ringing at that exact instant.
Added shortly after the post above:
Here is a short excerpt from RED ICE CREATIONS, it is a snippet from an audio interview with Neil Kramer. I heard it shortly after posting this essay, and I thought it was very relevant.

approx 2 minutes

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

audio conversation with Christopher Knowles

My first audio interview was posted over a year ago, and it featured the insights of Christopher Knowles. Now he's back and we go at it for almost two hours. This guy has an amazing blog with tons of cool ideas, but he also has a very real gift as a conversationalist.

The core topic of our dialogue is the blurring of UFOs and pop culture. We also explore the strange murmurings from the grand power structure and how it seems to be reflecting an anxiety directly related to some impending event. Both of us try and wrap our minds around some real-deal concepts at the edge of these already edgy ideas.
audio download / 2 hours long

NOTE: If the audio link is finicky, try refreshing this page. Or, to download directly to your hard-drive, simply click on the divShare logo (at the right) and then click on the big button labeled "Download"

From there we branch off to talk about the immense power of the creative process, the new age movement, the great Jack Kirby, the News that Churchill quashed a UFO report, Gene Roddenberry, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The New Age movement, The Da Vinci Code, Whitley Streiber and the cover of Communion, resonance, the Vatican and extraterrestrials, The Royal Society ET summit, Behold a Pale Horse, the total collapse of trust in the news media, Stephen Hawking, The Brookings Institute UFO report, Jules Verne, Jacques Vallee, the real threat alien possibility poses to the status quo, the constant drumbeat of space news and cosmic awareness, digital photography and the recent sightings epidemic, universal creation myths of sky gods, the Ancient Astronaut Theory and the religious right, the power of stories and much, much, much more.

Here is Chris, photographed with the nefarious (and Canadian) cigarette smoking man. The curious blurring is obviously due to electromagnetic interference from a parallel dimension.

I strongly implore you to listen to the podcast from last summer (click HERE). And, please check-out Chris Knowles' excellent blog, The Secret Sun. And his cool book too: OUR GODS WEAR SPANDEX.

Modern mythology, alternate history and pop-cult symbology.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

audio conversation with Cynthia Crawford

Cynthia and a series of her other-worldy creations.

Cynthia has had a life of complex experiences involving non-human entities, including multiple abductions, examinations and miraculous healings. She speaks openly about her life experiences, and she boldly declares that she is an alien/human hybrid.

Cynthia is also a talented sculptor, creating three dimensional images of the many of entities she has encountered. She states that Star Beings work through her, putting their own frequency in the sculptures as a tool to awaken people to their own deeper truths. She has devoted her life to sharing the lessons she has learned from these beings in an effort to change the world for the better. See a gallery of her sculptures HERE.
  one click audio DOWNLOAD  


I met Cynthia at a UFO conference in Laughlin Nevada, and I was perfectly amazed by the intensity of her story. Initially I found her claims almost impossible to take seriously, but after spending time with her I was impressed by her openness and her big hearted nature. It forced me to re-think my initial reaction of prejudice.

This conversation covers a lot of fringe topics and it culimnates with Cynthia giving me a psychic reading. She channeled from her guides, and the information was quite interesting.

There are several links on her homepage (ET Sculptor) where you can listen to audio interviews where Cynthia shares her life experiences. The narrative unfolds from these recorded interviews is utterly fascinating. I recommend listening to these interviews to better understand Cynthia and her complex story.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

meeting a new friend

I met a woman under very curious circumstances at a UFO conference in 2006. When I first saw her, I was immediately struck by the way she held herself. She was handsome and confident, and a very hip dresser.

At another point during the conference, I ended up siting at the bar with a crowd of people, including Linda Moulton Howe. We were all trading stories, and it was a really pleasant time. I told the story about seeing a young woman on a subway in New York city in 1984. (this very curious story is linked HERE). The punch-line of this memory was involved seeing that young woman again, and the second event was exceedingly synchronistic. Linda asked me if I had ever seen her again.

I thought for a moment, and then said, “I think she is here, at this conference.”

I explained about seeing the handsome woman earlier in the day, and how if I added about 22 years, she would very closely match the girl from the subway. Everybody at the table told me that I simply MUST talk to her. So the next day I walked up to a complete stranger and started a conversation by asking if she had gotten on the uptown E-train at West 4th Street during the summer of 1984. She laughed and said no.

We had a pleasant conversation, but she was extremely guarded. Typical of me, I spoke a lot, but she wouldn’t tell me anything about herself.

Years later we met her again, at another conference. It was at a point where I was having a hard time trying to make sense of my own conflicted experiences. We sat outside, away from the crowd, and I tried to explain my dilemma. I was meeting people at the conference, many with stories that I found outrageous and unbelievable. I recognized my own harsh judgments, and at the same time my memories were equally unbelievable.

She calmly spoke to me, and what she said has become a sort of mission statement for me. She said that these people all have personal experiences that are just stories and nothing more. They might be outrageous or simple, and I should be very cautious about these feelings of judgment, because I simply can’t know if they are true or not. All I can do is listen, and know that these individuals are all on their own journey. If I close the door on something just because it challenges me, I might be missing a very important clue, maybe even to my own story.

She was calm as she spoke, but she was also stern in a way that forced me to look at myself, and my own prejudices.