Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tiny dots in a triangle on my left arm

Two small dots, easily viewed on my left arm.

Close up of the dots.

The location of the very faint third dot. In my youth, this one was just as prominent as the other two, creating a perfect little triangle. If this is a vaccine scar, someone please tell me!

A question I often get from researchers is: do I have any unusual marks or scars on your body?

At first I just answered no, and later I realized I have a scar on my nose (click
HERE for more info). And recently I found an odd scratch on my torso (click HERE).

There are only two dots that remain distinct, the third has almost completely faded away. I can still see the third dot in certain light, but it is very indistinct. I drew in a red circle where it appears on my arm.

I realized that I have a funny triangle shaped set of three pock-marks below my wrist on my left arm. I have had these since (as best as I can recall) elementary school, and that means about 1974 or so. I just turned 48, so these marks have been on my arm for about 36 years (and that is a rough guess). As a boy, I would marvel at how perfection of the triangular shape. I have no memory of getting any sort of medical inoculation. If this is simply a vaccine scar, someone PLEASE tell me. I did a quick search for "vaccine scars" and "inoculation scars" and saw a lot of gruesome images, but none that even remotely matched what I have on my arm.

I took photos today, after shaving the hair off the small area. I put a little vegetable oil on the area to help see the dots and took macro photos with a digital point and shoot in the bright sunshine next to a window. I also increased the contrast on the digital photo (using photoshop) and this helped bring the image out a little more clearly. Please note, I included an un-altered photo at the end of this post, as well as a photoshop recreation as to how they appeared in my youth. The dots are all 3/8 inch apart from each other.
This is a photoshop recreation. This is how I remember it looked in my youth, I was fascinated by the curious symmetry of the dots.

The red lines show the location of the triangular dot pattern on my arm. The tiny dots themselves are difficult to see in this wide view.
Digital image without any contrast change. This is how the dots presently appear. You can see how the lower left dot has faded, but it still visible.

ADDED TEXT June 2011:
There is a follow up to this post. This essay has been one of the most popular on this blog, here's a LINK where I speculate why that might be.


Trish and Rob MacGregor said...


Red Pill Junkie said...

Are you right-handed, or a lefty?

Mike Clelland! said...

I'm a righty.

The Secret Sun said...

Does it feel as if there's something under the skin?

Mike Clelland! said...

Reply to C'Knowles:

Nope, there is nothing to feel under there.

Anonymous said...

They definitely look like puncture marks-- but that old? Natural ones would have healed over, at least scarred, long ago.

Very suspicious for sure.

Mike Clelland! said...

I wanna make it clear to the readers, these marks are VERY small. THe photo makes em look HUGE, but they are trick to see unless you are looking closely.

But, I remember them from my youth. No idea when they appeared, my best guess is sometime in the early 70's.

tonijr555 said...

me too, i have this perfect triangular moles (even the lines of the pores are perfectly aligned. It just came out during my youth

Anonymous said...

Some years ago I awoke one morning and on both of my wrists there were two bumps just below were the fore arm meets the hand. They were side by side a bit closer together than yout wo marks. The two on the left wrist lasted for several months and the two on the right wrists linger for more than a years then just were there anymore. They never bothered me. But it was very strange to have the same thing appear on both wrists at the same time.


Molly Joy said...

I was just searching google for an hour trying to look up anything to do with dots on my forearm and found this page, your picture looks exactly the same as mine. I was reading a book this morning and noticed it on my wrist in the sunlight, started wondering what on earth these tiny dots could be from, an I.V. scar? I had anesthesia for an eyes surgery once, i also started searching for vaccine scar pictures.... Im not going to lie i'm extremely curious and a bit worried about what these three dots could be/mean?

Molly Joy said...

I'm not sure if my previous comment posted I wasn't logged in at the time, but anyways I just today discovered tiny little dots on my right fore-arm that look just the same, i spent over an hour researching on google to try and find anything sem-related, also wondered if it could be vaccine related, or possibly a scar from an I.V? the strange part for me is that there are three in a little triangle just the same, and a formation of tiny freckles to match right next to it. any discussion about this would be helpful im really curious to see what it could be

Anonymous said...

Alien Abduction. It has a very complicated meaning. It will show up again in other parts of your body, if it's not there already. No need to be scared

Anonymous said...

I have the exactly same sized, same triangle shaped scars on my left upper arm since I was young. As getting older, they became dimmer, but still visible. have we really got abducted by aliens in youth?

Geraldo Dias said...

I awoke one morning to discover three red very itchy triangular markings 3/8's of an inch on my right wrist, which over a few weeks looks the same size as Mike Clelland's photographs. For the past two months I have had a serious case of insomnia not sleeping for two days at a time, I think we all need to give more details as to how we feel, change of behavior, mentally or physically... Truth is I have a tremendous amount of mental and physical energy which feels like this source is infinite... What's actually going on? are we part of an experiment?
Geraldo Dias

Geraldo Dias said...

I awoke one morning to discover three red very itchy triangular markings 3/8's of an inch on my right wrist, which over a few weeks looks the same size as Mike Clelland's photographs. For the past two months I have had a serious case of insomnia not sleeping for two days at a time, I think we all need to give more details as to how we feel, change of behavior, mentally or physically... Truth is I have a tremendous amount of mental and physical energy which feels like this source is infinite... What's actually going on? are we part of an experiment?

Anonymous said...

i tought i was the only one!, i have the same dots on my left upper arm!, i just one day woke up and looked on my arm and have allways wondered were theese marks came from!, its been 9 years since i noticed it, they havent changed a bit

CLI said...

I'm from Melbourne and I'm just as curious as you are which leads me here in this site. The year 97 is when I first had moles apear in 3 (year 7). First I though it looked like a L shape but to think closely it can also be a triangle when you join up dot to dot. What makes me curious is they had always came in 3. Recently as of NOV / DEC 2011 I realised 3 dots (same spots as you) but difference is it appeared on my palm! Once again it is "3" dots apearing at once which I've never seen before. I am looking for explanation as it bothers me where or how it comes about? Because everything is related to 3 dots or a triangle I started to google online, and realised my star sign "Libra" is also in the form of a triangle! Are anyone Librans here? Other findings include Bermuda Dragon Japan, Bermuda Triangle, Egypt / Maya Pyramids all shapes of Triangle. Sometimes I get woken at night to see floating heads with a very detailed face, they can be different in nationality but mainly westerners or wiered light in the sky whilst im driving. I don't know whether this can all be related? These wiered encounters may or may not be related but I am writing this in here because I want to know if anyone else with these marks, had similar encounters? I've seen a Psychologist because my parents believe there is a western explanation in the medical world to my wiered visions. My psychologist thinks its normal as I haven't shown any signs of mental illness. Pls let me know if you have similar encounters.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys my name is paraic and i have three dots imprinted on my right arm. I dont remember how i got them.but i do remember having them at very early age. I am trying to figure out what it means if it means anything for that going take a picture of a it and seeing if i can post it on this forum and maybe you guys can help me figure it out.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see more pictures. I hope this has nothing to do with ufo theme. I woke up today and when looked in the mirror noticed this triangle shape on the side of my nose. There is an additional mark in the middle also. Now reading your comments I searched my arms and noticed a very old, dim triangle mark between my palm and wrist. There should be a website where people could just post these for comparison, anonymos (hoe ever you spell that, english is a foreign language for me..)

Anonymous said...

My name is amber and I am only 19 years old. I have this same triangle made of punctures but on my neck! I just noticed them one day a few years ago and I am seriously curious on what and where it came from. Someone please give me an answer because I am freaked out with all of these alien abduction stories. Contact me at

Molly Joy said...

My dots are on my right wrist, only the top two are mostly visible the bottom point used to stand out more but as the years have gone by has faded so it's barely noticeable - I agree that we should compile as many facts as possible b/c the more similarities the better chance we have of discovering whta this means. I am a Libran born in the middle of October and have very vivid dreams of specific occurances on a regular basis. Im not worried as much as I am curious I think these marks are very unique - I still have a feeling it could possibly be vaccination scars from when we were young? I can't find any evidence that vaccines leave permanent marks though. does anyone here have any knowledge/expertise w/ metaphysics?

Eva said...

Somewhere between 1996 and 1998 I woke up with a triangular marking like that over my right ovarie. It was a very small marking and after a couple of days it was gone.

Eva said...

Reminds me of the triangular shaped dots I got one night in 1996-97 over my right ovarie. But it was small and faded away after a couple of days. 15 years later I got ovarial cancer.

Anonymous said...

I had a red itchy spot on my left inside forarm for about 3 years that kept getting sore and seem to have some pucture marks I thought were from an insect bite. A dermatooogist tested it for skin cancer and lasered it. It came back and still has the pucture marks. I notice now they are in a triangle. The red spot subsieds and the triangle punctures come back always in the same exact place. I have had it for a total of 14 years now.

Anonymous said...

I awoke this morning after a night on the booze so very easily "abducted" i noticed 2 very red puncture dots about two centimeters apart too big for any living spider in england, i remember falling asleep at 4ish and then awakening about 6oclock with no side affects just a normal awaken, but i noticed my hair was soaked but my pillow was dry? something wierd is going on for sure.

Anonymous said...

Im a 27 year old male and Ive also noticed on my left forearm 3 dots in a perfect triangle that have been there for a long time not exact on how long but yeah there just dots like a freckle but I can take a ruler and measure the distance between them and its the same. The reason why I got on and searched for this kinda thing is that in my hallway in my apt Idk I just was looking at my skin and started to notice at least one more triangle like the one on my left forearm but this one is on my right arm in between my tricep and bicep. Im a very intelligent person high iq and all that and in excellent pysical condition.. um Ive joked about the dots before and said that aliens took me and I contributed that to the fact that I grew up watching the x files and was interested in things like that but Idk the more I think about it as a kid I had serious sleep problems and it was labeled as some sort of epilepsy and not until I was seventeen was it diagnosed as narcolepsy. As a kid I would have hallucinations related to the sleepiness like I would start dreaming before I was actually asleep, I dont remember exactly but I know that I had a rough time.. Now another thing is that just a few weeks ago I saw my first ufo with a neighbor of mine, a large round thing slowly spinning counter clockwise with a bright orange spot on it, it was a good 2min sighting.. Idk what Im really trying to say other than to bring light to the fact that Im a very weird person and I happen to have dots in the shapes of triangles.. Hmm Idk

Anonymous said...

I too have 3 faint dots in the form of a perfect triangle on my left forearm, and my best friend has 3 extremely prominent moles in the form of a perfect triangle on the side of his hand. We've recently gone into business together, and both of us accelerate at everything we do. Acing classes with ease, pulling off "revolutionary" feats as if they were everyday solutions, and all of those kinds of things. I ended up here because I just found this weird clear goopy liquid on my desk while working on my computer. It wasn't water, it was much like a liquid mixture of 75% saliva and 25% snot as when I found my forearm in it and pulled it strung itself to me. I was disgusted, cleaned it off, and threw it all in the toilet...thinking now I should have saved it to find out what it even was (remains of alien abduction or ectoplasm! lol). Could be any number of things, but there was a lot of it....and I should have noticed it way before it even got there.

Anonymous said...

Last Poster, what is the measurement of the triangle? The distance between the dots? an inch and three eights?

Anonymous said...

same exact indented dots. different spacing and way smaller. triangle is smaller than thumbnail and on ankle.

NiQi said...

I have the same triangle punctures, a 3 degree burn turned into a blister the size of my thumb. I have photits on my phone. I am reading the dates and mine coincide. Feb 15 2011. Aug 16 2011 and the burn was Aug or September. The wounds heal in two days. No itch, no scab, no bleeding and trace is gone in two days. The burn was deep and large as my thumb nail. 6 months to heal with no trace. Alien dreams become less and less like dreams. I wish I could go on as nothing happened but I fear for my families safety and welfare. As well as my own psychological welfare. Any pointers on actions I could per sue?

Mike Clelland! said...

Reply to NiQi;

Sadly I have no real pointers. The only thing I can suggest is to keep a journal. Nothing more than a listing of ANYTHING odd and the dates. Try to write out things from your life. DOn't worry about trying to speculate at the source.

Some things might have perfectly ordinary explanations, but just write them out.

Also - try to reach out, there are forums and such where you can share things anonymously.

Beyond that, there is little to suggest.

Mike C

Anonymous said...

Are any of you O negative?

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering because I am of O negative blood lines, 34 yr old female. I belong to a group for O neg on facebook and recently someone had posted about freckles on our bodies that look like triangles. I have a perfect triangle on my right upper arm and has been there ever since i can remember. I've always felt like there is a reason I am marked that way as silly as that sounds? A lot of ppl in that group also have triangles.

Anonymous said...

It seems many people have unusual scars and I'm sure some could be explained as forgotten injuries or crazy bug bites but those of us with symmetrical or parallel marks are left wondering how we could've been injured in such peculiarly specific ways without any recollection at all of the injury. I have similar marks on the inside of my right arm that form a loose triangle if I bend my arm but not in a way that is striking or obvious. If all I had were these tiny scoops I probably would not consider any ET theory but I also have larger scoop marks on the inside of both my arms in the exact same place. They are so symmetrical that they are even spaced out almost perfectly fingertip to fingertip across my torso if my arms are outstretched. I forget the measurement but it's the same distance from my left finger to the first scoop mark, then the same distance across my chest to the one on the right arm and then the same distance to my right fingertip. I don't know where they came from but I noticed them in the early 90's and they hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm like many of you and have had many strange little experiences that point to the abduction phenomenon but nothing super convincing to make me think I was actually being abducted. What Mike is doing is so helpful although it does seem that there really isn't a standard location for these markings so it's still tough for any of us to conclude that we have been part of the same experiment. It has been my own personal skeptical hurdle to overcome as to why I would be the only one with scoop marks located specifically where I have them. You would imagine that any ET experiments would be carried out with more consistency across multiple test subjects. For instance, I had a metal ball come out of my nose which has happened to others but the one that came out of my nose was spiky-ish and not smooth. I have only found one other reference to a spiky ball. How could there only have been two people experimented on in this way? Seems likely there would be many more. Another catch is that if ET's are really behind all these symmetrical markings, why are they zapping our memories? When I realized I had symmetrical scoop marks, chicken pox scars just wouldn't cut it as an explanation any more. It's like a big "middle finger" when you come right down to it, obscuring memories and altering perceptions only to leave obvious signs right on our bodies. Just this week my wife pointed out a large scar on the left side of my torso. She said, "you have another one of those marks here," and I told her I didn't know where it came from but all I could remember about it was being stabbed in a dream. I'm sure I wasn't stabbed by ET's but it's weird how that's all I can remember about it. What you are doing here is immensely important, Mike. Commonality with others is some of the only evidence we have that anything else strange in our lives might be related to a larger picture.
Thank you,

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Rebecca and I am 17 years old. On the top side of my right arm a little below my wrist I have a perfect three dot triangle. I've been doing some research but haven't been able to find very much. The most I've seen is people saying "alien abduction" I'm not sure where that is coming from. I have also read that it may have something to do with "Irish" and/or "Celtic" which makes a little more sense being that I am from an Irish background.If anyone has any answers for me that would be great! Thanks!
Best Regards

Anonymous said...

Something is goin on , I feel like my thoughts have been takin out of my head, I just feel empty most the time...I have 3 triangular moles on my inner right arm

Anonymous said...

I have them on the inside of my ankle right above my foot. My 7 year old has it also. Strangely we thought we were the only ones. Many people apparently have it but no-one knows why.

mary said...

hi- about 2 months ago i noticed 3 small puncture marks on my right forearm, triangular, since have gone away,,around the same time i had an experience involving non-earth entities and a severe pain in my lower abdomen, and i was handed a non moving alien looking baby ..strange days

Anonymous said...

wanted to add to my post -when that non moving alien looking baby was handed to me it was wrapped in a triangular woven type garment with handles and i walked away carying it by the handles -
think i picked up a confusion from the entity standing next to take, i felt a protection, something like the baby was removed on purpose

Anonymous said...

Have you all had chicken pox? Chicken pox is a virus that follows the lympth system. The lympth track is like stringy spider webs so if the pox follow that tract there will be scars in groups from the virus, most commonly triangles. I have one as well, on my right wrist.

Mike Clelland! said...

I had chicken pox as a very young boy. I suspect that this is not the source of the small marks on my arm.

Chicken pox scars tend to be a little more oval and larger. Each of these three marks *WERE* extremely symmetrical. Less so 40 years later.

I can't say conclusively, but I have no other scars like this anywhere on my body.

Anonymous said...

hi read this and couldn't believe what I was looking at i'm o negative bloodtype 52 years old have celtic Norwegian roots and have always had a triangle of three equidistant dots on inside of left foot since I was a child plus I have had an encounter experience which I only partially recall

Anonymous said...

hi all I've got the same thing on my right arm and I distinctly remember it being put there by the same nurse who was doing my BCG at high school at age 14. it freaked me out at the time because none of my friends or anyone I asked had it done and until now I thought I could be the only one. Mine seem to go under the skin though and then appear as tiny scabs in an exact triangle, then fade away to nothing again. i'm thinking they would possibly show up under an ultraviolet light. it's weird how it's the mark of the devil and so many of us have it!!!! I've always wondered what it meant and does it have any purpose.

Lois said...

Isn't 1974 when you saw the orange flash in the sky? Did the triangle appear at that time?

Anonymous said...

MY STORY - Back in early 2000's I met a young woman at a location. We had common current event conversation. She brought up the other forms of life in our world and began to lecture. I am a scholar, so I listened. She said, "You need proof?". She described to me an experiment, then displaying on the back of her neck the display, that I had to look very closely to see. That wasn't the proof part. The location we were at was crowded. She said, "Come let me show you, so that you are aware." She showed me an unusual "thing" or "being" in the form of man. to the naked eye, normal unless distinct observation is used. I am aware of the distinct observation, and it's very dangerous. Then she showed me another, and another. She said her family was apart of a certain group in society. Why she told me some of these things I do not know. We were total strangers. However we talked like we were very close. We were from two different ethnicities. We talked about other things and she shared what she had to share. Some things I cannot share. She said she had to go to the bathroom. I never saw her again. Be careful out here.

Unknown said...

Hi All
My name is Junain, I also seem to have these 'dots' / puncture marks on parts of my body including my feet and when joined creates perfect triangles. I am gifted in various fields ranging from electronics and computer to mechanical and carpentry with out having ever taken a course or studied any of these subjects. I have detailed memories when i was younger but cannot remember something that happen last week. Makes think something could have happened to me when i was younger

Unknown said...

Ok so my husband and I went to bed last night and everything was normal. We wake up and it looks like he was stabbed by a fork on his lower leg on the side of his calf. When I examined closer there was a fifth dot maybe 2 inches from the perfect 4 scabbed ones creating a perfect elongated triangle? Does anyone know what this could be? We live in Connecticut its the middle of winter so im not sure if it could be a bite of some sort? Please if there's any kind of knowledge to this please let me know.

Anonymous said...

Im a 16 year old guy and I woke up with 3 burns in a shape of a triangle the burns are each in a perfet circle with a diamater of a cm and they go down in the skin 3mm? And I have it on my right thigh and on my right calf and my arse what could it mean?

Anonymous said...

There 3 seperate triangles*

Anonymous said...

I have three small puncture looking dots in a perfect triangle on my right arm. Close to my wrist on my pinkie side. Theyre really really small. Each dot less than a centimeter apart. It looks like its on top of another scar. I have no idea how long its been there. I don't remember ever having an injury there. I googled it and this came up along with a lot more. I'm a little concerned that so many other people have it too. I've had two alien dreams in my life and both times I woke up terrified which I thought was strange because I always kinda thought it'd be neat to see a ufo or something. But now I know I'd be terrified.

Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone. I just notice today while at work that i have a needle like punctures triangular shape on the side of my left hand. It must have happen last night when I was deep in sleep. It measures 3/8 inch and freshly made puncture :(
I'm a believer and I'm a little bothered about this. I took pictures to document this and hopefully I will not be getting anymore. I just don't like the idea that someone or something has been busy while i'm out of consciousness. Anyone know's how to intercept the intruders?

Anonymous said...

Okay hi so were like the same but unfortunately I have 4 dots in my left arm instead of three and those 4 dots are like the dots on the dice when you play some board game and when I ask my parents they said I didn't have any vaccine or whatever on my left arm so its just weird you know it make me so curious to know where'd it come from then I started researching and researching but I got nothing until I found your page.

Unknown said...

Hi my name is Jose and I allso have 3 dots forming a perfect triangl on the inside area of my right side leg just below the knee, don't recall how I got them, some one else posted that they were the sign of Libra so am I, that they are good with electronics computers, very creative and I as well have a hard time recalling events in the nindys my wife and I were sleeping I recall that I was awakened to find that I culden't move onley my eyes could move I was Abel to snap out of it I then turned to my wife I woke here up and she began to tell me that she, as well as I, culdent move onley her eye's culd move, maybe this is a.anyone have some explanation to this?


Derek c said...

My girlfriend and i both have matching 3 dot triangle puncture/ burn marks on our right wrists. Waking up completely naked not remembering what had happend the night before. I believe they are abduction scars.please Email me

Neliio said...

Hey Guys, my name is Nela and I cant believe there are so many people on here talking about these dots. I too have dots on my right hand but they do not form a perfect triangle but a perfect square... I have 4 dots I feel like I had them forever. I asked a doctor about it he too had no explanation ...My husband and I usually joke that I was prolly abducted once but can it be true? But again my dots don't form a triangle just a square

Neliio said...

Hey Guys, my name is Nela and I cant believe there are so many people on here talking about these dots. I too have dots on my right hand but they do not form a perfect triangle but a perfect square... I have 4 dots I feel like I had them forever. I asked a doctor about it he too had no explanation ...My husband and I usually joke that I was prolly abducted once but can it be true? But again my dots don't form a triangle just a square

Anonymous said...

I have always had two marks like that on my right wrist. I forgot about them until I read this. I can now only see one. Under bright light I can see a triangle of three, 3/8" apart. I freaked out when I saw the posted picture of "MY" weird holes I've always had on my arm.

lizard said...

I have a perfect triangle made up of three scars on my right outer thigh. I always assumed they were vaccination scars. When I was younger they were quite prominent, as I continue to age they continue to fade. I am 60. Female. I was given a oral polio vaccine in the US around the third grade. Prior to that I received a smallpox vaccine on my left heel, per my father's order, so that any scarring would be concealed. The three scars on my right thigh have no vaccine story or record associated with it. I had german measles in the second grade & mumps in the fourth. I was vaccinated with BCG to prevent TB but that was an injection that left no scar. Where did the triangular scar pattern come from, I dont know. One thing is that these scars form an equelateral triangle. My intuition tells me there is a story to those scars & I am curious to know it. However, intuitively I also know that these scars are of earthly origin. My back has many sun freckles. The freckles lend themselves to many possible illustrations & geometric figures. The human imagination is infinite.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I too have the perfect triangle on my right arm. Would also like to know how come not many are RH Negative blood type as I am

Anonymous said...

I too have 3 small triangular dots, located on my top left shoulder. I believe, in my opinion, people with these 3 triangular dots were abducted by an alien species for reasons unknown. I only hope, it was for something positive. Maybe we were chosen so the aliens could modify us for certain purposes. I didn't realize how there are so many people who have these 3 triangular dot markings on their bodies too. It's strange.

Anonymous said...

I also have these strange dots near my right eye, kinda like Ice Cube but they seem to be indented freakles. Just as small and perfect as most of yours. I noticed mine after a strange dream. I was out front of my home, i looked up and there were 4 full moons at a 45 degree angle. After, I walked to the garage and near the fridge was a 4ft robotic owl. Strange I know. But i have been looking for answers ever since. If anyone can shed some light message me at

Anonymous said...

i have mine tattooed they are sick perfect triangle...wait..on my hand..second time i tattooed them also found on foot ..look ...alien? yes..kind? dont know but thank heavens im still here...i love my dots

Anonymous said...

maybe bad to died

Anonymous said...

For those of you who can't remember and have the money to do this go under deep hypnotherapy you might be able to recall some events in your sleep while they record you talking about what happened while your there in your head it brings up forgotten submerged memory's so I just say do it with caution might not see something you want

Anonymous said...

I have three seperate dot marks on my body..all make a perfect triangle..all tiny, painless and no memmory of how they occured. I have researched this a lot and ive discovered mostly legend and myths..nothing of great medical findings or research. The truth is the body is still a very big mystery to us and although we like to believe that we are advanced..we indeed have miles to go before we sleep :) rashes can cause scaring..sun exposure can cause scars..injuries from bites or water animals..or tiny mites can leave scars..who knows what it is or where it came from. I however find it a scientific beautiful mystery that whatever it is can be so mathmatically correct...that is where we would find an answer..u would think. I have not been able to discover a tool in use now or ever in the recorded history of medicine of a tool with that measurement..nor have any documented natural scaring of a wound...ever had the same perfect mathmatical it something awesome like aliens or the supernatural..that would make one feel a great sense of purpose wouldnt it? If it was...we will never know...expecially those with the you tell the test mice what your doing when you experiment?...nope. I guess..its a good thing there is no pain..and one can only hope whatever it is..its nothing to cause worry or harm. I will certainly keep up my search..and I encourage you to dig into your own curiositys..never stop asking why..the why is always important.

Lizabeth said...

O_neg blood...fair many moles from head to foot..many make perfect triangles..i have the big dipper in percect form on my butt pun intended..i traced it on paper once and it did line up perfectly...i made my mother extremly ill when she was carring me so much so that I was born early..i was small and have many strange things on my medical chart..starting from birth. O_ neg blood types are the only humans that can only survive with like can not mix parts or blood..our bodies reject it. That automatically sets us apart from the rest, there is seperate medical pratices because of people with o_ neg I cant successfully carry a fetus that doesnt match my blood type with out getting a shot that prevents my blood from attacking it...our system runs a tight ship..nothing that isent a exact match to the original will last without medical manipulation. I have many questions about why this happens, but I am not a doctor..nor do I wish to be. Perhaps another out there needs certain parts to survive..perhaps we are their only fit..the only blood to sustain in a system. I would like to ask questions if im being tested on..whos to say I wouldnt willingly help if given the information. I know what its like to loose because my body rejected what didnt match me..ive suffered greatly..if I could help another from that, I day perhaps I will have a conversation with a unidentified being..that would a awesome reflection to life id love to see.

Anonymous said...

Brief description of myself:

I have an equilateral triangle, only freckles on my left wrist (Approximately 1" each side) I'm AB+, female/31 and use to be a Naval Engineer. My ancestors were Welsh, right handed, have issues conceiving, insomnia - check. I'm a Leo, born on the cusp, my "numerology path" is a 7; while in school, I excelled at math and science. People would describe me as being analytical and cautious.

Not quite sure of any spiritual/astronomical connection? If I find out, I will keep you posted.

Anonymous said...


While skimming through several blogs and commentary, I have found several theories from Alien Abductions, Beauty Marks, Star-Seeds, Indigo & Crystal Children, ET Tagged Markings, etc. One thing for certain, a handful of people have these similar markings.

My favorite thus far:

"If You have Three Dots In A Triangular Shape on your Body Or You Often See Three Dots In A Triangular Shape Indicates That You Have Divine Protection From Three Main Forces Of The Universe - Creator, Sustain-er & Destroyer. It Also Indicates Proof Of Existence Of God."

Possibly because it references safety, and who wouldn't want to feel safe? Especially considering the world these days..

As far back as I can remember, I have always had a connection with the constellation Orion, maybe because I could see it from my bedroom window every night as child? Whether or not this is related, who knows? I do however have very vivid dreams, so maybe I will find my answer within myself. (When I was in high school, before the age of Google, I started to explore my subconscious, without even knowing that was what I was doing) I am not a very religious person, maybe a little spiritual, but I was hoping through this quick skimming of research I would find something, if anything? I thought about the hypnosis, but the thought of someone tinking with my brain and squawking like a chicken every time the phone rings is not my cup of tea. :)

I do think the puncture markings are a whole different ballgame considering how Pres. Eisenhower signed the Greada treaty and sold many of innocent people out in the name of technology; sounds like the guy was a real winner. (Possibly a tagging or branding?)

Seeing how these are equilateral triangles, whether they are pointing up, down, left, right, is really ones own perception, in regards to "actual meaning" Organizations have adopted symbols throughout time, so I suppose it really boils down to the nitty-gritty aspect.

I am very curious to read others stories in the near future.. and see if we have similar personality traits and characteristics:

Almond Shaped Brownish Green Eyes
Strawberry-Blond Straight Hair
Fair Skinned
Thin - Not Anorexic
Cancer - Leo Cusp
July 24 1983 (7)
Married - No Children
Middle Child
Navy Brat/Navy Vet
Strong Memory
Love Puzzles and Cryptology
Love Astronomy
Love Culture & Languages
Love the Ocean and Traveling

Basically, I find this topic to be rather fascinating. :)

Anonymous said...

I use to have a reoccurring dream throughout my early childhood that I was being chased around my hometown back in Texas by a black-pebbled-eyed, gray, cracked skin, "man". When I saw the star trek movie last year with Zoe Saldana, the primitive creatures on the planet in the very beginning of the movie shared an uncanny resemblance to this "man" in my "dreams"except in my dream/memory/delusion he wore no "clothes" but had no genitals. I still remember the sheer terror I felt and still feel when I think back about it. Not just the "man"but the thought of what he would do to me once he caught me... I'm a 26 year old black man and no one I know even believes in the idea of other life forms such as "aliens". Oddly enough, I have always known. My own UFO sightings, exposed government cover-ups, and most peculiar incident in 2012 further convinces me, that as crazy as it sounds, my "dream" was a precursor to my recollection of something I can't explain. It was the night of the blue moon around September in 2012 when my neighbors, girlfriend, and I witnessed a UFO in the Georgia skies around midnight. Standing in the road to get an unobstructed view WE saw a shining, color-changing, UFO. We were so frightened we called the local police and the dispatcher laughed and mentioned the blue moon.
A cop never came, but their were several military jets flying towards it but would never get to it. WE watched this for almost two hours. A few nights later it was back! This time my girlfriend was freaked out so she went inside and encouraged me to do the same. Something however compelled me to stay and watch. Again, the military jets tried to get close to the UFO to no avail. Every time they got a certain distance it was as though they had to turn. Hours later I went to bed. My night was restless. I awoke with several triangles composed of three perfectly symmetrical circles along my back and side of waist. These marks were inexplicable and my girlfriend at the time was convinced that I had been abducted. The marks were prominent that morning but by the next day they had all but vanished!!! OH, MY GOD, did I get abducted? Someone out there please tell me...

Anonymous said...

I just got one of those on my foot. I took a picture because other things have been bugging me. Now I had those same indentations pictured above before??? That's a bit freaky because I have often wondered about them myself not seen since maybe early 80's.

Kymimom said...

My daughter has same triangle indentations on her earlobe. No she was not born with them,I discovered them when she was about 6/7 years old. It appeared shortly after she told me about an experience.

Dyllan said...

Hi there, like 2-3 weeks ago I woke up with this 3 dot triangle on my left arm right above my forearm. Iv searched and searched but can't find anything else except what is being said in the comments. I will say that at 17 years of age I have serious insomnia issues and a few months ago I started noticing strange things going on. Sometimes at like 3:00 in the morning I'll be laying down trying to sleep and things go silent and a weird pulsing feeling comes over me. I don't rememer much after that usually but I usually wake up feeling like I hadn't slept at all that night. Or as if something happened that I should remember. But I'm curios overall about the triangLe. At first 3 dots were distictive but now its only 2 but you can see the 3rd if looked at in certain light. I haven't been able to get any info from anywhere else and I'm super curios about the entire topic. Anything known would be helpful.

Anonymous said...

ihave 3 dots /scars like that on my arm too! And i know where i got them. when i was a kid i would break out in exima and one time when that happened it lift me with three bumps but after a while they sunk in.hopefully this can help you.

Anonymous said...

I came back from a trip to Yucatan Mexico. I am olive skinned due to my latin/hispanic genetics but on the lighter side. While in Mexico, I intentionally tanned to get darker and one day long behold I noticed the three moles that all of a sudden appeared on my left arm above my wrist area. I feel they are meant to be there symbollically but dont know for what purpose. Spiritually I thought it could have been related to going to the Mayan ruins in Tulum. Maybe theres a spiritual connection there or with being by the beach? Funny that in no other location did I gain any moles or freckles as much as I tanned out there.

Unknown said...

Im B+ and have equilateral triangles all over me in scars, freckles n strawberry spots, could just be coincidence.

tonijr555 said...

Im b+ too. I have the same perfect triangle moles on my arm beside the armpit.

Unknown said...

Hi everyone I also have three dots, buy mine are on my upper chest right in the centre I have had them as long as I can remember I am 18 now. Could anybody tell me in detail what this is. And also I would take a picture to show you all but not sure how to upload it.

Unknown said...

Hi, I recently had a dream too, where I would wake up in a dream I think. And look out the window but would notice where I am. But then I would try and walk out the room but I can't something kept pulling me back in and everytime I fought against it I was falling asleep, this is all in the dream by the way. And then suddenly I wake up but into another dream. And finally when I woke up into the real world I was so tired really tired. I could hardly move.

Unknown said...

Hi, I recently had a dream too, where I would wake up in a dream I think. And look out the window but would notice where I am. But then I would try and walk out the room but I can't something kept pulling me back in and everytime I fought against it I was falling asleep, this is all in the dream by the way. And then suddenly I wake up but into another dream. And finally when I woke up into the real world I was so tired really tired. I could hardly move.

Anonymous said...

I have it to, but it's on my right hand. It's been really bothering me. I have trouble sleeping at night, but the past 3 nights i go yo my room, get on my phone, and then all of the sudden i wake up in the morning. Each time i found a new spot on my hand.

Unknown said...

What is everyones date of birth on here?

Unknown said...

My daughter was born with three perfect dot indententions on her back exactally 1.5cm apart. She is now 5 and they have not faded. I have always wondered as to there origin and at her birth all of the doctors who viewed them had no explanation

Anonymous said...

Hello my 13 year old girl has a triangle shape on her chin 2 of the spots that make the triangle are small and the other is little bit more noticeable. She has had since she was born. They are lunar spots.

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm 36 and mine are on the left side of my chest right below my breast, iv had them for as long as I can remember. Iv been having pain in that area for about a year now and doctors can't find a reason. It really frustrating not knowing what the marks mean or if there is some meaning to them.

Unknown said...

Hi all
My name is marwah Iam 30 years old and I has a triangle shape on my left arm with another black mole in my palm

Unknown said...

Hi all
My name is marwah Iam 30 years old and I has a triangle shape on my left arm with another black mole in my palm

Unknown said...

i have also 3 dot moles exactly in a shape of triangle in my right cheek. They are not so small but not that big. The one (head of triangle)is bolder than two others. If look at it closely there is a little dim line matching three of them. perfect and strange triangle like a stamp. i'm in a zodiac of libra and from asia. sometimes i wonder if they have any meaning or is a kinda sign..

Zioui said...

I've had some odd experiences. And I woke up this morning with yet another triangle mark. I don't really have a solid opinion, just odd experiences, trivial really. I've had hives? For over a month and that's what had me researching Is something biting me and causing the hives? And I stumbled here. Yes we had a thunderstorm last night. I was also up and down a lot dealing with my daughter's fever. And oddly after waking up with my one millionth triangle this morning, my hives are better. Perhaps my ET friends took pity on me and administered an antihistamine , lol. But as I was reading these for kicks, I thought of an odd scar of my daughters. It's under her eye..... Tiny little geometrical puncture marks that fade a reappear in certain light of when she gets extremely emotional. Otherwise, they are invisible. I know exactly were they came from. She was mauled by a dog when she was one and a half years old. But like I said they do look weird and if she grew up and no one told her about the dog bite, I can see her being just as mystified. My other daughter has freckle on her foot. When she was a newborn, she had a test done and the scar left the freckle on her heal, thirteen years later, the freckle is directly under her pinky toe: and the mysterious explaination is that her foot grew!!! I watched it travel because I used to kiss that freckle and although she is too big for a kiss on her barefoot, I still check on her freckle once in a while .... So sometimes there are reasonable explanations for weired scars, and there probably is some weird crap visiting from the sky too. But don't stress out about it too much, ok? It might be an injury no one told you about or a migrating freckle.... The world is a mysterious place, lol

This comment has been removed by the author.

I know I might sound a little crazy but try to keep an open mind. My husband showed me these similar markings that he has years ago and told me that he was abducted by extraterrestrial beings during one of many sleep paralysis moments that use to occur frequently. He had plans to undergo a hypnosis regression to really know what really happen but got a little cold feet and decided to do his own research on it instead and sure enough he has found many others with the same markings and reports of missing time. I just took these photos the other night of his ankle and was debating on sharing it on this post. I hope I was able to wake some of you up on what has been happening to a lot of people. I also shared a link below.

With all due respect, this post is in no way intended to offend anyone's religious beliefs or points of view in regards to this matter.

You can see the image of the triangular markings on my husbands left inner ankle below by copying and pasting the link below into you address bar:

Below I've shared a link to share the awareness.

Higher frequencies said...

I've been researching. Watching documentaries, these dots are in videos with hitler, magical symbols, alien, Illuminati, Masons....
I know many people that have the dots, mine are solid white, burned in I guess. But my life has been nothing short of unique.. I know things, have seen things, dreamed things... Been tormented and cast out demons, wether you believe or makes it no less true, I know it has to do with God, Lilith, the keys of Solomon, Tetragrammaton.. Creation and energy...frequencies... But I am different from all I know, my faith in God is unshakable, my thought process is different, I believe in different ways, I preached to a girl and she bust out in hives...
Crazy things have happened in the last 18 months. From Djinn to reptilian. Proof of both..

Unknown said...

I have 3 small puncture marks on abdomen in perfect triangle for years since high school. they came from nowhere. not fading at all. Just came to my attention when I saw a ufo documentary that mentioned such markings.

Unknown said...

Hi I have 3 dots right in the centre of my chest had them forever. One off the dots have seemed to have faded away but not totally.

Anonymous said...

Hi, just trying to find answers... woke up this morning with 3 puncture wounds in triangle on my right leg... i remember them from my childhood... itchy.. i have had weird dreams last few nights. my elbows are hurting like they are bruised/strained.. i dont know why.

nova** said...

I have the same 3 dots on my left forearm, noticed them when I was a child 6 yrs of age or 7.These dots have never changed a bit,I am now 41 yrs old and still wonder what caused these 3 perfect tiny dots in a form of a triangle. I too suffer from insomnia for so many years now, every now and again I seem to wake up around 3am to a fog or mist in my room,when I wake up and see this,I fear my apt is on fire because I wake up already so scared even before I open my eyes,this fog disappears in a few seconds after waking up,no smell or noise when this happens. SO strange! I wonder if anyone with these marks have had similar experiences.I experience this once or twice a month for more than 30years now. I wonder if its related to these markings as my research on these sleepless events suggest the possibility of alien abductions.

Daniel said...

I have this in my both arms in the exactly same place

Anonymous said...

I found this post years ago, interesting to see so many more comments. I have 2 indentations, outer wrist - about 5 if the back of my hand had a clock on it. They look like a snakebite, slightly angled. My mother said they have been there for as long as she can remember, but she is an unreliable person for memories. I was told I had eye surgery when I was two, but it seems doubtful to me due to our finances at that time, and no eye doctor has ever confirmed appearance of previous scarring. I do, however, have memories of doctor's visits that my mother says she has no memory of. (these memories are of myself from above myself looking down, a common disassociation reaction to trauma). I've had several heavy-sleep panic episodes, where I was desperately trying to wake myself up to avoid a feeling of a presence in my bedroom doorway. This has always occured when I was alone in the entire house/building, never when anyone else was present. I have no idea if any of this means anything, but I do find it all very odd. iw

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike. I have exactly the same triangle shape mark on my left arm. Apparently mine are not dots like yours but the distinct brown moles in the shape of the perfect triangle. They appeared in 2012 December when my awakening process occurred. I strongly believe that those are starseeds marks. Being a wanderer on this planet ( confirmed by my multiple astral projection) , I might just have them as a sign of the belonging to a particular star family.
I do have one deep dot same like urs on my right palm aswell but that one I have since my early childhood.
Have u already found out for urself what those marks can be or mean to you personally?
Nothing is odd so triangle shape marks are not just a sking abbreviation 2.))
Wish you love and light on your journey.

JohnBoy said...


I live in England, 49 year old male. Woke up a year ago with 3 puncture marks on my right wrist. Thet were not equidistant, they formed a obtuse-angled triangle with perfect mirror symmetry. That night I had experienced a very powerful, exhausting dream I could not recall. I have published some futuristic sci fi but don't really believe in aliens. I am often described as gifted or unusual and have nothing in common with my family. Thoughts?

Luke B. said...

Hi, I'm 17 and had the triangle as long as i could remember but mine is below my right pex and pointing down with another dot above it. If traced together it makes an upside down cross. Has anyone had one of these marks? I'd like to know what it means besides "aliens." Is there a language or letter in a culture that uses these symbols? Please let me know @

Anonymous said...

Chicken pox scars.. just happen to make a shape.

Indigo Furian said...

Not Alien, but federal abduction. I guess you all live near by areas where hidden military bases are settled, like near great lakes, mountains and places like that. Utah, Nevada, Many places at West and Eastcost. The US Army is testing biological and psychological weapon systems on its own people!!!!!!
Install cameras with moving activation bit extreme small ones. Tell NOBODY ABOUT THEM DONT SPEAK ABOUT THEM SHOW OR EVEN BUY THEM FOR YOURSELF. Pay an homeless (yeah its ...hmmm but what to do) to buy them and place them in an big store somewhere many people are at or no cameras like in a toilet. INstall them quickly in a daaaark night....than watch "The Men in Black" aware....Indigo Childs may help dor them

Anonymous said...

Hi Neliio,
I have also 4 dots on my right arm, dots are in perfect square shape. I don't remember where they came from.

Unknown said...

I have similar triangle marks with circle shape in the middle. I have noticed them since the mid-late 70s. Did research every so often as a child to an adult. First time when i saw something similar was when i was a teenager and a family friend had a coin from Al-Anon. So whether it is an abduction mark, mark or sigil or seal of God... we seem to have one or several. We are the... MARKED

Hazel eyes
Drawn to water
Enoy hot weather
Enjoy knowlegde and spirituality
Never had any diseases, (chicken pox, measles, mumps... mother always tried to get me to get them early but never did)
Not allergic to poison ivy, oak, black widows or brown recluse. Swelled with scorpion sting lol


Anonymous said...

I am a 41 year old female and noticed a small triangle of marks on my right ankle. They have been there since I can remember at a very early age. I always thought they were chicken pock marks. This definitely freaks me out that so many have posted here about the same thing. I have had a very strong gut feeling to look this up for a while because I could not get this mark out of my mind. I am even more curious now to know where this has come from!

Unknown said...

I have three dots forming a perfect triangle also on my lower back directly over my spine. I also have recently devolved insomnia. Both my girlfriend and myself have never seen the dots before tonight. I always have my shirt off too. Like many of the other post I lay awake until early morning the wake up later with no memories of the night or any dreams. I think it's probably strange anomaly with everyone else. My guess would be a bug bite, but found it odd with the insomnia and block outs everyone else had. Tried to post a picture but not sure how. Just found it odd that it appeared over night in a perfect triangle on my spine.

Anyone have any info on this contact me

Unknown said...

I have a triangular shape mole on my face. There's one dot in the middle between my eyes, one on the right side of my nose and one on the left side of my nose. Do anyone know what it could possibly mean.

Unknown said...

I got it too! 3 perfect dots on my back. Woke up in the morning and my gf noticed it on my back...apparently I woke up and left the bed twice the night before..

Unknown said...

I don't have a triangle but I have indents circular indents that look like that on my arm

EL said...

Whoa! All these posts have me seriously contemplating the source/ cause/ reasoning behind the dots. I have two of the same dots about 7/8" apart on my wrist forearm. They are roughly 1/16" in diameter. These dots have been on my wrist for as long as i can remember. I have absolutely no recollection of when or how they may have appeared. Looking very puncturesque. I just want to know more


20 year old female
HAZEL eyes
Cancer (2nd decan) born july 9th
olive complexion/brown hair
attracted to water
interest in crystals
fascination with alien beings
contemplates how the world exists
often has super strong memories associated with emotion but
can also have a weak short term memory

EL said...

I also wanted to add that I experience an insane amount of deja vu moments.

These moments occur monthly even weekly or more. These moments seem extremely real and almost as if they happened in a dream, or that I have already done the EXACT same thing. Or perhaps they will happen in the future.

- EL

Unknown said...

I have the same holes but not in a triangle. Have three on my right side arm running down a straight line connecting to my peke and 4 between my chest and my stomach. I'm not what or why they are there but as long as I can remember I had them sense I was a kid.

Unknown said...

Mine look the exact same. I can only see two now as well ( I’m in my twenties). I can’t remember when I first got them either. I’m left handed so I just figured that was why ( doesn’t make sense but...). I only now started to wonder if there were a surgery my parents never told me about.

Anonymous said...

I have 3 dots which forms an equilateral triangle at a distance of 1 centimetre. This is on the left cheek of my face. I am 29 years old and it is like it since childhood.All that I know is I am protected by God and I am thankful to them.

BD said...

Wow - these experiences (especially of EL post above) could be nearly identical description of me except I am 48 years old and male and have not had cancer. I have three dots that appeared overnight in an exact triangle. I am fascinated that your descriptions of interests are so similar and so many experiences of others are so much the same as mine.

Anonymous said...

I have the mark in my chest. You can see it clearly. It's funny, for a long time I was afraid of turning off the lights some nights. I couldn't explain why but I knew "they" would come. I sound cliche right? lol But it doesn't stop it from being real. It wasn't every night. Some nights I would come home from work and then get ready for bed. I'd turn off the lights and this feeling of dread would overwhelm me. I kept thinking, they will come tonight. They will come. Most nights I was terrified. So much, I would turn on all the apartment lights. Always, the same in some of those nights. I woke up between 3-4 in the morning. I'd wake up restless, a dreamless night for me. I hated it. I hated being afraid when I was fearless. Sometimes it was one, most of the time they were several. What did they look like? I don't know. Was it a dream? Maybe. Do I believe in aliens? No. Is it in my head? I don't know. This was in the beginning. I do have to confess that sometimes I just called out to them to show in frustration. This sounds like the rant of a lunatic. I don't know who "they" are. I do not know. I do not see owls, I do not even see shadows. I haven't had visits in over a month. I keep looking at that mark that appeared on my chest randomly though. Too perfect of a triangle. I came to try to find answers in this blog. No such luck yet.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have found something tinier, literally exactly like this on top of my index finger and I’m not sure but think I maybe have seen it before there a long time ago but it sort of feel like I’m having deejavu. They suddenly appeared but they kind of have 3 brown little... things? They will not come off with scratching or washing. They make a perfect triangle just like the larger one on the inside of your arms and the 3rd dot is lighter than the other 2 adjacent from it. I work with a lot of sea food in a restaurant and I was worried it was from one of the creepy ocean crawlers that I was shucking. But now this thread is talking about alien abductions haha oh no. (I only scanned and after I finished writing this, I went to read more, the other experiences are really similar. Kinda spooky.)

illsay said...

I have a perfectly visible triangle, made up of 3 dots on my stomach. I have never noticed them until 2 or 3 years ago but I always thought it could've been from a vaccine so I asked my mother but she said that I've never gotten a single injection or surgery near my stomach! But I think it's whatever! If I were abducted by an alien that would be so cool, that's gonna be my thing now when people ask!

Anonymous said...

I have 3 holes that makes it look like a traingle. I have it beside my right eye. It's very small but I have always wanted to know it means. Some one help?

Unknown said...

Insomnia and infinite energy are symptoms of a manic episode

A. said...

Same just today. This is something else.

A. said...

But mine is not a triangle nor a pattern hexagon or stuff like that.

A. said...

Just a line.

A. said...

Just today

Unknown said...

I have recently discovered 3 small dots in a row on the tip of my right index finger. These dots appeared within the last few weeks.

Ketan said...

Hi, similar story guys glad theres something deep down to it. I have triangle black beauty marks all over my body inlcuding my left arm, around my right eye. Always been a very lucky individual and always able to see various business opportunities and carry them out along with education at ease, i agree with some previous comments about protection but would also like add one word manifestation. Some occurences in life according to probability are very unbelievable. Meeting friends i thought about unexpectidly, predicting my own exam results take these marks as a blessing guys i dont know what they are but hopefully it will mean one day we will make a greater difference in this world.

Anonymous said...

I have 3 small marks that makes a triangle on each of my eyes, and like everyone here I wanted to know if it's normal or what's going on. This mit sound crazy but sometimes I feel like I have repeat my own life many times, I don't know that could be me being paranoid.

Anonymous said...

My mother has that mark or did, on her left shoulder. Said it was from a vaccine

Anonymous said...

I woke with 3 dots on my right hand. Im right handed. I have 3 tiny dots 2 on my belly one on mt torso. Look like lazer scars. 3 dots formed and the number 100 showed up next to it as if im taged.

Anonymous said...

As of june the samethings have been happing to me as well. Im libra. I also see clouds change forms into odd shapes and lights low dense fog at night... around or above my home. Also bomerang shapes of light in the not kidding im normal.

Anonymous said...

I also have the 3 dot moles or freckles on my right bicep I just noticed one day a few years ago, but there's a 4th mole perfectly lined up with the point of the triangle. They all seem to be symmetrical and equally spaced apart. One morning recently I woke up with a dark redness on 2 of the freckles that faded after a few days. I'm not saying that I have been abducted or anything because I have no clear recollection but dreams of seeing UFO's many times hat were very disturbing. I've been wondering about this for a while now & found this site and it is very interesting the amount of people with the same marks. I cannot remember what my blood type is. I have many freckles but just one cluster in this shape, I have Irish decent in my family, not really fair skin but I have always had a lot of moles.

Katie said...

I stumbled across this site as I also have perfect triangle shapes on my skin. Moles or Marks. I have about 5-6 separate areas. They all form a triangle. I also as a child had a sighting of a UFO so much we called the police and the sighting was seen miles and miles away seconds later. Crazy. I remember it like it was yesterday. As a kid I saw strange things to and have suffered with premonitions. Your story is a lot like mine

Unknown said...

Are you a targeted individuals?
I believe targeted individuals would see this mark.
I am a targeted individual, and Ithis triangle pattern appear on me now and then...

Unknown said...

Umm i have dots like that on my elbow um do need help i need to find out why they are there??

Anonymous said...

August 29, 2019, 9 years after this publication, I fall "randomly" on this blog ... incredible. Since my childhood I have a 6 point triangle on the left arm, it always intrigued me. I showed it to a doctor who, while observing it with a magnifying glass, was very shocked to tell me that the burn was going from the inside to the outside. ..mystery. Al from reunion island France

Caitlin Hartung said...

I just found 3 indentation marks on my daughter's rib cage in the shape of a triangle... I'm wondering where they came from. They have been there for over 2 weeks now.

Sunshine AB said...

My dots protrude when I go in the water.. and they feel hard.. it doesn't hurt, I am just curious, I've had this for years..

Cass said...

Hi. I just found fresh marks on my upper left bicep today. Prefect triangle. Looks like puncture marks and they're slightly bruised and slightly sore to the touch. Very small. Dots look like they're evenly spaced apart.
Im 26. Female. Native Canadian.

Anonymous said...

I have since I can remember have had three white dots that form a perfect triangle on my lower back right next to my spine. I also have these lines behind both of my ears and I haven’t found any information on these things over the years. This is the first time I have found any thing remotely close. I have even had a doctor look at both and he could not explain them but told me not to worry about it. I’m 27 now and have always lived in IL.

Unknown said...

Ok, this is freaking me out, I've had the same three dots since I was about 6 years old! On my wrist, sorted as three little spots then went inverted and have three little holes.

Unknown said...

How many of you developed this as a kid and also experienced sleep paralysis since the sane age?

Joe said...

I woke up one morning with a 3 dotted triangle on the left side my face. There’s much more to this story but nobody ever believes me.

Joe said...

I woke up one morning with a 3 dotted triangle on the left side my face. There’s much more to this story but nobody ever believes me.

Anonymous said...

I posted on here in early 2019 about the triangle dots on my arm. I can't remember how long after it was, but I woke up one morning and the 3 dots were red and irritated. This is a very strange thing we all have for sure.

Unknown said...

I have the 3 triangle on my left arm for about the last 2 days but I been seeing alot of things in the sky lately I believe it is aliens

GrokCore said...

Trianglular bumps. Every wound. Tiny black spots buried in the midst shape/morph flesh ranged from callous stone like skin to pouring water.
Djin Hybrid.
Elf is Elyon. Elohim.
Ars Magna Magus

Anonymous said...

I had a dream when I was about 7-8 yeaas old and woke up in the morning with EXACTLY the same puncture marks like yours. Same to same. But on my left arm. In my dream a doctor had put them on my arm that's all I remembered. Since then, theyve never faded away.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I have here an excerpt from my account, "My Secret Life" that I would like to
share with you. It certainly is not definitive,but offers a possibility:

The Mark

One morning in the early 1990’s, I awoke to find a strange mark on the left side of
my chest. It consisted of a perfectly round dark red patch about the size of a
dime. Within this area were three small darker red spots that if connected by lines
would form a perfect upside down equilateral triangle. At first I thought it might
be some sort of an insect bite, but I have never seen anything like this before. It
appeared too perfectly formed to be a bite. After a few days, the mark began to
fade. Eventually it disappeared altogether. For years I puzzled at this mark,
wondering what in the world it was and how it had appeared upon my body. One day,
in 2019, a co-worker told me she had a dream in which a triangular image appeared.
She puzzled over what significance that image had for her. I then remembered that I
had a dictionary of symbols and I told her that I would see if I could find in the
book the image in her dream. I thoroughly went through the book but could not find
any image that matched what she had described. What I did find, by accident,
stunned me. What I found was the image of the mark that had appeared upon my chest.
I have come to call this the “mark of the skull”. It was described as an alchemical
symbol representing caput mortuum, nigredo, death’s head, or the skull. It
represented the beginning of the process in alchemy of transforming the earthly
human into spirit. Caput mortuum, itself, literally means “dead head” and refers to
a skull and worthless residue or useless substance. Nigredo is an alchemical term
that literally means “blackness”. It refers to decomposition and putrefaction.
“Nigredo is sometimes called ‘blacker than the blackest black’”.1 It was believed in
alchemy that in the first step to creating the philosopher’s stone, that “all
alchemical ingredients had to be cleansed and cooked extensively to a uniform black
matter”.2 Furthermore, “In analytical psychology, the term became a metaphor 'for
the dark night of the soul, when an individual confronts the shadow within'.”3 ...

1 Gillabel, Dirk. "Alchemy: 1.3 Nigredo – Blackness", House of the Sun.

2 Wikipedia contributors. "Nigredo." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 10 Dec. 2019. Web. 26 Jan.

3 Ibid

Anonymous said...

I have three of these on my arm in a straight line, three on my cheek bone in a straight line, five on my stomach and around twelve on my back. I have never been vaccinated so it can’t possibly be caused by vaccines in my case. I have always stared at the ones on my arm and wondered about them. I never really noticed the others until a couple of years ago. I seriously want to know what they are!!

Anonymous said...

These appear to be chicken pox scars.

A said...

I have this marks in both of my arms, the left one is exactly like the one here at the picture and right one is very clear, when I put both arms together both lines up perfectly.

Hallie said...

I have 3 perfect dots on my leg. But mine also appear in my sheets and on my jeans some how 😂

Jr said...

Mine are exactly inch and 3/8 apart. On the inside of my left arm above the bend in my arm. Strange.

Unknown said...

Have you found anything else out about the dots?

Melanie Simms said...

I had 3 puncture dots in a perfect triangle -- I found them on my left wrist back in 2016 while living in Bloomsburg, PA. I recall other odd experiences in that apartment --- a dream about someone taking blood out of my left arm from some kind of exam, and a sense of someone looking into my apartment. One night I felt compelled to go outside my apartment late at night and saw a huge volkwswagon sized orange ball of light -- it was an orb -- looked like plasma inside it or a small sun. It must have been harnassing a huge amount of energy within it. I havent been able to forget that night and its been 4 1/2 years now. I suspect it was ET in nature.

Sandy Soto said...

I just experience the wonders of Dr. Twaha herbs. God will continue to bless you Dr. Twah more abundantly for the good work you are doing in peoples life by curing them from different type of diseases. I will keep on testifying about your good work. I was living with Herpes 6 months ago and my doctor told me that there is no cure. I did not believe him and i keep my faith up hoping that one day i will be cured from this horrible disease. One day i saw a post on diabetes forum about a herbal doctor called Dr. Twaha on how he cure people from diseases with his root and herbs and i quickly contact Dr. Twaha  on his email and explain my problem to him and he told me not to worry that he is going to cure me and truly he prepared the herbal medicine and send it to me through UPS courier  delivery service and gave me instructions on how to take it. After 14 days of taking  the herbal medicine , i went to my doctor for checkup and my herpes result show Negative and my doctor told me that there is no trace of herpes  in my body and the herpes  is completely gone You can also be cured from any type of diseases by contacting Dr. Twaha on his email: or WhatsApp him on +2349038518881 God bless you

VERA WHITE said...

I am here to give my testimony about Dr Oluta who helped me.. i want to inform the public how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by Dr Oluta, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedies on HERPES and I saw comments of people talking about how Dr Oluta cured them. When I contacted him he gave me hope and sent Herbal medicine to me that I took for just 2 weeks and it seriously worked for me, my HERPES result came out negative. I am so happy as I am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that there is no cure for herpes that is Not true just contact him and get cure from Dr Oluta healing herbal cure of all kinds of sickness you may have like
HERPES. he also cure my friend from cervical cancer Email: or whatsapp him on +2349065326267

Lori said...

This is so interesting. I also have a triangl 3 dots 3/8" exactly dot to dot. I have been looking for years for an explaination. I have a doctor friend that I consulted. I asked her if there is any kind of shot or test that could have caused this mark and she said no. She is perplexed. Unlike most of you, my mark is directly in the middle of the palm of my right hand. They are bumps. I don't know when they appeared but I have had them for many years. I wish I could find the cause.

Anonymous said...

My X girlfriend had the 3 dots in a triangle show up on her inner thigh one day I noticed it and I know for a fact she didn't always have it but I never got anything out of her about it, even today if I txt and ask her she won't talk about it. It's not like she don't know it's like she don't want to talk about it or can't talk about it. Idk . Hers was kind of bigger than the pic of the ones here, they were about as big around as a cigarette and maybe 3/4 of an inch apart and they look like burns.They do make a perfect triangle tho.I find it mind blowing to see how many people actually has these and nobody knows what it is or how it got there.

Anonymous said...

I was going to write more but couldn't edit it so I'm making another, back then I wasn't as schooled in the ufo topic, but knowing what I know now I do think it was something to thst nature that caused it to her because how could it go from nothing to pure scars overnight like that.i have no idea why you all have it but I hope we all find out sooner or later, I do believe that they are from other dimensions tho rather than another planet, because they don't affect our laws of physics at all. Also Genisis 6 in the Bible references what I think it has to do with and there's there's whole book ,the book of Enoch that talks about fallen angels inner breeding with humans. It is all wild to even think about but why do abducties talk about them doing procedures on them and stuff like that? Idk but them being something like fallen angels makes more sense to me than them being from another planet.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I had to write one more because I thought I was replying to my first post, but the lat two were mine the second one is referring to the first that my X had them show up on her and not long after that she left to boot camp for the Navy and we split up, so I never got any info out of her about it and she still won't tell me. I'm not thinking it has to do with the Navy even tho she told me they did give her a shot of stuff so thick it was called peanut butter shot but not on her inner thigh and not 3 pronged.

Anonymous said...

Joen come on buddy everybody is is open to hear any story. If anybody believes you it will be these people, tell your story.

Anonymous said...

This recent youtube may be of interest as it specifically mentions the three dots and who put them there. I hope it is of help to some. Search: Trance Channeling Kaia, A Pleiadian Galactic Fleet Commander- Implants, Galactic War & Earth History

Anonymous said...

I have just realized I have this as well. Question have you noticed a green dot as well?

Anonymous said...

Targeted ? I have found I have abilities. Um is this alien, dimensional beings ? Good or bad ?

fox404 said...

I had this and concluded - Aliens- I have two memories which make no other sense than being taken. Mine was on the left when I awoke the morning, not insect, not plant, not anything around I scoured the room. I still try to reason it was something else but come back to it. I want them to answer and I am asking politely.

Anonymous said...

I have scars in my left arm that are in a triangle form wish I could send a picture of it but can't seem to weird thing is its in the exact form of a birthday card I give my grandma when I was 2 I wrote my name and the o was a triangle just like the dots on my arm now just wondering people's thoughts

Anonymous said...

I have this also on my left forearm and was born in 1974.