Tuesday, April 23, 2013

audio conversation with Jim Marrs

investigative reporter and author, Jim Marrs

This guy shouldn't really need any kind of introduction, anyone who has made it to this site should be familiar with his books and on-line presence.

one-click audio download HERE

 (or use this tidy little player)
We cover a long list of topics in this one hour interview. Topics include UFOs, abductions, mind-control, the recent bombings in Boston, the JFK assassination, the global elite, ancient aliens, distorted time—and yes—the very nature of reality! Jim's books can all be found at his website: A View From Marrs. Jim is also a frequent guest and co-host on Whitley Strieber's audio series DREAMLAND.
The Secret of Red Gate / full documentary

Part of our conversation is about his documentary The Secret of Red Gate. This is about an isolated town in Montana with a wealth of UFO activity, from lights in the sky to a series of abductions.
from my sagging book shelves


Trish said...

I'll be back for this one!

God Loves Ugly said...

The conspiracy crowd has become the boy who cried wolf. Leaping to assumptions based on sloppy reporting of an intense, unfolding situation is as ridiculous as CNN's epic blunder with regard to the 'dark skinned suspect in custody'... who didn't exist. The Saudi with gunpowder on him? He was injured in the blast! The police questioned him a bit, and then left him alone. It was simple profiling - which happened throughout the day, like when the BPD pulled over a cab with two Middle Eastern guys in it, handcuffed them, and detonated a suitcase. Profiling, paranoia, release.

I was watching a Boston news station as reports of the older brother's death came out. Initial reports mentioned blast wounds to the torso, and specifically said they were caused by a device he was trying to use against the police. And when the younger brother broke free, they mentioned the fear that he COULD have an explosive vest - or really, just any kind of explosive device. Whatever else got said, again, can be chalked up to the fog of war and over eager reporting. Additionally, a resident who lived right where the first battle went down took a bunch of pictures from his apartment on the second story. He has since removed them, due to the ongoing investigation, but they were very clear. This was not 'staged'.

The only angle with merit, thus far, is the fuzzy information about surveillance of the suspects from the FBI, which given their proven track record of involvement in previous nefarious events, raises a red flag. The 'contractors'? While we might should be concerned such types are being used as security at events like marathons, their presence is proof of absolutely nothing, other than... their presence. Their backpacks? I'd bet money they contained tactical gear, which if they had strapped all over their body, would make it hard for them to be subtle, or blend in. It's makes zero sense they'd all be mulling around the scene if they were perps. This is just absurd.

I grew up near there. I spent 6 years in Watertown. I know every street corner people saw on the news. I even know a couple of cops. I care as much about this as anyone, and I am well versed on the topic of 'conspiracies' in general. Some are provably true, others, provably false. Most, indeterminable.

To come full circle, I am blown away and extremely annoyed by the barrage of 'inside jobbers' jumping all over me for being more circumspect. And beyond that, they utterly discredit the entire endeavor - for truth, understanding, peace, justice, etc. - by this knee jerk, arrogant, shrill behavior. As for Alex Jones, well, from the government's perspective, I imagine they think, "with enemies like this, who needs friends?" Nobody hurts the 'movement' more than that fear mongering ape. Everybody needs to listen to his Y2K broadcast on YouTube; says it all. He is awful. I am extremely disappointed in Jim on this one. Extremely.

Mike Clelland! said...

As far as the events in Boston. I really didn't want to go there. Mostly because I haven't followed it in any meaningful way, so it would be silly for me to comment.

The one thing I was shocked about was the immediate internet frenzy of poorly thought out scenarios. It seemed like a kind of collective paranoia gone wild. That was (and is) so frenetic that it kind of freaked me out.

Now, I haven't heard what Alex Jones actually said in the follow up to the event in Boston, so I can't comment on that (that was what Jim Marrs said, right?).

But, I can say that I find Alex Jones to be such a shrill personality that I avoid him. I haven't followed him, not because of his statements (which I don't really know of) more that he just annoys me.

Brizdaz (Darren) said...

"But, I can say that I find Alex Jones to be such a shrill personality that I avoid him. I haven't followed him, not because of his statements (which I don't really know of) more that he just annoys me."

I can understand you not agreeing with Jones work if you looked into it,but I can't understand you making judgements on someone just because they annoy you.
What if someone said,
"Mike Clellend,he is an absolute kook,I've never looked into what he says though,because the guy annoys me" ?

There are a lot of people that annoy me with there mannerisms and the way they go on and treat people,but I still look into their work and judge their work not their annoying personal quirks that personally bug me.
We all have annoying traits that are going to bug someone,but I don't think we should let that cloud our judgement.
Personally I think Alex Jones is a shrill too,but I arrived at that conclusion by looking into his work first.
Sorry if you find this comment annoying.-)

tinyjunco said...

oh for heaven's sake.

none of us has unlimited time, and none of us has any obligation to listen to any person, in real life or otherwise, if we don't want to. Life has hassles enough without people making others feel 'obligated' to listen to people whom they find obnoxious.


Anonymous said...


As a bibliophile, I'd love to see pictures of your complete library of books and sagging shelves sometime. Do you think you can do this? It'd be interesting to see what you've read/are reading too.


Red Pill Junkie said...

Well, I happen to agree with God Loves Ugly. Jones didn't care to wait until the dust of the blasts had settled down to start yelling his 2 favorite words --"False Flag!" Ugh...

And now the media pundits are going to have a field day with him because Tamerlan happened to be one of his loyal fans —which frankly amounts to nothing much IMO, because we're always on the lookout for easy escape goats, and blaming tragedies on rock & roll and violent videogames just don't cut it anymore.

But, aside from that, a very enjoyable interview Mike. I found many things Jim said fascinating, including his very Castañedian belief that everything in the Universe is fields of energy —I on the other hand am moving to consider that everything is composed of Consciousness & Information.

I also liked his ideas on how the UFOs affect Time, which is why the motor engines stop. It reminded me of something Bill Moore & Greg Bishop discussed on an old episode of Radio Misterioso —basically: what about airplanes, then?

Brizdaz (Darren) said...

"none of us has unlimited time, and none of us has any obligation to listen to any person, in real life or otherwise, if we don't want to."

I'm not saying you have to read or listen to everything,I'm saying how can you make a judgement on anyone's work if you haven't listened to what they say and you make a judgement on their work only because you find them an annoying person?

Mike Clelland! said...

There are only a few words in this interview where Jim Marrs says that Alex Jones did a good job with his initial reporting of the events in Boston.

I have tried more than once to watch (or listen) to Alex Jones, but I just can't get into it.

Also - I have been thinking about doing a photo essay of my book collection. Someday...

gheron said...

I have been listening to Jim for years and enjoyed this. I have also listened to a fair bit of Alex Jones for a bit, but no longer.

I have recently been listening to Douglas Rushkoff talking about his new book Present Shock.

One of the things he spoke about was an idea he calls fractalnoia. He describes this as making sense of our world entirely in the present tense, by drawing connections between things – sometimes inappropriately. The conspiracy theories of the web, the use of Big Data to predict the direction of entire populations, and the frantic effort of government to function with no “grand narrative.” He cautions that the result of constantly drawing all these connections can easily be paranoia.

Obviously I wouldn't be on this site if I didn't have an interest in conspiracy theory and synchronicity, but I feel we must be cautious.