Saturday, December 26, 2015

owl on Christmas morning (updated)

eerie cell phone image of an owl
I received an interesting comment from a fellow named Robert, it arrived on Christmas morning. It was on the post about the missing text in the owl book (below from Dec. 19). These are the kinds of accounts I have been receiving since the publication of the book. His is not the only one, but it is a good example—and he has a photo!

Below is a slightly edited excerpt of his original comment to me.
Mike, even before I found you and your blog, I had been aware of the connection with owls and UFOs—maybe it was from Strieber, I can't remember but I know it was years ago. Well I discovered your blog and was fascinated when you brought the idea back into my awareness. So, two days ago I was listening to The Paracast, and Gene and Chris and Gene announced your new book was out and they hoped to get you on. I thought, cool. So today, Christmas eve, I went to my nieces back patio to smoke a cigarette and listen to a new podcast. Well, it was Where Did The Road Go and they brought up your new book and one of the guests said something to the effect, ‘Oh wow, I'm probably going to start seeing owls everywhere.’ (paraphrasing here). Again I thought how weird to be hearing about Mike's new book, I must get it soon. 
Okay, so this morning, Christmas day at 5 a.m., I walked out on aforementioned patio to smoke and I shit you not—an owl landed five feet from me, stared at me for a few seconds, then gracefully, calmly hopped up onto the little decorative fence and continued to stare at me. I didn't scream or even gasp, I just heard myself say, "Hey Mr. Owl, do you have something to tell me?" Since I had my phone, I slowly walked to within a few feet of this magnificent animal. It let me take a picture! I swear this all happened over the course of like 30 hours. I mostly just feel like, how cool, a little bit of grace and awe from the universe! Synchronicity indeed. But what exactly do I take away from it? Not sure, but I suddenly feel the need to pay a little more attention to my life. Thanks, Robert.
close up of the same photo

New text added December 27th 2015

Robert saw another owl! It happened early this morning.

Here is the message from Robert (excerpt edited slightly):
I stepped out to the back patio off the living room to smoke. The owl, once more, landed on her neighbors patio fence. Since my niece was sitting in the living room and I had only closed the screen door behind me, I said through the screen,"Hey, my owl is back come see.” 
She jumped, phone in hand, and joined me. I didn't change position and told her, I'm going to stand still but the owl may let you get pretty close, just be slow in your approach. I heard her say, "Hey bird, you're so pretty.”  I said please take a picture with your good phone and I'll pass it along to Mike. So she did and here it is [see below]. ... She's very tolerant of her crazy uncle and his "owl" thing, but tonight she was floored by the experience from a place of "I can't believe this magnificent wild creature let me get so close."

Robert’s first owl sighting was early in the morning on Christmas day in Louisiana. The day before, at about 1:45 a.m. a police officer was attacked by an owl that flew into the open window of his car patrol. It happened about 100 miles away in the suburban town of Covington Louisiana. See a TV report of this weird news story HERE. My first thought when I heard about the cop with the owl in the car was “Uh oh!”
Barred owl in a cop car in Louisiana (Dec. 24)
Here's a rundown of all this:

        ~ Cop gets attacked by an owl (Dec. 24)
        ~ Robert sees his first owl (Dec. 25)
        ~ Mike posts about Robert's owl sighting with picture (Dec. 26)
        ~ Robert sees that owl again with picture (Dec 27)

All this happened during a full (or nearly) moon on a holiday noted for an unusual star in the sky heralding a new era of love and forgiveness. And, my missing time event happened on a suburban street named Covington.

Robert ended his most recent email with this: "I've had about as much synchronicity as my tired brain can handle for a bit!"
Barred owl on the same fence in Louisiana (Dec. 27)

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Excerpt from Silver Screen Saucers

Robbie Graham
Hollywood has long had a love affair with the subject of UFOs, but no one has written anything substantial on the subject in recent years. In his newly-released book, Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact from Fantasy in Hollywood's UFO Movies, Robbie Graham presents the reader with a remarkable work of both research and philosophy.

Over the last few years Robbie and I have both been laboring with big book projects focusing on UFOs. We've commiserated and lamented on the challenges of trying to rein in the vital stuff within a swirling sea of dubious information. We are comrades in this strange field.

Below is an excerpt from Robbie's book. He chose to address the abduction lore by conducting interviews with several abductees (or perhaps more correctly, experiencers). These folks give their own thoughts and insights into UFO themed movies. Curiously, I quote Peter in my book, he shows up in the chapter on archetypes.

Meanwhile, in a mutual exchange of ‘UFOs & pop culture’ work, over at Robbie's Silver Screen Saucer site, you can check out an exclusive excerpt from my own newly-released book, The Messengers. The excerpt is from my chapter on Pop-Culture (where I quote Robbie).

Now, enjoy Robbie’s fascinating interview…

Interview conducted April 16, 2015

Peter Faust
Peter Faust came to prominence as an abductee/experiencer with the publication of John Mack’s famous book, Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens (1994), which devoted an entire chapter to his story. Peter was one of Mack’s early patients and appeared alongside the Harvard psychiatrist in an abduction-themed episode of Oprah, which aired in the mid-1990s.
Peter’s story was also central to the award-winning 2003 documentary Touched, which looked sensitively at how the abduction phenomenon can impact the personal lives of experiencers.
Peter’s experiences trace back to his youth, and his first conscious recollection of them came in 1988 at the age of 33. John Mack would later invite Peter to participate in his group therapy sessions, and it was through these, and also through hypnosis, that he began to find the missing pieces of his puzzle.
I asked Peter if his experiences are ongoing. He replied that, although their physical component has ceased, the effect of his experiences, both physical and mental, continues to be felt in his daily life. In this sense, he said, his experience is ongoing and will likely never end. When I asked him if he misses his direct interactions with otherworldly intelligences, he told me: 

When you come back from that experience and go back into ordinary reality, trying to pay the mortgage and the bills and plan for retirement, you know, just back into human existence, there’s a gap there. You’ve reached a state of bliss, you’ve had contact with the divine, or whatever you want to call it, and thereafter there’s always a part of you that thinks ‘those are my people, those are my tribe, that’s my real home,’ and there’s a sense of longing for that, because you’ve had that taste of it. So in that regard I miss it. But I don’t focus on it because I have to live in this world. I think that’s what’s hard for many people who’ve had the contact experience.

RG: UFOs and Hollywood – what are your immediate thoughts?

PF: It seems to me that Hollywood has a history of sensationalizing the phenomenon and consistently presenting it as traumatic – that the beings are malevolent, and that there’s a threat of invasion. 

RG: What’s your emotional state while watching abduction-themed entertainment products? Do they provoke in you a visceral reaction, or are you able to view them with detachment? 

PF: They absolutely elicit a visceral reaction in me of the initial trauma and the disbelief that I felt at the time. It has been very difficult for me to watch these films without being triggered, so I avoid most of them, although I have seen a few over the years. The last one I saw was The Fourth Kind (2009). 

Aside from trauma, the other reaction I have is ‘This is not the whole story.’ It’s disheartening that Hollywood leaves its exploration of the phenomenon at the level of trauma, invasion, and abuse, and that it hasn’t moved into the next level, which I personally have experienced, where these intelligences are trying to break through our consciousness and have a communion with us, a conversation with us, and are trying to impart a message to us.

RG: To what extent are your own experiences reflected in these products?

PF: I would say the initial aspects – the sense of ‘this can’t be happening,’ ‘am I going crazy?, ‘who do I trust, who do I tell?’ The obsessional aspect of it – Close Encounters of the Third Kind captured that well. The complete shattering of one’s belief system and a feeling of alienation, of going crazy, of losing your mind, and the effect that it has on your family and loved ones.

RG: After becoming aware of your experiences in adulthood did you find yourself drawn to UFO-themed entertainment media in the hope of finding answers?

PF: When I first went to Dr. Mack with my experiences in my 30s, he immediately said to me ‘Please don’t read any material or watch any films on this subject, and don’t talk to anybody else, so that our regression hypnosis sessions are not tainted by an overlay of what you’ve read or seen in the media.’ So I did not look at any of these films or read anything on this topic until 1995 or 1996 after John’s book had come out.

RG: Are there any film or TV depictions of the experiencer phenomenon you’ve found to be particularly truthful or authentic?

PF: I would say that there isn’t one film that I can remember that depicts all of it, although I would say there are elements in all these movies that reflect parts of the experience. Certainly Close Encounters of the Third Kind reflected the obsessional tone of it. Communion reflected another tone, and I would say that Taken reflected the feeling and importance of the individual recognizing their experiences and then finding others who have experienced the same. In that show there was a recognition among the characters that they were not alone in their experiences, that they were not isolated, that they were part of a collective experience, whereas in Communion it was more isolated to the individual. 

Another movie, Knowing, was good in the sense that it depicted a consciousness trying to reach us and show us that there are worrying events occurring that they’re aware of, and they’re trying to connect with us. It shows an individual following the threads and coming to the point where he has actual contact with these beings. 

RG: What facets of the experiencer phenomenon would you like to see filmmakers explore more in the future?

PF: What I would love to see Hollywood explore more is the arc of one person, or several people’s lives, who seem to not be connected, and who individually go through the process of horror and disbelief and then move through that to acceptance, then moving to a more mutual contact with the beings to discover their true intent. I don’t want to see any more straight horror films on this subject. I think the general public is ready for a film that depicts people waking up, having the experience, following the experience, people no longer traumatized by the experience, and then moving toward something larger and more profound. A movie more along the lines of Contact. That film took it to the next level. None of the existing films show the transformation that happens for the individual. 

I think the subject as a whole is challenging Hollywood to explore the next arc of this ongoing story, which is ‘how will the collective consciousness of humanity respond to this larger reality?’  

So, in this sense, Contact, Knowing, and even Interstellar are the only films I can think of which depict a higher intelligence trying to communicate a message to us that’s to our benefit, but their methods of communication are mysterious and sometimes scary. Contact and Interstellar actually show us going out into space to meet these higher intelligences, whereas in the 1950s movies, the aliens came to us. But now we’re starting to have the technology to be able to go out there and meet them, and Hollywood is starting to depict that – that we can decipher their communication, we can decipher that they’re trying to connect with us, and that they’re actually trying to help us.

RG: What do you feel is the overall cultural effect of UFO-themed movies? 

PF: It’s been a slow process of disclosure over sixty years using the mediums of our time, the mediums of communication, which are film and television. And I think ultimately humanity is being prepared for contact.

RG: Is this disclosure a planned political strategy, or is it a natural cultural process whereby we’re all subconsciously raising our own awareness of the phenomenon?

PF: Yes, it’s cultural. If we take a step back and put conspiracy theories to one side, I fundamentally believe that there is a collective form of preparation going on through mass media; we’re preparing ourselves for the possibility of contact. The media in any of its forms, from the town crier, to the newspaper, to the radio, to film and television, to the Internet, has always been a way for consciousness to expand; for humanity to broaden its view.

RG: So you feel that Hollywood does have a part to play in this process of awakening and acceptance? That Hollywood wields enough power as a medium to influence what people will think and ultimately do?

PF: Absolutely, because all the seeds of our imagination are planted through film and television at this point in our history, and through the media more broadly. And if the seeds are ‘don’t react with terror, ‘don’t react with fear,’ ‘don’t react with a SWAT team’ then we’ll be more predisposed to that.

Excerpt from:  Silver Screen Saucers: Sorting Fact from Fantasy in Hollywood's UFO Movies, by Robbie Graham (White Crow Books, 2015) Used with permission

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Missing text in the owl book

An update for anyone
who already has The Messengers

The book has been available online since December 3rd, just a day over two weeks now. It took me a little bit to realize that a few key paragraphs were missing from this initial book. This has now been corrected, but the oversight is a bit embarrassing.

click on image for a HI-Rez view

One short sub-chapter went missing during the final editing process and is shared here on this page. The missing section should have been placed right before the Conclusion. This was an important bit, a sort of culmination to some of my more significant experiences.

So, I you have received the book THE MESSENGERS in the first two weeks of its publication, you will want these missing paragraphs.

You can click on the link above and print this one-page PDF. Then fold it in half, it fits nicely in the book on page 373. Kindle users can just add it to their reader as a document.

Another option, just email me and I will happily send you the PDF of the missing text. Find me here:

I apologize for this oversight,
Mike C
Please know, this text will be included in all upcoming editions of the book.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


photo by Carolynn McCann
I now have one of those photos that authors have on the back of their books.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Red Pill Junkie asks some questions about the owl book

art by RPJ
Red Pill Junkie posted a Q&A with me over at The Daily Grail. We talk about the process of creating the big book, The Messengers. He asked really good questions!

At the bottom of the post is a link to a exclusive (and rather lengthy) excerpt from the book.

  Q&A with Red Pill Junkie HERE  
  Excerpt from The Messengers HERE  

RPJ is also following the career path of cartoonist. A path I too have chosen.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

powerful review of The Messengers

A very positive review form a fellow experiencer (linked HERE). Below is an excerpt.
As chaos seems to spiral out of control, readers will find a strange sense of both comfort and awe in recognizing intricate harmony just beyond the veil. When all the old structures fail — in individual lives or in society — unanswerable questions arise. At such moments, remembering the Mystery becomes its own answer. I offer deep thanks to Mike Clelland for his gift to humanity in these challenging times.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

ranked number one

~  the above is a screen grab from Amazon  ~

The book, The Messengers, is ranked #1 in three different categories. This one day after its release. Please know, the book is now available in both print and ebook formats. Click HERE for ordering options.

Friday, December 4, 2015

now available

part research, part personal journey
As of this morning, the big owl book is available
on Amazon Kindle 
  Kindle and Amazon sales linked HERE   
  PAPERBACK version linked HERE  

After nearly three years of all-consuming introspection, my obsessive writing project is complete. When printed up, it comes in at just shy of 400 pages. It's a thick heavy book. Getting this thing done and out there is a huge thing for me. Please know, I will be aggressively promoting for the near future.

You can read Richard Dolan's foreword HERE.

The print version is now available. Within the next few days it should be up on Barnes and Noble too.

  please order through your local bookstore  

Do what you can to support your hometown bookstore. They can easily order it and then call you when it arrives. They usually get free shipping and can sometimes offer a low price. If you give them the number (below), it makes it a little easier to find the book.

ISBN-13: 978-0-9677995-7-5


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Foreword to The Messengers by Richard Dolan

author and historian 
Richard Dolan has just published the big owl book project through his own publishing company. He has also been a unwavering supporter of this rather unconventional work. Any author will go through pangs of insecurity, and Rich has been there to encourage me to trust what I have tried to create. He also wrote the foreword to the book, and this is posted in its entirety below.
Foreword to The Messengers
by Richard M. Dolan

You are about to read one of the most original books ever written on UFOs, one that will make any thoughtful person ask fundamental questions about the nature of reality itself. More than any work in recent memory, it successfully ties the UFO phenomenon not simply to possible extraterrestrial intelligences, but to synchronicities, ancient archetypes, dreams, shamanistic experiences, magic, personal transformation, and death. 
And owls. Because Mike Clelland has gathered together compelling and persuasive accounts from innumerable people who have had UFO sightings and apparent abduction experiences in conjunction with absolutely bizarre experiences with owls. Yes, real owls, not owls as screen memories of something else (although as anyone familiar with abduction research knows, this has been reported from time to time). 
The accounts of these people -- including those of Mike himself -- suggest undeniable synchronicities at work. That is, coincidences that are highly meaningful to the persons involved. So meaningful in some cases that they seem staged for that person, and usually in a manner that only that person could decipher.
This is heady stuff for those of us raised in the standard western-based materialistic rendition of reality, one with a comprehensible cause and effect, and one in which there are no unseen intelligences at work playing us like characters in a video game. And yet, as one goes through account after account of meticulously documented experiences, it becomes hard to avoid thinking along these lines.

 read more below 