Sunday, May 11, 2014

Aleister Crowley, aliens, owls and Jesus

the mysterious Lam, drawn in approx. 1917
Little is known of the origin of the big headed entity known as Lam. All that can be known for sure is that this image was drawn by Aleister Crowley (probably in 1917) to depict a being that was summoned during a magickal ritual titled The Amalantrah Working. This sketch later hung on a gallery wall at Crowley's Dead Souls exhibition in Greenwich Village, New York, in 1919.

the mysterious gray alien, drawn by an abductee
The similarity of Lam to the prototypical gray alien is pretty obvious, and the subject of endless speculation among UFO enthusiasts. More on this weirdness HERE.

Blogger and researcher Regan Lee pointed out that if you look above Lam's eyes (see top image) you can see the shape of the gray alien eyes in the shaded texture on the forehead. Once you notice that, its hard to notice the actual eyes at all anymore.
a horned owl seen in the reversed image?
Things get weirder, when the image is reversed, an image of an owl emerges! Granted, I'm seeing owls everywhere I look these days, but still.

tweaked with photoshop to enhance the owl image
Also, the name Crowley has OWL embedded right in it.


I mean, that's an owl, right?
I did another posting a while back where the image of an owl, well two owls really, flank a certain somebody. Like seeing the owls in Lam's head, this also requires reversal to bring out part of the image, and it's none other than Jesus himself. This comes from the Shroud of Turin, supposedly the cloth that covered Jesus after the Crucifixion.
The Shroud of Turin, click on image for HI-Rez view
The symmetrical triangular stains on the shroud were created by fire damage when the church (Sainte Chapelle, Chambéry) burned in December 4, 1532. The shroud was held in a box on the alter and some silver fittings on the box melted and damaged a corner of the shroud. The shroud was folded when it happened, creating the stained pattern. The patches, the rounded white triangles, were sewn in place by nuns. These created the sides of the owls.

Queen of the Night
I can't help see the resemblance between The Shroud and the Burney Relief (above), a clay tablet showing a curvy female Babylonian demon (thought to be Lilith), also flanked by owls. More about this image, called The Queen of the Night, HERE.

Granted, at this point I'm seeing owls everywhere...
image sent to me by Carlos Cruz
I mean, it doesn't take much to see that car as an owl, right? And, it's painting of a UFO abduction, right? See what my life is like? 
Text added May 12th
I need to add that pretty much all the points here were either sent to me by readers thru facebook. The thing about seeing the shape of the gray alien eyes in the shaded texture of Lam's the forehead was seen by me at The Lunar-Barbecue Facebook page. The two owls flanking Lilith matching the owls on the Shroud of Turin was my observation alone.


Red Pill Junkie said...

I think there may be a point when the old saying "To a man with a hammer, the whole world is a nail" & Richard Hoagland & many others should be seen as cautionary tales of what happens when you get carried away in 'connecting the dots'.

BUT, having said that, I need to tell you I had a very interesting synchronicity just a few minutes ago. I was listening on my Android phone the latest PLUS episode of the Mysterious Universe podcast, when I decided to check out Hidden Experience. Just when I was starting to read your post about Crowley, Lam & owls, Ben & Aaron were starting to discuss something about Mike Oram's many claimed encounters with extraterrestrials, and his sighting... of an owl (around 28:07)

Oh, and the time read 11:33 on my phone clock --which BTW also coincided with an e-mail Micah sent me to my Gmail accounted, which was announced on my phone with a little bell ring ;)

Red Pill Junkie said...

PS: One more thing. In the last free episode of MU, posted last Friday, the boys discussed the subject of channeling --something you Mike have studied extensively-- and I do remember there was a time when they discussed how someone had a spirit guide who looked like a 'fluffy owl.'

The reason I bring this up, is because I always thought Lam's wooly cloak was kinda funny; maybe there's some correlation there?

Anonymous said...

Mike Clelland! said...

Reply to RPJ:

Oh yes, I'm well aware that my seeing owls everywhere is part of my own obsessive psyche. Unlike Richard Hoagland, I am not gtting all preachy and saying that there are giant crystal cities on the moon.

Instead (hopefully) I am merely pointing out that there are these highly charged images that seem to have owls woven into their content.

I'll also add that all the points here (all of 'em) were sent to me by readers or thru facebook.


Mike C

One of your many readers said...

Hi Mike, Re Owls, right after you first posted about this subject, someone sent me a video of a cat playing with an owl. Which was pretty wiggy. Further synchronicities involving owls ensued. Just now I checked an artist's blog I follow, and guess what, a message about an owl. I thought you'd be amused to see it. Here's the link:

Regards and good wishes to you.

Anonymous said...

Makes me think of that movie, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010). It really made me a bit uneasy because of our theme here seeing detailed graphics of owls.

Anonymous said...

I was walking past a parked car and did a double-take because I thought there was an owl sticker on the windshield. Turned out to be a sticker of a pair of dice with the ones showing. Kinda weird that I interpreted that as owl eyes and not just generic "eyes."

Lucretia Heart said...

"I mean, it doesn't take much to see that car as an owl, right? And, it's painting of a UFO abduction, right? See what my life is like?"


See? That's what happens when you take the RED pill!

Years ago, from the late mid 90s through the early 2000s, I had my own weird series of synchronicity with BLACK RABBITS of all things. And even to this day I keep having these odd encounters, but the black rabbits I see always seem to be either abnormally small or abnormally large. There's connection in folklore to the FAE and anomalous events such rabbits, especially black or white rabbits.

In other words, I sympathize! Its quite a trip while you are on it, and mine lasted nearly a decade (with, as I said, some lingering bits and pieces every now and again.) It may serve to help one look deeper and further than they might have on their own.

Fapgood said...

Cool article . May the force be with u.

CJ said...

the mark in his forehead. Mark of Vishnu some call it. I have one. Looks like i am growing horns. Read some on "transformation" that seems to indicate this is being done to us. Anyone?

Unknown said...

Hi my name is Robert for the last two years I been on z spiritually path to find God My Lord Jesus Christ up in until reassembly I been getting revalations Who I thought to be God. This pass week it has it me like blow to the head that I have not ever experienced in my whole my life. I started with revalations 17 due to the fact of current events that took place in Baton Rouge so I started each day that with a different chapter corresponding with the days of of this month until I been seeing weird pics up until now that looked to be ordinary pics of a rose and Jesus Christ and finally a pic that was of a kid that looked to be person who lived in .y sisters old house I messed a round with the mosaic and mirror and collidiscope tools and got some out world pics I will close them inside but have any info why I been experience these images. That I can to not seeing you have to zoom on them to really see what I'm talking thank and I look forward from hearing from you.

Unknown said...

Hi my name is Robert for the last two years I been on z spiritually path to find God My Lord Jesus Christ up in until reassembly I been getting revalations Who I thought to be God. This pass week it has it me like blow to the head that I have not ever experienced in my whole my life. I started with revalations 17 due to the fact of current events that took place in Baton Rouge so I started each day that with a different chapter corresponding with the days of of this month until I been seeing weird pics up until now that looked to be ordinary pics of a rose and Jesus Christ and finally a pic that was of a kid that looked to be person who lived in .y sisters old house I messed a round with the mosaic and mirror and collidiscope tools and got some out world pics I will close them inside but have any info why I been experience these images. That I can to not seeing you have to zoom on them to really see what I'm talking thank and I look forward from hearing from you.

Unknown said...

Anybody in there, it's 2019 u need to talk to you

Unknown said...

Or me

VERA WHITE said...

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Unknown said...

"old fallen ones" helena blavatsys telepathic tibetian pathfinder named dk. watch aeon of horus

Anonymous said...

yo About an hour ago I was sitting on my front step smokin a cigarette i jus got home from work n i looked across the street n 2 little leavez in the dark shade of plants n sht looked like 2 eyes looking at me n i thought of an owl
i never got up to see if they were jus leaves i just assumed