Wednesday, May 30, 2012

audio conversation with Preston Dennett

Author and researcher

I’ve always been intrigued by Preston Dennet. My only real exposure to him was from a few radio programs. My impression was that there was more going on than I was hearing in these short interviews. I mean, the guy has been researching UFOs for over a quarter of a century, he must have some ideas about what’s going on. That said, I feel like we both dug deep in this long conversation.

two hours and 30 minutes long

Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. In the last 25 years he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for MUFON, a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of fifteen books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal. His website lined HERE.

Please note, if Preston, Leo Sprinkle and myself were all in the same room together it might be difficult to tell us apart.

Presentation on healings and the UFO phenomenon

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

interview with a soft-spoken abductee

beautiful speaker

I need to recommend an audio interview with an abductee Chuck Hagaman, he was interviewed by Suzanne Chancellor on her radio show.

I was deeply impressed with Chuck's gentle voice and the extremely thoughtful way he examines at his own life events. He shares some very scary UFO abduction experiences, and at the same time he scrutinizes the strangeness and the details in a way that left me breathless.

It's noted on Suzanne's archive page, listed as show five. The page is lined HERE.

Also: Please send a note to the folks at Global Radio Alliance and encourage them to post their audio files in an MP3 format so the listeners can download them properly, rather than the awkward streaming process that they are currently using.

Friday, May 25, 2012

our ascension process

Yesterday I got a very nice email from a woman who has had a series of odd experiences. She was writing to thank me for my presence on-line. She had heard me on a recent podcast with Alejandro Rojas and she felt she could relate to some of what I talked about during that interview.

In her letter, she shared a series of very scary and challenging events, but the letter culminated with this experience. I thought this was a perfectly lovely bit of communication from a place that was beyond our understanding. Here's what she wrote:
... [recently], I woke up from an interesting dream (not alien related), and while I wanted to analyze the dream, instead, I got what I can only describe as a telepathic message. I cannot take credit for the little quotation, as it just streamed into my head and I knew to immediately write it down.
It said, "Organized religion and dogma complicates the evolution of our soul. Pure love and simple heart-truths gently moves us in our ascension process." Now, that was a lovely experience, and I wouldn't mind more of those! It was incredibly peaceful.

Anya Briggs interviewed by Miles Johnson

Anya & Miles

Anya Briggs gets interviewed by Miles Johnson.

I met Miles at the recent UFO conference in February 2012 in Arizona. He's a good foil for Anya, and they have a nice chemistry. Miles has dug deep in his research and he has posted a lot of his interviews HERE.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

one more experiencer is blogging

blogger, creative-type and experiencer

I found this short posting on my facebook page this morning:
In this new blog, inspired by the examples of Mike Clelland and Anya Briggs, among others, I've started to recount my experiences with the remains always somewhere on my mind and seems worth sharing.
With that, I learned there is now another on-line set of personal experiences where an author shares his intersection with events of high strangeness. He is cautious to avoid hot-button terms like "UFO" but he shares memories that can be seen to fit into a larger overall pattern.

I feel strongly that putting this information out there, and declaring it in a thoughtful and honest forum, will have a positive impact on the entire world.

His newly born site, Numinous Intrusions, is linked HERE.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Audio conversation with Barbara Lamb

There is a very curious pattern within the UFO abduction research community, more than a few of these dedicated researchers are also UFO abductees themselves. Barbara Lamb is both, she has had her own contact experiences as well as over 20 years of active research as a therapist.

I attempted a hypnosis session with Barbara in 2009. Alas, nothing happened, i was simply too freaked-out to relax in any meaningful way. But, I did have the chance to sit with her and see her in the role of therapist. There is something gentle and calming about her, and I find that so important. I sought her out for for help with my own challenging experiences, and she is very sensitive and giving.

two hours and 10 minutes

Barbara is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, certified Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist. She maintains a psychotherapy practice in Claremont, California.

Barbara has also written two books. One is on the mysteries of the abduction lore; ALIEN EXPERIENCES with co-author Nadine Lalich. The other is CROP CIRCLES REVEALED with co-author Judith Moore.

She has two websites, one for her therapist work, and the other for her on-going abduction research.

Kerry Cassidy did an audio interview with Barbara that I can recommend. She shares a series of extremely intense experiences HERE.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

a Coyote arrives at a relevant moment

Mythic Coyote lessons, teaching balance between risk and safety

I was talking on Skype with a woman from California, Suzanne Chancellor. She is a contactee with her own radio show where she shares her personal experiences. She was asking me why I have never contacted Mike Lewis (pseudonym) about the night in 1974. She was calling me on my weakness.

I said I was terrified, I wasn't ready to deal with what he might say. When we first re-connected in the summer of '09, I definitely wasn't ready to confront him about 1974.

And then I went on to say:
You know, I think I am at a place now where I can deal with it, and I don't think in 2009, when I re-connected with Mike Lewis, I don't think I could have handled it, I think I can handle it now, I really was fragile at that point...
Right at this moment, exactly as I spoke those words, I saw a Coyote trot across my yard and run towards the east. It was right out my window. I have lived in this house for almost 19 years, and this is the first time I had ever seen a Coyote in my yard.

I sort of exclaimed to Suzanne that I had just seen a Coyote, and then I immediately asked: "What was I saying, just now?"

I realized that this was truly the first time I had ever said those words, or even felt them. I spoke them clearly and it felt honest. Suzanne played the encouraging role of mentor.

I recorded the call, and I am included a (slightly) edited audio of our conversation, complete with my surprised voice when the Coyote trots across my line of sight. This audio is interesting because both of us are totally open in the way we examine these intertwined issues.

[ a mere14 minutes long ]

After the call ended, I searched on-line for Coyote information. This is from Diana's Animal Spirit Guides Site:
Coyote is the anti-hero whose antics make it easier to see ourselves.
• Teaching balance between risk and safety
• Understanding that all things are sacred--yet nothing is sacred
• Teaching that only when all masks have fallen will we connect with the Source
• Ability to laugh at one’s own mistakes
• Placing the North Star
• Childhood trust in truth

Friday, May 11, 2012

did Mac Tonnies visit a UFO contactee?

In answer to the headline, I don't think so. But...

I am posting a forwarded email from Rob MacGregor (of Synchro-Secrets). This is correspondence he received from Charles, the French Canadian who shared the extremely disturbing events surrounding his UFO sighting and follow-up experiences. This was posted as a detailed first-person report (linked HERE).

Charles from Quebec wrote: 
Rob - l want to tell you something strange that happened to me this past Thursday evenings around 21:15.
This guy's photo is in the Hidden Experience blog... and I saw someone looking exactly like him acting very strange walking towards my car with sunglasses at night with very white skin... he or she did not walk like a human or somehow he or she was handicapped... he or she came over my windshield and stared at me while making strange noises like screaming... ever since then, I am scared of seeing him again...

Image included in the email from Charles.

More was posted on the Synchro-Secrets site, linked HERE.

The photo in question was of Mac Tonnies, it's seen in the left side-bar. This was an image that (I think) he took himself. This photo makes him seem a little more dramatic than he actually was. He was, well, cuter than that.

Mac had a wonderfully charismatic demeanor, so I don't think he would materialize as any kind of frightening ghost. If it was a ghost of Mac, I am quite certain it would be a very nice ghost.

All that said, a tall pale bald man with chiseled cheek bones is certainly a striking image, and not uncommon in these kinds of paranormal reports.

I'll also add that in this photo, the shadow from Mac's glasses creates an eerie mothman or Phoenix form. This was noted in a previous post (linked HERE).


Thursday, May 10, 2012

sketch from a dream

sketch from a dream, drawn the next morning

On December 17th of 2011 I sent an email to Kim Carlsberg and asked if this sketch (above) meant anything to her.

She replied with a very short answer:
 incubation chamber

Here’s the genesis of this sketch. I drew this after having a very vivid dream memory. It was vivid in a way that seemed important. The sketch was an attempt to show a sort of shelf system with little glass windows. Probably about waist high or a little higher. I drew this image the morning after my one and only hypnotic regression with Budd Hopkins. I remember quickly scribbling it in a sketchbook the very next morning; Oct 24th, 2007.

In the dream this shelf system was garishly colored with electrically intense yellows, greens and reds. It felt like everything was painted in day-glow paint.

Kim is an outspoken contactee who spoke did an interview with me on this site (linked HERE). She also published the coffee table book: The Art of Close Encounters. She pointed me to page 141 in her book (see below), this shows something somewhat similar to the sketch I sent to her. In a way, I sent that sketch to her because I knew what her response would be, and in a way, it confirmed what I suspected.

Illustration by Chuck Chroma

I’ve met Kim a few times at conferences, and she will laugh in my face when I say that I’m not sure if I’m actually an abductee. This isn't mean, she has a point.

The term "incubation chamber" shows up in the abduction lore. People will report seeing walls of aquarium like boxes with tiny hybrid fetuses floating in some sort of liquid. The implication is that these aliens are involved in some sort of program involving genetics and breeding.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

UFO podcast hosts share an odd experiences

I met Mel Fabregas this last February at a UFO conference in Arizona. We seem to have a lot in common with each other. He is the host of the internet radio VERITAS. Both he and I interview guests on the UFO phenomenon and associated paranormal topics, we have both had extremely odd synchronicities and an experience with a psychic that was the genesis of our shows.

Here's an odd coincidence. We both were diagnosed with the dangerous heart condition pericarditis a few days after attending a UFO conference.

Mel Fabregas wrote me:
This happened just a few days after the 2010 IUFOC (in Laughlin, NV). There were two young guys that wanted to hang out with me and they gave me a bad vibe. I essentially shook their hands goodbye and a number [of people] in my group got sick immediately after with bronchitis. I didn't.
But just a few days later I couldn't sleep because my chest would hurt. I would wake up every time I would breath. Two nights later I decided to call my insurance company's nurse. She said "Hang up the phone and call 911." Long story short; paramedics came, ambulance, nitro under my tongue. I thought I was having heartburn.
The doctor said, "No, it's your heart. You have pericarditis." I spend a couple of days in the hospital. That's the story.

My experience is written out in a long blog post (HERE), but here's my short version.

In October of 2009 I attended a conference in Joshua Tree California, it was hosted by Whitley Strieber. A few days after the conference while traveling in Utah I started feeling chest pains. Later that same day I found out that my friend Mac Tonnies had died at the very young age of 34. A few months before this, I had spoken to Mac about an overnight stay in a hospital after he had fainted. The doctors were focused on his heart, but they never had an answer to why he fainted.

I assumed I was having some sort of emotional empathic reaction to Mac's death. Later I was diagnosed with pericarditis.

Mel talks about his experience in THIS podcast.

one more first-person adduction blog

I just found a fascinating blog called UFO CHICK, and it is one more in a series of first-person abduction sites. It is a collection of experiences and essays by a woman who is trying to articulate her own memories of high-strangeness. I have only read a few posts, and lemme tell you, the story sure feels familiar.

I found it thru Randy Mangus, who does an excellent podcast called Off-Planet Radio. He has just posted an impressive audio interview Dana the UFO Chick. It is linked below.

I've added the UFO Chick blog to a post I did recently, where I listed a slew of similar first-person sites (linked HERE). To me, this is an amazing facet of the overall phenomenon.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

podcast host sees a UFO while interviewing Anya Briggs

I've linked a two part interview with Anya Briggs where she talks about her (very strange) experiences. The show is The Art of Dreaming hosted by Michael Hemmingson. It was recorded April 25, 2012. During the two-hour show Anya shares some of profoundly bizarre life experiences.

Direct link to 
Part 1 
and Part 2

In Part 1 Anya at the 22:00 time count describes seeing a weird metal ball. Then, later in the show during Part 2 at the 28:50 time count the host sort awkwardly states that he just saw a weird metal ball fly by out his window. So, it seems we a have a case of a podcast hosts seeing a UFOs during a show about UFOs. Whatever that might imply.

Anya wrote on her blog: "I sensed it was observing and reporting/recording data from him [the host] and that it was benevolent and coming from the same people who visited me in 2008 in front of my home. Could be Plejaran/Pleadian."

I asked Anya if I could blog about it on my site, she replied: "Yeah, sure! Go for it! But admittedly, it WAS in Sedona. That's kind of par for the course in those parts, ha ha."

Monday, May 7, 2012

interview with Alejandro Rojas

Over the weekend I spoke with Alejandro Rojas for his podcast series UFO THINK TANK. This was a one-hour conversation where I shared some of my experiences with a focus on how they seem intertwined with synchronicities.

Audio interview linked HERE

I've met Alejandro a handful of times over the years at the annual Open Minds conference. We spoke at length for the first time on the phone last month, and we got to compare notes in our research. He was the media spokesman for MUFON, and he also worked for OPEN MINDS magazine and radio. He is a contributor to The Huffington Post writing articles about UFOs. He also runs the website UFO Daily News.

In this interview I shared a set of events that I've told before, and I came very close to declaring that I am a UFO abductee, but I held back because (as I've said before) it just didn't feel honest. This has been a source of anxiety for me, this NOT knowing. I feel like my experiences certainly point to this as a source, but I am just not certain.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Do you feel a sense of mission?

There are these questionnaires that UFO abduction researchers will post on their sites. Here is a list (with links) to a series of questionnaires:  Brad Steiger - Barbara Lamb - Kathleen Marden - David Jacobs - MUFON - Mary Rodwell (see side-bar) - ICAR (Joe Montado's organization) - and some outfit I've never heard of called AAER. These are all fascinating.

I have filled out a few of these, more out of curiosity, than to receive any sort of potential validation of what might have happened in my life. There are some questions that I completely expected, like: Have you ever seen a UFO?

As you go down the list, there are some exceptionally curious questions that I wouldn't expect, like: Do you have a fear of closet doors? I'll answer yes to a few of 'em (I've seen a UFO) and I'll answer no to most of 'em (I have no fear of closet doors).

There is one question that gets repeatedly asked in most of these questionnaires: Do you feel a sense of mission? Now my reply to at one is a screaming loud - - -
I am not exaggerating, this needs to be in bold letters with lots of exclamation marks. For reasons I don't understand, this one feels like a burning urgency deep in my soul. And I don't know why.


Please note:
Lucretia Heart added her own blog posting as a response to this posting of mine. She (as usual) states things plainly (and humorously). Her essay is linked HERE.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

LUMINOSITY comes to an end

We are due for the 2012 super-moon on saturday night

From Mike Clelland Jan 31, 2022:

I have become suspect of the blog posts and written work by Dan Mitchell. I cannot vouch for his sincerity. I have removed the audio content noted in this post. 

Dan Mitchell of LUMINOSITY is no longer blogging. Here is an excerpt from his final post:
I am leaving the paranormal/high strangeness field forever. While the history of this blog has been laced with various leaves of absence and returns, this will no longer be the case. This post is for the sake of progeny. I strongly suspect that present events are leading up to a "critical mass" that is now inevitable.

I owe the long time readers of this blog an explanation and I sincerely hope this post will be enough. I will begin by saying that on some level I suspect that during the writing of some of these posts that I had been inwardly compromised. Having gone over some of my older posts when everything began to come together last month, I was catching periodic errors and mis-judgments that were frankly not becoming of me or anyone else for that matter. Hence the need to ultimately take down all of my posts permanently out of fear of compromising others with ideas that may have not come directly from me as it were.
On one level, this is a loss to me personally, because I found his ideas so intriguing. His writing was so different than anyone else I've ever encountered. My own ideas on what may be behind this elusive phenomenon were greatly expanded because of his introspective essays.

On another level, he was treading in dark waters. He was articulating malevolent ideas, brutal thoughts of a hostile nature. There were times I truly worried for his sanity.

He shared some experiences that fit cleanly into the UFO abduction lore, and I know he recognized that but he saw something much more sinister at play. He recounted some stories that were so terrifying and strange that it left me at a loss to even comprehend the source of what might have been happening.

I have a very intuitive friend, Anya Briggs, and she thought that some of his darker postings might have even contained an kind of alchemical incantation burred within the text. She saw the potential for nefarious magic within these posts.

Dan implies that his writings "had been inwardly compromised." What does that mean? Was he being compelled to write certain things from a source beyond himself? If so, I understand why he is ending this on-line presence.

I feel I can address this from my own experience.

On March 22nd, 2011 I read a post on LUMINOSITY in the morning. The events shared in that post absolutely amazed me. As I was reading, I felt totally compelled to record it as an audio essay. So I did.

I need to try to describe this feeling of being compelled. As I read it that morning, my first thought was that this would make for a dramatic audio essay, and that thought soon morphed into a desperate compulsion.

It was incredibly difficult to read those words, I stammered and fumbled when I tried to record it, and I needed to edit extensively to remove my shaky muttering. I wanted to walk away and do it later when I was less emotional, but I couldn't. I needed to push through and post it immediately.

When it was up and posted, I sent Dan an email where I wrote: "Why was i so weirdly obsessed with recording this thing???"

The essay is titled Approaching the Post Human Self, and it describes his first-person experiences with some higher intelligence. The event took place on the night of the 2011super-moon. I'll add that we are due for the super-moon of 2012 just five nights from now.

Below is Dan's email, where he gave me permission to read, record and post the essay.
Hi Mike,
I have to tell you that my previous post was incredibly difficult to write for many reasons. There is so much more to the experience than I have realized and even the present answer that I have (if it is an answer at all) is really only one minuscule aspect of the thing. My guess at this point is that the encounter experience as a whole is indeed transformative, but it caters to us individually for a reason. I have so much more to expound on this whole thing without putting forth a system or solid teaching. It seems to be the most personal thing in the world.
Please feel free to do the audio. Keep me posted.
Kind Regards,

From Mike Clelland Jan 31, 2022:

I have become suspect of the blog posts and written work by Dan Mitchell. I cannot vouch for his sincerity. I have removed the audio content noted in this post.