Thursday, July 29, 2010

the number 123 and the Laughlin UFO conference

A page from my notebook, complete with tiny cartoon of exit 123, and four cats. I wrote this down the morning after the event. Double click on the image for a HI-rez view.

Here are a few more curious anecdotes from the 2010 Laughlin conference. Both involve the number 123, something that I’ve been seeing a lot lately.

We drove from Sedona to the ugly casino on the night of February 20th. In the car with me was Natascha and Joseph Mark. We went north to Flagstaff, and then headed west, and the driving was sort of miserable because it was snowing sideways, and interstate 40 was a parade of huge trucks.

Exit 123 near the Nevada Arizona border.

As we got closer to the Nevada border, the weather eased up, and Joseph asked for a bathroom break, so I said I would pull off at the next exit. Well, the next exit was marked 123. We pulled into the lonely gas station, and there was a car parked next to us and Natascha noticed it first, but there were four cats in the car! For some reason, this struck me as so funny. The window was down just enough that I could put my hand in and pet them. We never saw the driver of the car, but there was a guy with a U-Haul truck who said that it was his wife’s car, and he didn’t seem at all bothered that I would stick my hand in her car.

Nothing beyond that - I just thought it was funny. (I’ll add that Natascha doesn’t think this story is nearly as funny as I do)

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