Thursday, February 27, 2014

streetlight weirdness

Suburbia USA
On the final night of the recent UFO conference I took a friend to the Phoenix airport in my car. It was nighttime as we drove. At some point we got a little mixed up and I needed to use a parking lot of some fast food place to check the map. When we pulled in to a parking spot, the street light above us went off, and she casually said, "That happens to me all the time."

We checked the directions, pulled out and kept driving.

I had my hands on the steering wheel as we traveled down a typical suburban highway lined with streetlights. With my hands on the steering wheel, I would point up with my index finger at a the approaching streetlight. At that instant, the light would go out. I did this twice, and each time it went out at the exact moment I pointed. I stopped after the second time and didn't try again. I commented to her that this kinda thing felt normal.


She remembers that two street lights turned off on the initial highway right as we were leaving the site of the conference. This seems correct. So, add two more, for a total of five streetlights blinking out as we travelled under them.

The animation clip (below) from Fantasia came from Red Pill Junkie.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice (1940)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

video excerpt from Owls, Sychronicity and the UFO Abductee

a short excerpt

This is a 12-minute excerpt from a 75-minute presentation given at the 2014 International UFO Congress in Arizona. Standing on stage in front of hundreds of people sharing my experiences was a big deal for me. The UFO conference scene can be it's own closed little world, and it felt good to put forth some ideas that went well beyond the nuts and bolts mindset of the core group of attendees. This talk seemed to be well received and it felt good to reach this audience.

The core of this talk comes from a long format essay (of the same name) linked HERE.

There may be a point in the future when the whole presentation will be posted online. For now, the conference organizers have requested just this short edited excerpt.

NOTE: This talk has been touted 
as a "kickass presentation" by Red Pill Junkie.

This presentation (along with a lot of others) can be purchased as a DVD at the IUFOC on-line site.

Here's the description of this presentation 
from the conference program:
Mike Clelland began his study of the UFO abduction phenomenon in 2006 as a way to better understand his own personal experiences. This act of looking unleashed a flood of synchronicities as well as intense owl sightings. These events have been the focus of his ongoing research. Both owls and profound synchronicities seem to play a guiding role in the direct experience of some abductees, this connection points to a deeper reality at play in these mysteries. By looking at these elusive and often ignored aspects of the abduction lore, something truly mystical seems to be revealing itself.

also: Here is a similar talk in it's full lenght, a total of an hour and 45 minutes. I spoke at a small conference in Leeds England, hosted by the Exopolitics Great Britain Lecture series. A video is linked HERE.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

update from a coffee shop in Sedona

Panel discussion with Yvonne Smith, Kim Carlsberg, Kewaunee Lapseritis, 
myself and a bunch of orbs

I am driving home from the recent 5-day UFO conference in Scottsdale Arizona. I stood on a stage and played the role of presenter for the first time, speaking for 75 minutes on owls, UFOs and synchronicity. It seemed to go quite well and all the feedback was good. I met some great folks and heard a lot of fascinating owl stories. I'll follow this up with more info soon.

Also from the same coffee shop...

I'm writing about owls in a coffee shop in Sedona. After I ate my scandinavian almond cake, this is what I found on my plate.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

short excerpt from Slaughterhouse Five

I read this in high school, probably 1979
Reading Slaughterhouse Five (1969) by Kurt Vonnegut was a defining right of passage in the 70's. Here's an 11 minute excerpt where Billy Pilgrim tries to understand time as explained by the Trafalmadorians. This is part of an audio interview with researcher Richard Dolan.

  one-click audio download HERE  

Plus you get to hear the beautiful voice of Jose Ferrer.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Grant Cameron interviewed by Suzanne Chancellor

Grant Cameron gets interviewed by Suzanne at Random Alien Brian Droppings. He is the author of UFOs, Area 51, and Government Informants, and is best known on the lecture circuit for his research on UFOs and the presidency. In this interview he shares that certain events have changed his focus towards consciousness, altering his views on the ET presence and their interactions with the human race.

Grant is presently researching the possible ET influence in the music industry by exploring how they are connected to certain musicians who have openly shared their contact experiences.

Grant's website linked HERE. My interview with Grant (the focus is consciousness) from last year linked HERE.

  one click audio download HERE