Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Brad Steiger on Tim Binnall

Brad Steiger and Whitley Streiber on Tim Binnall's show. Some of it seems a little chatty but there's a point in the middle, at about the one-hour mark, where Brad talks about the UFO abduction phenomenon. Highly recommended.

Tim's Binnall of America site HERE, and a direct link to the audio HERE.

odd event with NINE knocks

I just got home from a week long UFO conference in Arizona, and I need to share one story.

Each morning at eight, a group of people met for an hour in a rather bland room for a closed experiencer session moderated by the therapist Yvonne Smith. We met for five mornings in a row. This was run like a typical support group, picture an AA meeting with a bunch of nervous looking people all sitting in a circle. Some of the sessions were quite crowded, and one morning we had over 60 people in that circle!

On the final morning Yvonne asked the group if they had experienced anything odd at the conference, and (as I recall) four people raised their hands. Each person told of a curiously similar experience, they were awakened by a very loud pounding on either their door or window at night, and they woke the next morning to find an odd mark on either their arm or leg.

One woman told a story that I found especially strange. She was talking on her cell phone walking around her hotel room. She heard three extremely loud knocks on her door. She was understandably quite startled, and a moment later she heard three more. She waked up to the door and peered through the little peep-hole and nobody was there, just an empty view into the hall. As she was looking through the peep-hole there were three more loud knocks. This scared her and she backed away. The next morning she awoke to find a mark on her arm. I looked at the mark and it appeared to me to be an oddly shaped birthmark on her right wrist.

I asked her what she was thinking or doing in the moments right before this odd experience. She said she was a therapist and she was talking on her cell phone to one of her clients, an abductee. She added that it was very unusual to receive a call from this person.

I told her that this set of nine knocks was eerily similar to a story shared by Whitley Strieber in his book TRANSFORMATION.

I need to add that each person who added their story at this morning meeting were all adamant that the knocking was exceptionally loud. They all made a special point to describe the noise by pounding their fist into the air and exclaiming, "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!" as they explained the intensity.

Please note, I had a very similar experience two years ago, in 2010.

direct experience

I have just added a label on this blog, it's noted as DIRECT EXPERIENCE, all capital letters on purpose.

This label is a listing of real-deal incidents. These are things I've experienced that are relevant to the overall "involvement" with this elusive phenomenon. These events and memories seem to imply something.

These labels are a helpful way to search out info on this blog format, it's noted down on the right side-bar. This, along with the TIMELINE, are a good starting point for this blog.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

the late Michael Talbot talks about the holographic universe

The book THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE had a profound impact on me. Both Whitley Strieber and Mac Tonnies have referenced it and it's bizarre conclusions. Let me add that Michael Talbot has really great hair.

This video was unknowingly was posted at 12:34 (so there y'have it).

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Chico at the piano

I love this beautiful sequence more than mere words could ever express. I am posting this here simply to prove that joyous transcendent magic does exist.

a few different first person blogs, all with the same theme

I just found another on-line blog with first person stories and experiences about potential UFO contact. The author is is a woman named Eva, and the title of the blog is SEARCHING FOR TRUTH.

The postings include: UFO sightings, strange marks on her body, aliens and ghosts. There is even a post about OWLS! She shared a post where she answers a questionnaire directed at people who have questions about the UFO abduction phenomenon (linked HERE). I thought this was particularly interesting, and I resonated strongly with her answers.

I have been fascinated by these first-person blogs, and I have made an effort to share them when I find them. Right now, I'm digging thru her material and it all seems quite familiar.


Here's another site with a set of first person narratives about the UFO contact phenomenon. The author is a woman named Suzanne, and she has more than a little bit in common with me and my experiences. Her stories are shared at a blog titled RANDOM ALIEN BRAIN DROPPINGS.

Suzanne and I have spoken on the phone a few times, and I trust her stories. In her blog she talks about memories from childhood, psychic experiences and UFO sightings.

Over the years, I've been amazed at these on-line blogs, and I've tried to document them. If anyone out there can direct me to more of them, please let me know! They are all listed with the label fellow bloggers.

Here's another one from a Canadian man named Todd. There is a lot of information crammed into this site, titled TAKEN BY THE GRAYS.

I just found this site, titled ABDUCTIONS IN LOS ANGELES. The information in this blog is extremely thourough, with personal experiences catagorized in a formal way. The author also includes a sort of check-list with each experience noted. This list includes: State of Mind Before, State of Mind After, Odd occurrences Before,  Odd occurrences After and Possible Influential Factors. I feel these are extremely important (and overlooked) factors.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

audio conversation with Whitley Strieber

Yes, him!

If anyone has made it to this site, there shouldn’t be any need to introduce Whitley Strieber.

Whitley said this when attempting to define the overall phenomenon: This might be what the force of evolution looks like when it is applied to a conscious mind. This quote might seem like a clever mind-puzzle, but it forms the foundation of his recent book, and this interview.

one-click audio download HERE
57 minutes long

His most recent book is titled SOLVING THE COMMUNION ENIGMA. During our conversation we attempt to articulate what it might mean to SOLVE this elusive enigma. In this book, and in the original COMMUNION from 25 years ago, there is a relentless kind of thoughtful questioning. It is both wide-ranging and deeply personal.

At the end of this podcast, I’ve included a short clip from an audio interview from 1987. Whitley was on a radio show with host Don Swaim talking about his new book at the time, COMMUNION. It’s been 25 years since that book exploded into the popular conciousness, and you can still hear that same thoughtful and questioning voice.

And sadly, one thing that we didn’t cover was his book THE KEY, perhaps the most important book of my life.

Here’s a link to his web-site, UNKNOWN COUNTRY.
This was originally posted on Jan. 20th, but I moved it back up to the top of the list. This was a good interview, and I feel it should be appreciated.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

audio conversation with Darryl Anka

Darryl Anka, the voice of Bashar

Darryl Anka claims to have direct contact with a higher dimensional being who goes by the name of Bashar. This ability was set into motion by two close UFO sightings in 1973.

one hour / 25 minutes long

This stuff is easy to parody, but I take it seriously. It seems like I'm one of the few individuals that will acknowledge that channeled information is interwoven into the overall UFO phenomenon. There is an unmistakable pattern of people who claim the direct contact experience who will also say that they channel. I realize that I'll probably get some grief from this interview, but this stuff is part of the overall phenomenon, and I simply can't ignore that fact.

I have been researching a series of channelers, and I find that Bashar imparts some really fascinating material. I encourage you to ignore the funny voice, and listen to the content. Nobody can cringe more than me when I hear terms like vibrations and fifth density; that said, I think the core of what he says is really fascinating.

Here's a really good audio introduction to Bashar.

For more information, here is Darryl's website.


Below is a screen grab from the same video that is embedded above. When I was prepping for the interview I searched through a lot of youtube videos. This one had a real pull for me making it the obvious choice. It was after choosing it that I noticed the 1203 view count (that's an almost 123). I felt a need to dismiss this as any kind of synchronicity because the number wasn't perfect. Then I noticed the date, August 22nd 2011, my 49th birthday.

an "almost" 123 and my birthday

owls and sychronicity with Micah Hanks

Great Horned Owl

Micah Hanks invited me to talk about owls and synchronicity on his GRALIEN REPORT podcast. We both bat around the owl meme and what it might imply. I share a few of my owl experiences and Micah tries to interpret their meaning. We spoke for about 45 minutes, and that conversation is logged on the audio-file below.

one hour / 9 minutes

At the end of that excerpt, I add few more of my curious owl stories to the mix. This includes a mysterious real-life story titled Mac Tonnies, Anya Briggs and Owls.

A Great Gray Owl in full-camo.

Monday, February 13, 2012

two audio excerpt with Jordan Maxwell

Two audio excerpts, each 22 minutes long, with Jordan Maxwell. Both fascinating, both linked below.

UFO entities influencing Jordan in his teen years [click HERE]

A fireball in LA, beautiful synchronicities and reptilians [click HERE]

These two interview excerpts are shared here in one post for ease of listening. For more on both of these, click HERE and HERE. This takes you to the two posts below.

synchro-weirdness from Jordan Maxwell

Profound synchronicities are intertwined with the life of a researcher out at the edge. This is a follow-up audio clip from Jordan Maxwell. It's a companion to a post from last week, posted below.

one-click audio download HERE

Fireballs from heaven, the International House of Pancakes, ritual magic and giant reptilians. These are all part of this 22 minute audio excerpt.

This interview was conducted by Bill Ryan of PROJECT AVELON in 2010. Linked here is the full MP3 audio file of THIS interview and a you-tube video.

Jordan Maxwell's homepage is linked HERE.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jordan Maxwell interacts with the extreme fringe of reality

I just listened to an excellent interview with one of the elder statesmen of the UFO research community, Jordan Maxwell. He tells of a first person experience in his youth that I found absolutely fascinating. I am posting a short (22 minute) excerpt of this audio interview. This experience took place when he was a teenager in 1959 in North Hollywood.

one-click audio download HERE

Jordan Maxwell is an author, researcher and Lecturer in the fields of Secret Societies, Occult Philosophies and UFOs since 1959.

This first person experience from Jordan fits a pattern. It's one more in a long series of accounts told by a researcher who is digging into the extreme fringe of reality. This story is particularly comprehensive, more than some others I've heard, but it is quite close in the flavor of other stories from other researchers. Some mysterious event takes place in their youth that has a profound impact on the direction of their life. I feel that, in some small way, I too fit this pattern.

Jordan claims to have had 36 of what he calls Peak Experiences, and this is only one. He talks about others HERE. There is a companion clip posted above, equally interesting.

This interview was conducted by Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan of PROJECT CAMELOT in September 2009. Linked here is the interview page, the full MP3 audio file and a you-tube video.

Jordan Maxwell's homepage is linked HERE.

And - He mentions the book, The Complete Works of Charles Fort.

an update from Mike C

The content of this on-going blog is evolving. I have been posting more and more links to other sites. I am very cautious when I create these links, I feel strongly that the info needs to be relevant and interesting. If I am recommending you read an article or listen to a podcast, I feel it should be worthwhile.

This is a recent change for me and this blog. Just a few months ago I would have avoided doing this, but now it seems that I'm readjusting how I'm sharing this stuff.

The internet is overflowing with information, and if I find a gem in that chaos I'll post it here. I created a MISSION STATEMENT a while back, and creating interesting links seems to fit with that statement just fine.

Mike C

William Henry interviews Richard Dolan

William Henry and Richard Dolan talk about the profound challenges with how public UFO information is handled, disclosure, open contact. Rich is an exceptional thinker and speaker.

This half-hour long audio interview is linked HERE, it'll be taken down in a few weeks and re-posted in a members only site, so don't wait.

Max Ernst, ritual magic and UFOs

Overt UFO image from Max Ernst in 1929

The artist Max Ernst (1891-1976), was a prolific German Dadaist-Surrealist. And he seems to be much more. The image (above) is from a collage-based graphic novel titled The Hundred Headless Woman. It has two disc shaped UFOs, a nearly naked woman being abducted and an apocalyptic scene of destruction; all reoccurring themes in the modern abduction lore. This was 18 years before Kenneth Arnold saw his [first] set of UFOs.

Christopher Knowles has posted a genuinely ground breaking post about Max Ernst (linked HERE). I found it this morning in The Secret Sun. Knowles writes:

...every time I look at UFO photos and read about recent sightings or abductions I get trapped in the letters and the pixels like I'm encased in amber. When I start to look at UFOs through the prism of Synchronicity, Symbol and Strangeness, it all opens like a flower and thousands of puzzle pieces start falling into place like a Tetris game played by an invisible hand.

And then things start to happen. In this consensus space-time. Lots of things. Lots of really strange, sometimes impossible things.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

impossible talk with Jeff Kripal

I'm not the only one with a podcast. Here is Jeff Kripal's audio interview series. Jeff wrote what might be the most important book in my library, MUTANTS AND MYSTICS. If you don't presently own this book, you will never fully understand the universe.

The interview with Dean Radin is absolutely amazing, it's number 2 on the list below. Dean tells a story about finding a new office for his research that defies any established definition of reality. This is required listening!

the face at the end of the bed

I just finished reading a mind-numbing blog post (linked HERE). Lucretia Heart writes about being alone in bed when she was 16 years old, and seeing something that shattered everything.

...It was such a short duration of time, but long enough that there could be no mistake about what I was seeing. Everything in my life changed in that quick few seconds of time and I haven't been the same since. If I could point to the most pivotal few seconds of my entire life - this is IT. I mean, I've seen them while awake since then, but nothing is quite like the shock of the first time an intruding reality is UNDENIABLE...

Just even bare eye contact while I was in a fully conscious state was nearly so overwhelming as to make me feel insane. I knew that I knew that - THING - that was staring at me. But it wasn't a thing. It was a being. An intelligent being that wasn't supposed to exist, but there it was!

I have never read anything so straightforward that describes the complete disintegration of the self, she writes with relentless clarity.

Thank you Lucretia for your bravery.

This same story is part of an audio interview, Lucretia shares this unbearable experience with a shaky voice. (linked HERE)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

owls and 1111

owl in flight

The 11-11 phenomenon is a term that gets used among people (like me) who take synchronicities very seriously. I found the number 1111 in my listings of all time page views on this blog. It was for the forth essay that I posted on this blog, a very strange story about owls, lots of them. The story is titled OWLS AT SUNSET, and was one of the defining moments of my life, and I feel that this short essay is worth reading.

owls, a beautiful story and a synchonous number

Now, I don't put all that much meaning into the number 1111, my focus has been on the numbers 12345. I am sharing this here simply because I made a very real commitment to post EVERY synchronicity in this very public format. And some of these number syncs seem to glom onto the weirder stuff. Believe me, I have been trying to find 1111 and 1234 in my bank statements and in time stamps ordinary emails, but they just don't seem to appear in those mundane places.

audio interviews with Mac Tonnies

This is a clip of the late Mac Tonnies, where he sums it all up in a mere 33 seconds.

There is a remarkable selection of on-line podcasts featuring my friend Mac. The young author Mac Tonnies had quite a web presence, that and a beautiful voice. I did some searching, and here are a list of 13 different audio interviews available on-line. If anyone knows of more, please let me know and I'll add them here.

I rated these with *stars*, a simple 1 thru 5 system. Don't read too much into these numbers, all are essential listening.

A short message from a friend ***
Mac not talking about UFOs

Friday, February 3, 2012

Kenneth Arnold's daughter talks about her father

Outspoken daughter of Kenneth Arnold, Kim Arnold.

Kim Arnold is the daughter of Idaho pilot Kenneth Arnold, who reported a series of chevron shaped flying objects in 1947. He plays an important role in modern UFO history because this sighting created a media frenzy, and it was the genesis of the term Flying Saucer.

UFO history just keeps getting stranger. Kim is speaking out now, over 60 years since the event, and the story is much stranger than just a respected pilot seeing something odd in the sky. Seems like there was more going on, he saw multiple UFOs on three occasions, he was fascinated by synchronicities, he thought that UFOs were probably living organic entities - and - he even witnessed orbs in his home!

There is even a curious detail about a great gray owl (listen for it)!

one hour long

This is an excerpt from a podcast posted on the Eye Witness Radio Network. And Kim has created a website to share her memories and research about her father, Kenneth Arnold.

Idaho pilot and respected buisnessman, Kenneth Arnold

video clip from James Fox featuring Kim Arnold

Mac Tonnies on C2C from 2009

Mac Tonnies

Three weeks before he died, Mac was a guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. He was a breath of fresh air on a radio show bogged down with the dubious. During his time on the air, he clearly and engagingly explained his take on a wide variety of subjects. As always, he spoke with remarkable clarity. The entire show (I think) is posted below.

one-click audio download HERE
one hour / 48 minutes

He was a welcome guest on a wide variety of esoteric podcasts, but his performance on C2C was particularly impressive. He beautifully conveys his insights to a very mainstream audience. He had a way of articulating EXACTLY what I felt in my bones. He said it better and clearer than I ever could. A great intro to anyone unfamiliar with his work. If you listen, you'll be treated to a remarkable set of ideas.

This show was aired the night of September 28th, 2009.