Monday, January 30, 2012

Terence McKenna ponders UFOs

Terence McKenna
1946 - 2000

This one-hour audio talk from Terence McKenna attempts to unravel the meaning of the UFO and it's overt influence on human consciousness.. He speaks with a clarity and depth that leaves me thunderstruck. His ideas seem an elegant match to the absurdity of the overall phenomenon.

Direct link to The Psychedelic Salon, where I found this excellent audio essay. This talk was recorder in December of 1982. He is quoted below.

One-click audio download HERE
the talk with Terence begins at the 4:50 time count
The extraterrestrial is the human over soul in its general and particulate expression on the planet. . . . The over soul is some kind of field that is generated by human beings, but that is not under the control of any institution, any government, and religion. It is actually the most intelligent thing on the planet, and it regulates human culture through the release of ideas out of eternity and into the continuum of history.

The discs which haunt the skies of Earth indicate that the unconscious cannot be kept waiting forever. These things are going to have to be dealt with
- Terrence McKenna, 1982

Here's another fascinating talk where Terrence talks about his TIME WAVE ZERO ideas and how they colide with the 2012 meme. Linked HERE.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mac Tonnies "interviews" Whitley Strieber

Mac on a road trip production for a documentary with the CBC

During one late night phone call, Mac Tonnies told me about a back and forth series of questions he asked Whitley Strieber. Years ago, in a long ago era of the internet, Whitley briefly maintained a simple on-line bulletin board system. His goal was to provide a forum to answer questions from his readers. Mac used this forum to connect with Whitley; this must have been sometime in the early 90's.

I just found the interview on Mac's website, it's still on-line, and it makes for bittersweet reading. The interview is posted HERE and it is in a readable print-ready PDF format below.

If I remember the conversation correctly, Mac sent in questions over a period of time (perhaps weeks), and then collected his questions and replies from the forum and ganged them all into one document, and this document created an "interview" of sorts. I clearly remember him explaining to me how impressed he was with the thoughtful quality and seriousness in the way Whitley answered those questions.

Mac wrote of Whitley: "I was impressed with the quickness and sincerity of his replies."

Mac Interviews Whitley

audio interview with Trice Sheridan

Last night I did an audio interview with a Trice Sheridan, she is a researcher and director for ICAR. I had met Trice at a series of UFO conferences, and I found her to be wonderfully thoughtful and dedicated to her research. We've corresponded a little over the years, and it was me who suggested to her that I be a guest on her audio show, something I don't normally do.

Before the show, I sent her a few links to some of my blog postings and interviews, and she dug into this stuff in a way that left me impressed.

The interview is linked HERE.

It's a two hour live podcast posted on Joe Montaldo's Paranormal Radio Network. And that's Trice in the photo.

Oh those numbers!

I made a copy of the audio interview using my skype recorder, and the number 123 curiously shows up again. I am continuously struck by how this number appears on my computer in relation to my on-going paranormal work. I have searched for this number in my files in relation to mundane documents and it just doesn't seem to happen. The 123 thing seems to want to cluster around UFO's and owls.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

intriguing UFO report in Utah (with audio link)

One of several cell phone photos from the event.

There is a very interesting audio report posted on Whitley Strieber's DREAMLAND. Linda Moulton Howe reports on a UFO experience in Utah. It is fascinating and scary, complete with missing time, multiple whitneses and three cars mysteriously relocated miles away.

The audio report linked HERE. Please note, this audio interview is no longer free, it is now part of the DREAMLAND membership files. The audio MP3 is dated Jan. 27th 2012.

Written report with photos HERE.

 Follow up info / April 6th 2012 

There is more to this case than one might imagine. First, in the comment section it was noted that there was a UFO video on the Weather Channel that featured a glowing blue image in American Fork, near Salt Lake City Utah. (Linked HERE)

The event with the blue-lights over American Fork Utah took place the evening of Jan. 27th 2012.

The event reported by Linda Moulton Howe took place in the early morning hours of Dec. 13th, 2011.

This video of the blue-lights was immediately used as a way to "solve" the report from Linda Moulton Howe. But, another video appeared shortly afterwords. This is a follow-up showing an young man named Andrew Smith building a funny contraption in his garage. The "UFO" was constructed of gas filled black garbage bags and a ring of blue LED lights. 

Follow-up video linked HERE.

These videos are interesting because they show how these unrelated events can cloud a very intriguing report.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Secret Sun Radio Mystery Hour with Jeff Kripal

Jeffrey Kripal (author of MUTANS AND MYSTICS) gets interviewed by Christopher Knowles (author of OUR GODS WEAR SPANDEX) at this LINK at The Secret Sun.

One-click audio download

And, I interviewed Jeff myself late last year, audio linked HERE, both of these are awesome!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

audio conversation with William Henry

investigative mythologist

William Henry calls himself an investigative Mytholgyst, and that’s a term I really like. I’ve followed his work for the last decade, and I am continually impressed with his ideas and insights. He has researched ancient Egyptian artwork, pre-Renaissance art, gnostic texts and hidden messages within the world's mythology.

One-click audio download HERE
52 minutes long

His most recent book, THE SECRET OF SION looks deeply into the early paintings and representations of Jesus, and he concludes there is a symbolic message hidden in those works. Could it be that Jesus is an avatar from a race of advanced light beings who dwell at the center of our galaxy and travel via wormhole to and from this cosmic center?

Okay, what is the artist trying to tell us?

The painting above is The Transfiguration by Fra Angelico. Jesus wears the blinding cloak of light. The Taoists call it "the diamond body," and those who have attained it are called "the immortals" and "the cloudwalkers." Yogic schools call it "the divine body." In the Old Testament it’s called the Cloak of Many Colors. In the Hermetic Corpus, it is called "the immortal body." In the alchemical tradition, the Emerald Tablet calls it “the golden body."

Is this an actual garment? Or is it a metaphor?

I encourage you to look at some visual info on William's latest book, here's the amazon LINK, and make sure to flip thru the LOOK INSIDE feature. Lotsa color photos of mythic artwork.

For more information go to William’s website. Wanna read a cool article? Click HERE!

Also visit his page on Whitley Strieber’s UNKNOWN COUNTRY where he hosts a weekly audio podcast series called REVELATIONS.

Also, during the interview I asked (as always) about mythic owl imagery, and William spoke about the owl outline as part of the Capital grounds in Washington DC. See the image below.

Oh those nutty Masons!

During our conversation William tells a story of his first trip to Egypt and seeing a performance by a Whirling Dervish! Is the secret of worm-holes encoded within this mystical dance? The images below are from his book, THE SECRET OF SION, pretty cool isn't it!

From mere mortal on the stage, to flying saucer, to dual portals in space. Does an 800 year old mystic Islamic dance encode the secrets of modern physics?
And - Here's another interview on the same book with William Henry, this one hosted by Whitley Strieber, linked HERE.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

first-person experiences from Lucretia Heart

Lucretia Heart has just posted a new series of essays at her SPIRALS END site. As always, they are detailed, thoughtful, well written and utterly fascinating.

Her experiences are profoundly strange, and at the same time she is eloquent and persuasive in a way that her stories come across as credible, at least to me.

This heartfelt blog contains a wealth of first-person experiences that should be read (in it's entirety) by anyone who is serious about trying to make sense of this mystery. I simply amazed at the depth of this on-going series of essays. Plus, she's funny too!


So I know I'm not the only one who has faced this odd knowledge that I've done things apparently on behalf of the aliens to other abductees. This lends another entire layer to the question of what exactly is going on. I'm human. I've grown up here. Yet I've acted on their behalf. How many times? Would I have agreed to this sort of behavior in my normal mind state if I knew the reasons? Would I think these reasons justified my actions? I don't remember enough to say yet.

This is an experience (linked below) that I have NEVER heard before in all my decades of scouring the abduction literature. There are details and implications in this story that leave me thunderstruck.

Still, they didn't notice me until I literally went up to the big window and thumped both hands on the glass. I could see them all looking up at me just completely startled. The older teen boy's reaction was far more dramatic-- he looked utterly freaked out. I'll never forget that look I saw on his face. But in that mind state, I was all business.

Recommended listening:
Lucretia Heart and I recorded an interview in November of 2010, it's linked HERE. There is over two-hours of conversation where she shares some of her challenging life experiences.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

1234 and Alan Abbadessa

Oh those numbers...

Alan Abbadessa wrote a follow-up blog post on his site ALL THE HAPPY CREATURES. This is a follow-up to some of the stuff we talked about in our audio conversation from a month ago.

The image at the top of this post is from a row of facebook comments, it was just a few comments below in this same row where I saw that Alan had added this new posting. The comment includes both our names, 1234 and the word OWLS. This was on THE SECRET SUN facebook page.

Alan is the editor of THE SYNC BOOK and a first hand experiencer of some profoundly intense synchronicities.

His recent post (linked HERE) is all about the star Sirius, and it's powerful synchro-resonance. This was part of our audio conversation (an interesting part!) and it all just keeps getting weirder.

Also, the OWS above is for Occupy Wall Street.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

my first podcast and 1234

Oh those numbers...

I just found another 1234 and it seems sorta easy to figure out what it might be trying to tell me. Just so y'all know, this number seems to show up a LOT in my life, sometimes in overtly synchro-resonant ways.

I occasionally check my blog stats, and this number jumped out at me. This is the total number of page hits from a post way back in 2009. This was an excellent audio interview with Christopher Knowles (of The Secret Sun). Curiously, this was the very first interview I did in my role as pod-caster. It seems funny that this post would chime in at 1234 right at the moment I checked in. I see it as a less than subtle nudge to do more interviews!

I remember clearly how excited (and nervous) I was during the conversation with Mr. Knowles. I've been deeply impressed with his insights about these mysterious topics. If you haven't heard it, I strongly recommend listening to this interview!