The movie begins with a young woman walking on a darkened street. A hooting owl shows up at 4:11 in the time count, there is a brief bit of what is probably stock footage of an owl (barely visible in this youtube video) a few seconds later she is confronted by a human seeming alien. He takes off his glasses and zaps her with his eyes. She passes out and this alien takes her blood.
So, we have an owl showing up in the moments leading up to an alien abduction (of sorts). On one level, this B-movie uses the owl as nothing more than spooky foreshadowing. On another level, it perfectly personifies the UFO/owl mythos.
I have spoke directly to experiencers who say they have heard or seen an owl in the moments leading up to a UFO sighting. I've also heard people tell of hearing owls out there window, and the next moment they have little gray aliens in their bedroom. These reports are eerily consistent, and they point to a deeper aspect within the overall mystery.
There is a kind of inter-dimensional portal to this alien's home planet, it is set in a closet. Many UFO abduction questionnaires will ask if the reader has a fear of closets.
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I am a big fan of this film, and after one viewing I started to wonder if the "alien" was not actually from our future. He and the renegade woman talk about the awful radiation wars and how they harvest other races. Corman tried to put at least a smidgen of politics into his flicks, and I wonder if this was a way to criticize First World atomic testing/weaponry and the exploitation/abuse of Third World labor farms.
Just a thought...
Thanks for the great work,
I remember that film. Watched all of these weirdo movies in my childhood. No wonder I'm warped! I think our worldviews are profoundly affected through entertainment - books, movies, blogs, websites, the internet.
I think it is obvious that the aliens are from another planet. However, the movie Terror from the Year 5000 (which came out a year later) is about a woman from a radioactively contaminated future who arrives in our era and raises a ruckus. There is even a speech at the end about how our actions in the present will determine what kind of future our descendants will have.
Just happened on this amusing owl as spaceship link:
Late to this party but just wanted to point out tangentially that in the movie poster, the Earth is gold — gold being supposedly the reason aliens ever came here in the first place. Secondly, that the image of the monster holding the Earth hostage is reminiscent of the gnostic "demiurge" concept. That is all.
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