He was found in his apartment on Thursday October 22.
Mac was one of a kind. A brilliant thinker, very funny and a beautiful speaker. I'm crying in a coffee shop in Moab as I write this. Try and understand this, but I needed Mac to reassure me that I wasn't delusional or insane. He got some desperate calls from me, late at night, during my moments of darkness. He was enormously supportive of me and my confusing issues.
A little over a week ago he called me out of the blue. We would occasionally have ridiculously long talks about UFOs and the paranormal. This was the first time he ever called me. We talked for about 3 hours (as usual). I shared some deeply personal stuff, and he was supportive and humorous.
Mac and I never met in person, but I considered him a close friend.
It is so sad we have lost Mac. a brilliant thinker, Artist, and human being. I will miss him a lot.
i am so incredibly saddened by this story... there are no words... i am so sorry.
I am truly sorry for your loss
From what I gathered Mac was a very wonderful writer, thinker and person
My condolences to his family and friends
Oh my. My heart hurts for you. Call if you want to talk.
This news stirs up memories of me hearing about Paul Vigay's body being found earlier this year. I could NOT believe what I saw in the subject line. It's still not easy to ackonowledge Paul's gone.
And oddly, not knowing much about Mac, I feel a similar loss now.
Everyone has their time.
Know you're in my thoughts.
dang buddy. so sorry about mac. hang in there, and remember that we can learn to get by without stuff,even loved ones. ultimately we do learn that the loss of a dear friend doesn't rule out joy...
hug from oregon,
I always read what you write and you friendship for Mac has been apparent in your work and your side column. Many hugs and empathetic vibes to you and also to his family. Some day we will all go where our loved ones have gone first. Blessings to the path makers on their journeys. Delorus
I always read what you write and you friendship for Mac has been apparent in your work and your side column. Many hugs and empathetic vibes to you and also to his family. Some day we will all go where our loved ones have gone first. Blessings to the path makers on their journeys. Delorus
I'm sorry for your loss, that's terrible.
Thank You and I promise to read u
Hi Mike,
Know that you're not alone in your shock and sadness at Mac's death. I was only slightly acquainted with him, but Mac was more deeply woven into the fabric of my life than I was fully aware of, as the disbelieving, numbing sense of loss on hearing of his passing has proven to me. His was a ubiquitous presence, and a vastly roving mind, and I don't think any of us expected something like this to actually happen. You're not alone.
Take care
I miss him too. Though we never met in person, he was a good friend. Many times he encouraged or supported me. We traded stories and songs and a love of all things martian (lol); indeed it was how I first came to know him, having bought his book "After the Martian Apocalypse". I remember he once asked my advice regarding meditative experiences. I think he sought to reach beyond token reality. He has taken the ultimate step toward that end and though I know he has embarked on a adventure more wonderful than we can imagine, I share your grief and sense of loss. My condolences to you and to all his friends.
He was a great soul. Wise beyond his years; in fact, his wisdom was worth two lives.
Unbelievable and tragic...I'm going to miss you, Mac. Condolences to the Tonnies family from Bill in the UK.
~ Larissa here:
I feel so bad about his loss. How sad and how strange. I never knew him myself, but of course I'd heard of him.
I'm glad you and he had a chance to dance ideas together and compare steps.
Maybe it was his time to move on. Rest in peace, Mac.
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