Saturday, December 1, 2012

movie talk with Peter Robbins

from 1951, and still just as relevant today

Movie talk with my pal Peter Robbins. We dig into a few key movies from the 1950's with a keen focus on The Day the Earth Stood Still. Both of us ramble all over the map as we attempt to make sense of all the little treads that connect - and tangle - cinema and the UFO phenomena.

two hours and 32 minutes

Our conversation meanders through multiple topics, and multiple moods, and by the end I feel that we end up in a very thoughtful and heartfelt place.

Here's an article by Kenn Thomas (linked here) that fits nicely with our talk about Earth vs The Flying Saucers. We cover this movie in some depth.

We also talk about the made for TV mini-series Intruders (1992), Invaders from Mars (1953), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) and a stage play titled Left at East Gate.

Peter did one other interview on this site, this was in memory of the pioneering work of Budd Hopkins and his work with abductees. That conversation is linked HERE.

Peter's website HERE.



Red Pill Junkie said...

OK now 'Left At East Gate' The Musical REALLY needs to become a thing, because I can't stop thinking of a play with numbers like The Simpsons 'Stop the Planet of the Apes, I Want to Get Off!'

♪"Oh my God!
What was that?
Is that a UFO?!"


James said...

Great interview..

Regarding Invaders From Mars - An interesting connection which I thought about since Reich's work was brought up is how the people with "implants" relate to those afflicted with the "emotional plague" - the kid is surrounded by adults that behave in a way that is not natural, controlled by the emotional plague - while it hasn't taken hold on the child yet. The kid is fighting almost all aspects of society which are controlled by the plague..

Red Pill Junkie said...

Re. Peter's mentioning of how Budd encouraged him to think there probably was some planetoid out there where a factory of abduction tables is located (Zeta Retikea?) I must mention this counterpoint:

In my professional career as an interior designer, what's in everybody's mind is trying to figure out how 3-D printing technology is going to revolutionize not only the field of Design, but the whole world. Compared to it, the introduction of the personal computer might be observed in the future as a less dramatic change.

So NO. The idea of a centralized system of production used by a highly advanced race doesn't make sense to me. I'm thinking something like Star Trek's replicator --or even better, the Q collective-- will be closer to the real deal.

Mike Clelland! said...

RPJ, that was David Jacobs who said there was a factory out there somewhere.

Also - I thought about the abductee reports of how the interior of a room will simply morph organically to meet the needs at hand. No need to build a table if it just self generates out of the floor.

Mike C!

Red Pill Junkie said...

Yep your idea, being weirder, is much more fun to contemplate ;)

You should read a short story titled 'Being Human'. It shows life in Oregon in a future where nanotechnology and genetic engineering have taken the possibilities of reshaping the human body to extremes barely imaginable --imagine that you didn't own your house, but were married to it! ;)

Lucretia Heart said...

So many of the ideas about the future requires an increasing amount of mostly fossil energy to burn-- energy that we're quickly consuming into oblivion. And its too late to make enough green energy replacements. Point being that all these fancy replicators and technologies aren't going to be able to go very far when we're all just trying to feed ourselves on a planet with increasingly crazy weather and less and less fossil fuel.

I know-- another topic altogether, but without something like a massive landing of aliens willing to donate advanced zero-point (or near zero-point) energy solutions to us, those wondrous techno futures will be very short lived. (And from what I've seen, the aliens are encouraging us to get ready for a very LOW energy tech future...)