Thursday, March 20, 2014

Susan Kornacki with Peter Slattery

Susan Kornacki

Two experiencers in conversation, Peter and Susan, share the complexities of their own life events. It is very interesting to listen to these two folks and the way they identify with each other's experiences.

I spoke with Susan at length for my ongoing book project. She has an amazing story that involves two owls. The night after writing about her experience, I woke up with an overwhelming sense of knowing that this story was vitally important. The feeling of significance was very real.

I had written up her account months ago, but (for reasons unknown) I revisited the text yesterday. I was impressed by the power of her descriptions, and revised it a little to more clearly define the events. Shortly there after I saw Peter's posting of her interview on facebook.

Peter is an interesting guy. I highly recommend his interviews, he shares a lot of his own experiences within these talks. He has had a lot of his own very unusual owl experiences, and he even interviewed me! His site is linked HERE.

Susan's blog is linked HERE.

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