Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Skeptiko interviews Mary Rodwell

Alex from the Skeptiko podcast series interviews UFO abduction researcher Mary Rodwell. As always, I am impressed with the depth of his questions and the way he challenges his guests to dig deep. Highly recommended. 47 minutes long.

  Click HERE for a link to the Skeptiko interview  


  1. Great find Mike, sounds a lot like what Dolores Cannon is saying, ie. We aren't "abductees" so much as we are active participants who don't remember that we have agreed to this before we were even born in these bodies.

    1. Yes Jack. I agree. I have had a few great experiences aboard ships. I often ask for advanced healing from these beings. I believe that if we have fear then breathe deeply through it til it's gone. It has come up to be healed. People are looking at life and experiences the wrong way. I am a Hypnotherapist and work with people to reduce anxiety, stress, addictions. Bless.

  2. ^ And, Penn Jillette (amongst many other debunkers as well as people who identify as experiencers and/or abductees) makes a mockery out of Dolores Cannon and her experiencer group (who claim to be married to ETs, live 'off-world' and have ET babies, ect.)--the pathetic interview all to be found on youtube where people lol at Cannon and her group.

    As for the idea of "active participants who don't remember that we have agreed" -- that's taking and misuing a bit of ghosticism then mixing it with newaged claptrap.

    I'd think we'd be depraved spirits to agree to incarnate into human form to be repeatedly, from a very young age, abducted by sadistic netherworldy beings so that they can probe/rape us anally or vaginally; as well as drive needles into our eyes, noses, ears, ovaries, scrotum...along with the mindgames/control and deceit these entities are known for...Ain't enlightenment grand.

    ~ Susan

    1. Oh my Susan did you experience all if this? I have a theory that if it happen to you all hi need to do is heal the emotions coming up for you. In an effort to heal the pain body. If you feel any negative emotion then it is still unhealed. A Course In Miracles say that the world and all of your experiences are a mirror to your unhealed or subconscious pain body. Just as when our button is pushed by someone and we react angrily, if we heal the anger then we won't respond the same way. It is also said in a different way, what we out out we get back. I do past life regression and some people go into future lives and/or have experiences with alien beings. I believe it is the intention you set, consciously or subconsciously is the experience that you receive. A am sorry if it sounds cold abd you probably won't believe that you were responsible for the experience you had. But therein lies true healing so instead of projecting anger st myself or anyone else you might want to ask your subconscious 'where did this begin?' And wait for the answer. You may see a childhood experience where you repressed anger or you may go into a past life memory. if you would like to talk more.

    2. I am at kmlangford at yahoo in Australia. Bless

  3. Just chiming in to second Susan's statement. Even if people have pre-birth agreements to this kind of abuse IT IS STILL WRONG.

    I've seen various people use supposedly Buddhist ideas (as they mistakenly understand them) to try to back up this 'idea'. I am far from an expert on Buddhist philosophy, however i know enough to refute this crap. For example, Tibethan Buddhism has a lot to say about people's experiences between incarnations. They constantly emphasize that people in these realms get scared beyond imagining (like your 'synthetic fear' Mike) and thus can make inauspicious choices out of desperation, which then leads to difficulties after birth.

    Anyone with any understanding would realize that any supposed 'agreement' made in those conditions is void (sorry for the pun). Plus, IT IS STILL WRONG to hurt another being no matter what - the golden rule and all that.

    It's sad to see that Penn Jilette is up to the same kind of b.s., thinking that Ms. Cannon's mistakes allow him carte blanche to treat her in a deplorable manner and to encourage others to do so as well. Though not a surprise, given his past behavior.

    And, once again, people who experience these abuses have very few resources for anything helpful. steph

  4. p.s. to be clear i seriously doubt anyone is agreeing to this abuse in the realms between incarnations or anyplace else. In the first place. steph

  5. Hi Steph - You wrote: "For example, Tibethan Buddhism has a lot to say about people's experiences between incarnations. They constantly emphasize that people in these realms get scared beyond imagining (like your 'synthetic fear' Mike) and thus can make inauspicious choices out of desperation, which then leads to difficulties after birth.
    >Anyone with any understanding would realize that any supposed 'agreement' made in those conditions is void (sorry for the pun). Plus, IT IS STILL WRONG to hurt another being no matter what - the golden rule and all that."....."p.s. to be clear i seriously doubt anyone is agreeing to this abuse in the realms between incarnations or anyplace else. In the first place. steph" - - -

    I hadn't known this about Tibetan Buddhism (I know little to nothing about the religion, in general, unfortunately). But that certainly would seem to make sense if our spirits (whatever we want to call it) exist outside our living bodies. Thanks for this info, Steph!

    p.s. - I ordered and recently received the oft recommended by you, (on blogs) - Paula Gunn Allen's 'Pochahontas:Medicine Woman, Spy, Entrepreneur, Diplomat' and will be hopefully delving into it this coming weekend.

    ~ Susan

  6. "Oh my Susan did you experience all if this? I have a theory that if it happen to you all hi need to do is heal the emotions coming up for you. In an effort to heal the pain body. If you feel any negative emotion then it is still unhealed"...."A am sorry if it sounds cold abd you probably won't believe that you were responsible for the experience you had. But therein lies true healing so instead of projecting anger st myself or anyone else you might want to ask your subconscious 'where did this begin?' And wait for the answer. You may see a childhood experience where you repressed anger or you may go into a past life memory. if you would like to talk more." - - -

    "anonymous" - You're an example of newaged patronizing, judgementalism and ignorance. And, you can barely write, much less present a cogent idea.

    ~ Susan


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.