Sunday, November 10, 2013

a stack of DVDs

I'm holding a stack of 31 DVDs from a 2007 documentary
I have a set of raw, unedited DVDs with footage from a documentary that was in production between 2007 and '08. There is a stack of 31 discs, each about an hour long. These include long interviews with Budd Hopkins, Dr. Leo Sprinkle and Dr. David Jacobs. At some point (hopefully soon) I plan on posting a few audio excerpts from these interviews.

For more about this documentary, click HERE.


  1. Any chance of resurrecting de documentary project? Editing & production tools have become more accessible in the last 5 years

  2. How weird... I click on the link and find an old comment I had made about this documentary...

    Well I believe as I did then it is part of an interval... that you came to a standstill for a reason... and that you will pick up the thread for another reason...

    31 hours or so of work is nothing to sneeze at and I am sure once all this is put together it will be quite interesting... I urge you along the path you are on...

    I can see the whole thing with the owls has been ... I want to say revelation but I think it is something more and less... if it hadn't for Lucretia's experience of 'them' using this image to hide behind... I think camouflage is a part of this experience that is rarely talked about...

    Please complete the documentary... I will be waiting to see what makes that possible... you know all of us are trying to get to the bottom of this thing... if there is one...


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.