Saturday, March 3, 2012

seeing repeating numbers

I was just at a week long UFO conference in Arizona. Each morning they had an experiencer support group meeting. Imagine an AA meeting with chairs in a circle. One morning the moderator, Yvonne Smith, asked the group if they ever see any reoccurring numbers. Pretty much EVERYBODY raised their hand, including me. Most said they were seeing 11:11 and 3:33. Both of these number sequences are part of the overall paranormal lore. There are books about 11:11 and 3:33 is reported again and again by UFO abductees in their reports. It is so interesting that seeing numbers in a repeating pattern is part of this phenomenon. Even the channeler Darryl Anka said he sees the numbers 10:10 repeatedly. I sense that this number thing is just a small ingredient that is intertwined within a much larger phenomenon. I don't really know how much weight to give these reports. I think it's important to pay attention, but I feel it would be unhealthy to treat them as something too powerful. I worry that shouldn't react in a way where I give certain synchronicities too much power, but maybe they deserve that power, at least sometimes. My reoccurring and resonant number sequence has been 1-2-3, 1-2-3-4 or 1-2-3-4-5. I've tired to document each and every time I get that number and post it here in this blog. I suspect that some of these are just run-of-the-mill coincidences. But I am quite convinced that others are profoundly resonant, I would go so far as to say they are magic. By documenting my on-going synchronicities in this very public format I think that these meaningful coincidences have increased. Or maybe I've changed, and I am co-creating them in some way.

Dan Mitchell at LUMINOSITY writes more eloquently than I do about seeing repeating numbers in a way that seems to defy logic. He even notes me in the opening of his latest post (linked HERE), pointing out my obsession with 1-2-3-4. Then he goes on to share his own experience:
For me the constant presence has been seeing the palindrome as well as the number 322. This happens so often now that I find it impossible to believe it's simply a matter of chance. For me the palindrome is a symbolic representation of an individual and its Seraph, a kind of mirrored reflection of the bi-unity nature of the individual. It is occurring likely because this has now become the focus of my own metaphysical understanding.

From Mike Clelland Jan 31, 2022:

I have become suspect of the blog posts and written work by Dan Mitchell. I cannot vouch for his sincerity. I am including this notice here as a disclaimer. 



  1. Well, Dan will be pleased with this posting, seeing how you wrote it at 8:38 ;)

    And as for me, I hope you're wrong when you say 3:33 is reported again and again by UFO abductees --I hope I'm proof that it's also reported by non-abductees as well :S

    Incidentally, Greg wrote a very provoking piece about Paul Davies' The Mind of God, and how incredible --and seemingly absurd-- is the ability of some individuals to comprehend seemingly useless but true abstract mathematical problems. Like for instance, the famous Indian self-taught Mathematician Ramanujan:

    "Hardy was able to prove some of Ramanujan's theorems by deploying the full range of his own considerable mathematical skills, but only with the greatest difficulty. Other results defeated him completely. Nevertheless, he felt they must be correct, for "no one would have the imagination to invent them". Hardy subsequently arranged for Ramanujan to travel to Cambridge to work with him. Ramanujan unfortunately suffered from culture shock and medical problems, and he died prematurely at the age of only thirty-three, leaving a vast stock of mathematical conjectures for posterity. To this day nobody really knows how he achieved his extraordinary feats. One mathematician commented that the results just seemed "to flow from his brain" effortlessly. This would be remarkable enough in any mathematician, but in one who was largely unfamiliar with conventional mathematics it is truly extraordinary. It is very tempting to suppose that Ramanujan had a particular faculty that enabled him to view the mathematical Mindscape directly and vividly, and pluck out ready-made results at will."

    Maybe God speaks in numeral sequence, but the message gets mistranslated as it is filtered by our dumb brains.

  2. Well, Dan will be pleased with this posting, seeing how you wrote it at 8:38 ;)

    And as for me, I hope you're wrong when you say 3:33 is reported again and again by UFO abductees --I hope I'm proof that it's also reported by non-abductees as well :S

    Incidentally, Greg wrote a very provoking piece about Paul Davies' The Mind of God, and how incredible --and seemingly absurd-- is the ability of some individuals to comprehend seemingly useless but true abstract mathematical problems. Like for instance, the famous Indian self-taught Mathematician Ramanujan:

    "Hardy was able to prove some of Ramanujan's theorems by deploying the full range of his own considerable mathematical skills, but only with the greatest difficulty. Other results defeated him completely. Nevertheless, he felt they must be correct, for "no one would have the imagination to invent them". Hardy subsequently arranged for Ramanujan to travel to Cambridge to work with him. Ramanujan unfortunately suffered from culture shock and medical problems, and he died prematurely at the age of only thirty-three, leaving a vast stock of mathematical conjectures for posterity. To this day nobody really knows how he achieved his extraordinary feats. One mathematician commented that the results just seemed "to flow from his brain" effortlessly. This would be remarkable enough in any mathematician, but in one who was largely unfamiliar with conventional mathematics it is truly extraordinary. It is very tempting to suppose that Ramanujan had a particular faculty that enabled him to view the mathematical Mindscape directly and vividly, and pluck out ready-made results at will."

    Maybe God speaks in numeral sequence, but the message gets mistranslated as it is filtered by our dumb brains.

  3. I seem to see 444 a lot. Or 4:44 on a clock. But I wonder if I'm just noticing it, and not noticing other numbers. I think it's possible as you suggest Mike that we can invest coincidence with too much power. One can be addicted to signs, and like any addiction it doesn't lead to health and strength.

  4. I have never been abducted but I see repeating and Palindrome numbers everyday all day. 707 747 757 808 828 919 959 1001 1010 1111 1212 1221 1234 111 121 123 222 232 333 353 444 414 434 ect. What's interesting is when you try to ignore them they appear more than usual.

    1. A guide Google search will show you this is a world wide phenomenon.

  5. I see 422. On the clock or elsewhere. I wake up several days in a row and its 422.

  6. Long before 11:11 became I've seen your variations of my birthday number 131 non Che notice these numbers more now that I know that I noticed that but it's off the hook ll like that's the only time I look at the clock is 1113 1131 n 1311 mt. For 20 years now I found this blink when I Googled experiencers seeing repeated numbers numbers cuz it just occurred to me the 2may be related..


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.