Tuesday, June 2, 2009

a shared pattern?

Over a year ago (February, 08) I was in Laughlin Nevada attending the annual UFO conference. At the time I was actively involved with the production of a documentary on the alien abduction phenomenon. My story and foggy memories are featured prominently in the footage. Alas, in the last year, the project has been on hold.

During the 8-day conference in Laughlin I sat and watched a presentation by Dolores Cannon, a researcher who uses hypnosis in her ongoing work with past-life regressions. I found her presentation quite intriguing, and I was bewildered by her findings. She has been receiving fascinating information through her hypnosis subjects. There has been on-going communications from, quite literally, alien spirits in other dimensions. She’s written a load of books featuring these communications.

Dolores Cannon is a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of lost knowledge.
She has been a UFO investigator for over twenty years.

Midway through her talk, she described a reoccurring theme in her research. She recounted a pattern with a specific set of similarities; men in their mid-40's who have had UFO encounters in the 1970's, have a depressive episode in their 30's and now they are coming forward with their stories in a very dramatic way.

I sat there in the audience and recognized the pattern. That was ME, and I knew it.

I fit the checklist. I was 45 at the time, I saw a very vivid UFO in the nighttime sky in 1974, and I had a missing time event, also in 1974. I spent my early 30's dealing with clinical depression - and I am involved in a documentary on the UFO abduction phenomenon, where I speak openly about my memories.

When I heard Dolores say that these men, “...are coming forward with their stories in a very dramatic way,” I felt my heart sink. My involvement with the documentary certainly seemed to fit the definition of dramatic.

After the presentation I went up to talk with Dolores at her book signing table. She is a very sweet grandmother character, and she was very easy to approach. I said hello, and then I asked her about that “pattern” of men she described during her presentation.

She was strangely dismissive, and she seemed to evade my question. This took me by surprise, and I pressed her a little bit, but her reaction made me uncomfortable. After that I backed away. I was embarrassed and I didn’t know why.

In the months that followed I was haunted by her statements during the presentation, and her odd reaction to my question. Something bugged me about it, and from that point on I kept a lookout for anyone who fit that pattern.

In October of that same year (2008) I went to another conference in New Jersey. It was put on by Jeremy Vaeni and a crew of East-coast experiencers called the CULTURE OF CONTACT.

During my time there I met David Biedny, one of the hosts of an excellent online audio podcast called THE PARACAST. I was a regular listener to the show, and I recognized David’s voice in the small crowd. We talked and shared some stories. I was very familiar with David’s paranormal experiences, because he had shared them on his show. I also guessed (from comments on the show) that we were about the same age. I told him about the Dolores Cannon presentation, and the “pattern” she described.

David was 46, the same age as me, he had a dramatic UFO sighting in Venezuela in 1974, he has a history of depression - and - he was coming forward in a dramatic way, by sharing his stories on his podcast.

I asked him when he got inspired to do the audio program.

He replied, “About two and a half years ago.”

That was the same as me, I was inspired to begin the documentary about two and a half years earlier. We both told curious stories about actual the genesis of our projects. It was strange, and I felt like we bonded in a really nice way.

A little while later at that same conference, we all went into the main theater to watch a documentary. The lights went down, and I sat in the dark for the next 90 minutes watching a very insightful overview of the UFO abduction phenomenon.

As the film unfolded I became more and more bewildered. This film was almost exactly the premise that I proposed for my documentary project. I had written a 2-page proposal that I gave to the producer in 2006 describing my vision for the film. Later, the producer convinced me to change the focus from the points in the proposal. He was adamant that the narrative of the film should focus on me - and my memories. (That’s a story for a future posting)

The documentary looked like it was created using the bulleted points from my 2006 proposal. Here is an excerpt from that document:
The vision of this project would be to avoid any temptation to present the people involved within the framework of a scary movie. The presentation should be serious and respectful to the subjects, they should tell their story in the full light of day. The narrative must unfold with the idea that something is happening, and to simply let people tell their story.
This was exactly the respectful tone in this excellent documentary. I was enormously impressed, and the film managed to include a lot of information that isn’t normally covered in the standard exploitative TV productions we see late at night on cable.

I’ll add that David Huggins gets interviewed in this movie.

The documentary ends and lights come up in the theater. I was shocked, it felt like a mere 15 minutes had elapsed, but the documentary was an hour and a half long.

I went into the lobby, and there was the film maker (I’ll call him Joe, not his real name) and I went right up to him. I feel like some of my social niceties had faded away, and after I introduced myself, I simply blurted out some questions.

I asked, “How old are you?”

Joe replied, “47.”

“Have you had any of your own experiences with this phenomenon?”

“Oh yes.”

“Any history of depression?”


Right then, I felt like I had fallen down the rabbit hole.

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Okay - I had just met two men, in the same room, who matched the “pattern” that Dolores Cannon described. (and yes, I know, it was at a UFO conference) But there was something nagging at me about that presentation in Laughlin, and what she said. It bugged me, and I needed an answer.

In January of this year (2009) I went on-line and found that I could easily order DVD’s of the presentations from the Laughlin UFO conferences. I put $19.95 on my credit card and a week later the disc arrived in my mailbox. I opened the envelope and put it in my DVD player and watched all 90 minutes of it. And then I watched it again.

And - She NEVER says it.

Huh? Okay, this wigged me out. She does NOT tell of the pattern I remember vividly her saying. She does described other patterns, but nothing that matches what I recalled.

Oh jeeez, what do I make of this?

The DVD is definitely the same presentation I sat through. As far as I can tell, no dialogue was edited out, and I recognized people in the audience that asked questions at the end. This was, most assuredly, from the exact same 2008 conference.

Am I insane? I asked myself that repeatedly. I’m still not sure how to answer that.

The story continues.

At this year’s 2009 Laughlin conference I met a fellow named “John Smith” (a pseudonym) and he was 48 years old, and he’s been dealing with ongoing abduction events, and he is the subject of a documentary. He told me, "I used to get depressed a lot." His story involves the surgical removal of an extremely strange implant by Dr. Roger Lear.

I'll add that he is a scientist working at the cutting edge of nano-technology, focusing on extremely tiny carbon-tubes. And the implant that was removed from his toe was shown to reveal advanced nano-carbon-tubes.

Later, after I started this blog, I began an e-mail dialogue (and a phone call) with fellow blogger Michael MacDonald. He’s 47, he directed a documentary on the alien abduction phenomenon in 2007, he began a blog in 2009, he’s experienced curios paranormal incidents and occasional bouts of mild depression. Okay, this is the WEIRDEST thing to me - Michael and myself started our BLOGs (before meeting each other) less than 24 hours apart! And, we both have beautiful Scottish last names.

I posted a story about the funny similarities between myself and Michael MacDonald, and less than 24 hours after that went on-line I received a comment from a fellow named Dave (a pseudonym).

His note to me starts with, “I must say I'm LITERALLY shaking from the synchronicity.”

Dave goes on to explain that he is 47 years old, he has started a documentary project on crop circle (and abduction) researcher Barbara Lamb, he’s beginning a pod-cast in 2009 interviewing abductees, he’s had on-going experiences that seems to imply some sort of abduction events, he has a history of depression - and - he has a beautiful Scottish last name.

Okay - I’m trying to keep this all clear, not just to you the reader, but to myself.

In less than a year I've met FIVE people, each under curious circumstances who fit that elusive Dolores Cannon checklist, a list that was plainly spoken in my imagination.

I clearly heard her, but she never said it.

Somehow this defined pattern entered my memory through a cute grandmother who channels information from alien spirits in other dimensions.

I share a bunch of other curious similarities with these five men. I feel like I should make up some sort of flow chart to try and quantify and list the weird overlapping of identical factors.

I recently told this (long winded) story to two pals in a tent in Alaska. At the end I asked, "Does this seem weird to you? Because it seems weird to me." They both treated me as ridiculous that I would even ask that question.

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* David - Age 46, began pod-casting about his experiences in 2007, he had a vivid UFO sighting in 1974, life-long experiencer of high-strangeness, history of depression.

* “Joe” - Age 47, directed a documentary on the alien abduction phenomenon in 2007, life-long experiencer, history of depression.

* Michael - Age 47, directed a documentary on the alien abduction phenomenon in 2007, began a paranormal focused blog in March 2009, life-long paranormal events, occasional mild depression. Beautiful Scottish last name.

* "Dave" - Age 47, began a documentary project on (alien abductee) Barbara Lamb in 2008, beginning a pod-cast in 2009 interviewing abductees, on-going contact events, history of depression. Beautiful Scottish last name.

* And, "John Smith" - Age 48, subject of a documentary project in 2008, on-going contact and abduction events, history of depression.

* Mike Clelland (myself) - Age 46, began a documentary on the alien abduction phenomenon in 2007, began a paranormal focused blog in March 2009, on-going paranormal events, a vivid UFO sighting in 1974, history of clinical depression. Beautiful Scottish last name.

Text added Jan 2013
I have been keeping an on-going list of people who fit this pattern. I really haven't been digging to find them, they just seem to appear as I proceed forward into other parts of my research. Presently, I am up to 44 people.

And, here is an essay (linked HERE) written by one someone born in 1962 and it involves meeting someone born in 1962.

Text added Feb 23, 2013
This was originally posted on June 2, 2009. June 2nd reads as 6/2 or '62.
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  1. Wow- it's almost like a planned pattern- some sort of deliberate program. Very interested to hear more on you guys and your work together.

  2. This is really quite an amazing post, both in content and how well you've laid it out.

    "There has been on-going communications from, quite literally, alien spirits in other dimensions"

    I almost laughed when I read this, not because it's strange or far fetched, but because that sentence quite handily describes my life now. I understand that moment where you have to ask yourself "am I going crazy?" Waaaay to well.

    Back to your post, I wonder if there is any special significance to the year 1974 as it showed to twice. Idle thought.

    I'll have to look into Dolores Cannon. She looks like an interesting character.

  3. I sent this text (from the above post) to Whitley Strieber. He did a strong interview with the "John Smith" fellow on his DREAMLAND show, and I thought he would find my story interesting..

    Below is his reply:

    "So familiar, Mike! Certainly, the depression. The fact that I didn't blow my brains out during that long, hard period amazes me. Also, the discovery that something you heard wasn't actually said. I had this after the Challenger disaster. I watched the disaster unfold on CNN--from a point ABOVE the exploding shuttle. In all innocence, I mentioned this to some guys at NASA who I knew. They pointed out that there were no cameras there. So what was I doing watching this on TV at three AM the morning after it happened?"

  4. Reply to WILDROTE;

    1. About 1974 and my two experiences, I have no idea what that means. And, the event at Kenny's house might not be 1974, it might be '73. There is no way for me to get an exact date on that one, but it's around that time.

    2. About my comment: "Am I going crazy?" Hah, that is a real emotion for me. The better way for me to articulate it is: "Am I taking a seemingly normal thing, misinterpreting it, exaggerating, adding stuff, and obsessing - and then thinking it's real?"

    Did I imagine that Dolores said stuff she didn't say? Well, the answer is undoubtedly YES.

    It's so strange, I've told this story a bunch of times, including (I'm pretty sure) the very SAME day as her presentation. And I feel strongly that I've never wavered from repeating this one sentence: "...these men are coming forward with their stories in a very dramatic way.” Why would I state that so adamantly if she never said it? I can't discount that it was a delusional bit of ego-projection, but why that sentence? (again, "Am I going crazy?")

    1. No. You are not going crazy. I'm sure she said what you heard. I have no explanation for how this happens to be, but you are not alone. I have had similar unexplainable experiences that had me feeling like I had lost my mind and was going crazy! On one occasion, I was about to go and put myself in a mental institution. Than the phone rang. It was a special friend and when I told him how I was feeling he came to get me right away. He was the only person I knew that could always make me feel better and not feel crazier

    2. No. You are not going crazy. I'm sure she said what you heard. I have no explanation for how this happens to be, but you are not alone. I have had similar unexplainable experiences that had me feeling like I had lost my mind and was going crazy! On one occasion, I was about to go and put myself in a mental institution. Than the phone rang. It was a special friend and when I told him how I was feeling he came to get me right away. He was the only person I knew that could always make me feel better and not feel crazier

  5. Very interesting post Mike, Perhaps we should all get on Paracast together!


  6. Let me be the one who plays the annoying-yet-soberly-necessary role of Devil's advocate:

    As you point out, symptoms of depression are fairly common in creative-oriented individuals. As someone once said, "Happy people don't create civilizations".

    Those same people, who are not happy with the way the world works, who don't feel they fit in, might find an interest in the alluring aspects of Forteana —UFOs, ghosts, etc— hence, it wouldn't be that difficult to find people with very similar interests and personality patterns.

    That being said, this 'theory' fails to explain what causes the 'gloomy temper' in the first place. It cannot disprove that the depression comes from the psyche's reaction in trying to cope with an event that shatters the perception of the ordinary world. We might feel we don't fit in the world for a reason...

    So now that you have found yourselves (the five almost-fifty males with beautiful Scottish names) a question arises:

    what are you going to do?

    PS: Any advise for a 30-something who is dealing with the depression phase?

    PPS: I was born in 1973, in case you're interested.

  7. Red Pill Junkie asks:

    "So now... a question arises: what are you going to do?"

    That - my friend - is a very good question. I have no idea...

  8. Whitley Strieber has a weekly chat session, and this morning, the guest on the forum was "John Smith" who is mentioned above, as one of the 40 somethings who fit the pattern. I plan on posting more soon, but here is an excerpt from that on-line session.

    * mikec: Hello John. We met in a certain conference recently. My name is Mike, and we had a few good chat sessions. I returned from that conference with a weird (and unexplainable) compulsion (yes, that's the right word) to come forward with my story. I started a BLOG where I share my experiences; http://hiddenexperience.blogspot.com/ - I had a strange bit of weirdness, I've been meeting people our age (you and I are almost exactly the same age) with UFO experiences - AND - taking part in a documentary. I write about it on the blog. And I mention you (as John Smith).

    * John_Smith:
    Hi Mike, I remember you! I'm glad you are getting your story out. I m not surprised we are the same age. There was a large "crop" of people like us in the early '60s, apparently. I will check out your blog.

    (there were a few more comments on this, and John mentioned the years 1955 thru 1964 as years where a "crop" was born)

    * mikec:
    John - My question. Have you met a bunch of these folks (this "crop")? Are you finding any kinship?

    * John_Smith:
    Yes, definitely. I felt a bond with you, and with all of the other people in the "crop". In my opinion, we have been genetically altered by the aliens. I have some proof of this from my own experiences.

    * Sweetdax:
    Do abductees have higher rates of depression?

    * John_Smith:
    Yes, definitely. It causes all kinds of personal problems when you have a secret life, so totally unlike your normal one, which you only remember bits and pieces of.

    * mikec:
    Question to John: A follow up to Whitley's comments. The depression aspect of this phenomenon is a very real pattern (from my anecdotal observations, and personally). Have you dealt with any depression in your life? I'm genuinely curious.

    * mikec:
    Question to John: A follow up to Whitley's comments. The depression aspect of this phenomenon is a very real pattern (from my anecdotal observations, and personally). Have you dealt with any depression in your life? I'm genuinely curious.

    * John_Smith:
    Yes. I used to get depressed a lot, but not recently. I'm having a lot of fun these days.

    * John_Smith:
    Yes. I used to get depressed a lot, but not recently. I'm having a lot of fun these days.

    * mikec:
    Reply to John - ME TOO!

    * anna:
    John, do you feel you have enhanced "abilities", the non-normal kind?

    * John_Smith:
    Yes, I am somewhat psychic; not just my opinion, a real (strong) psychic told me that. These abilities seem to get a lot stronger after an alien experience. They seem to do something to you to enhance these abilities.

  9. I just stumbled on some info about Mark Pellington,

    * Director of THE MOTHMAN PROPHESIES (2002, a palindrome year).

    * Born in 1962, the same year as myself. (presently, he's 47)

    * Looked into making a UFO documentary in the 1990's only to abandon the idea.

    * Executive producer of a very interesting low-budget drama MAN FROM EARTH.

  10. You should try to contact him, Mike. It would be interesting to know the reasons he abandoned the project of the documentary —it may be something prosaic, after all getting enough money to make something about "little green men" is never easy... but still...

  11. The director of another recent alien movie.

    Alex Proyas, directed THE KNOWING »

    Date of Birth
    23 September 1963, Born in Egypt

  12. Proyas also directed "Dark City", a nice Sci Fi film with parasitic aliens who abduct the inhabitants of a whole city. Kiefer Sutherland worked in it.

    It's a nice film; part of the awesome —but weird— batch of existentialist films hat came out of Hollywood during that period, along with 13th Floor, Truman Show, and *of course* The Matrix :)

  13. Okay - here's another odd one.

    Kent Daniel Bentkowski died at the age of 47 in 2008.

    He was a blogger, using the title THE KENTROVERCY TAPES. His writings were strange and insightful, with a strong focus on conspiracies.

    And - In one of his last interviews, he spoke about a daylight UFO sighting (near Sedona) and having an associated missing time event.

  14. Let's ponder STAN ROMANEK, the subject of the recent ABC News “Primetime Outsiders Special”

    He took the questionable footage of the alien peeking in his window.

    Stan is 46 years old, the subject of a documentary, and a self-proclaimed abductee.

    I realize his case is awash in creepy promoters exploiting his alleged experiences. I have NOT seen the "news" special, so I am gunna stay neutral until I've formed an opinion.

    But, he fits a few key points in this pattern.

  15. RE:
    "Alex Proyas, directed THE KNOWING
    Date of Birth
    23 September 1963, Born in Egypt"

    My birthday is 23 September 1964,Born in Australia.

    "The Knowing" was mainly filmed in Australia (Melbourne).

    Unlike you guys,I have no memory of seeing a UFO,although in the seventies I had a keen interest in UFOs and absolutely loved the movie "Chariots of the Gods" and the soundtrack of the movie,which still today,gives me tingles and goosebumps.
    I did have an out of body experience around 1977,whilst on a camping trip,but I've never put it down to aliens,and I have never experienced it since that night,but I'll never forget that strange feeling of being able to see myself from the outside looking down,while I observed my normal body walking a few feet below on the beech with my friends...as weird as that sounds...and I know that does sound weird...it happened.

    Depression hit me from 20 onwards, of and on,right up until recently...but who doesn't it hit?
    I see it as the cost of living in a world of the flesh,and looking back,and even forward,maybe those bouts of depression were/are necessary to progress in life,to some degree...as much as we hate them.

  16. Well you can add me to your list of people that fit the criteria that you speak of regarding a 'Crop' of individuals that for some reason have been groomed for ...something as yet unknown to me at this stage in my life evolution. My name is John, born in 1960 in Tucson Arizona. I went through a horrible depression in my 30's and late 40's, I very suddenly began to research UFO's and ET's at a fever pitch starting in about 2006 that lasted for almost 4 years and has tapered off some but still remains at the forefront of my time spent on the internet continuing my studies and cross referencing all of the information that is available out there. I have seen numerous UFO's, mostly during daylight hours and I am pretty certain that I have experienced numerous periods of missing time during my life and am pretty certain I have been abducted as well. YIKES ! You and I need to do some talking on the phone to compare notes and see if we can't help each other out by maybe filling in the blanks to create a more fully formed picture of just what the Hell is really going on in our hidden lives. Truly amazing stuff. Thanks for sharing so openly with all of us Mike.

  17. Reply to Anonymous (Mike):

    I just found this, please contact me. I would be very interested to talk with you.

    Mike C!


  18. Interesting! I am born in 1962. I saw UFOs in 1977 and 1978. Had some real strange experiences in my home starting 2008 and thats when I started my first blog about UFOs and paranormal stuff. And yes - I have had depressions too.

  19. Interesting. I found your blog via Secret Sun. I was born in ‘62 myself. I remember 1974 as being a pivotal year for me—unsettling and frightening. I lived at the time with my family in San Francisco. My dad was military. I remember the news and media being full of stories about UFOs and demonic possession of children. I don’t have memories of abduction or anything like that, but I was psychically tuned in strongly to a current of fear and horror. I also suffered from depression until I reached my late 20s. Will continue to read with interest. Thanks for speaking of your experiences. I thought it was just me.

  20. Oh, and my life, too, began changing radically in 2008. I had met a witch... a real one. Not a poseur in black clothes and giant pentagram jewelry... someone who I call a “hag” as both a descriptor and a term of respect. Down the rabbit hole I went. But, then again, I was always a strange misfit kid to begin with...


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.