Sunday, March 3, 2019

today is the TEN YEAR anniversary of this blog

It was March 3rd, 2009 when I uploaded my first two posts. Both are linked HERE.

I am in the throes of trying to complete my latest book project, a collection of blog posts spanning 2009 thru 2019. It should have been available today, but that hasn't happened. I foresee it being done in a few weeks!

Huge thank you to anyone who has followed the site over the last decade! Your support and interest has been so valuable–I appreciate it more than you can know.

Mike C!



  1. Congrats, Mike!

    Have you checked if those people who also started their blogs around the same time as you did are still doing it?

  2. Thanks Mike for sharing all of your experiences from early Michigan days till now. I have valued your stories, drawings and insightful guesswork. Backpacker of the unknown realms, thanks for your reports this past decade.

  3. Congratulations on this milestone Mike! I have so enjoyed your archive of interviews over the years . . . You have a very calming, pleasant, intelligent, and sensitive approach to these topics and your guests that comes through crystal clear. Also, congrats on being asked to host a show on Whitley Strieber's platform; clearly, he sees the same in you as do I. It's amazing isn't it . . . we can re-invent ourselves and zero-in on new goals and interests at any time in our lives . . . :)

  4. I started listening to your podcasts in 2010. I always looked forward to them. Now, I'm looking forward to The Unseen.

  5. Thanks Mike. Has been a long strange journey.

  6. Congrat Mike! It's really been interesting reading your blog. Looking forward to read more about your experiences!

  7. Hi Mike,

    Congrats! to you! I have enjoyed reading your blog and listening to your interviews for years now. I love your approach and dedication to this subject. Here's to many more years to come!


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.