Monday, October 31, 2016

People of Earth - UFO experiencers played for comedy

Series Pilot - Full episode
Drama as comedy?

The first two episodes of People of Earth will premiere tonight (yes, Halloween). This is a comedy about an investigative journalist Ozzie Graham (Wyatt Cenac) who writes about a UFO experiencer support group only to realize he himself has had his own contact experiences. The script writers have obviously mined the available literature. Someone did their homework and managed to squeeze a lot of familiar stuff into this pilot episode.

It’s more than a bit disturbing to see something I take very seriously played for laughs. I know a lot of people (including myself) who’ve sat in a support circle just like what is portrayed on the show. There can be emotional trauma and suffering, more human drama than comedy. Not sure what to think after just the first show. That said, I kinda liked some of what I saw, yet I suspect later episodes will cross the line into exploitation.

Also of note, the fictional UFO journalist Ozzie Graham has a curiously similar name to real life UFO journalist Robbie Graham.

Ozzie Graham
- o -- ie Graham
Robbie Graham

Real life and fiction blur!


  1. Yeah, I felt a bit defensive watching this show. I get enough chiding from people who know me about all this stuff. I don't need a television show that puts another log on the fire (so to speak).

  2. I was not impressed. It was not that funny and all the experiencers looked like nutjobs. I dont mind having a sense of humor about it all. My sense of humor has gotten me thru a lot of tense situations with my own experiences. But none of this was witty. I didnt feel any chemistry with the characters. I kind if liked the character of Ozzie. He seemed the most authentic to me. The rest were just riducules. I probably will not watch it anymore and I suspect it will not last much beyond what was already sold.

  3. Not allowed to see that clip in Sweden... :-(

  4. Don't get weird... i liked the show. The last time the subject reached the "real" media, it was the exorcist knock off of the week. 9 out of 10 documentaries are just as bad, all about puppet heads popping out to ominous music. I'm tired of creepy. I say bring it to light by any means necessary. how many people out there aren't aware that support groups are out there?

  5. Don't get weird... i liked the show. The last time the subject reached the "real" media, it was the exorcist knock off of the week. 9 out of 10 documentaries are just as bad, all about puppet heads popping out to ominous music. I'm tired of creepy. I say bring it to light by any means necessary. how many people out there aren't aware that support groups are out there?

  6. Daniel's message time stamped 5:55

    (whatever that means)

  7. I liked it and I agree with what Daniel Sparks said.

  8. There have been five episodes so far, and while the experiencers looked cartoonish at first, the show has been following up and revealing other significant things happening in their lives.

    This is a very kind approach, as it makes viewers re-think their first impressions (which should give pause the next time they read an unusual report), and it also builds a parallel between the trauma of abduction and other life traumas, which are almost all hard to empathize with.

    Life-changing experiences can be isolating, whether anomalous or mundane, but if People Of Earth helps folks feel community in such isolation, that's a good thing.


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.