Thursday, November 12, 2015

four foot tall owls and an emerald green light body

Witness sketch of a four foot tall owl in the road
I sat with Rick Keefe and his wife shortly after my first ever presentation in front of an audience. We had a lovely discussion as the sun was setting. We sat together at an outside table near the bar. I just read his on-line report, and he describes seeing a green shadow body overlapping me while on stage while giving my talk. I don't remember him saying this to me while at the conference. I do remember his wife describing how he jolted in his seat when he saw the image of the cardboard owl in the road. (see below)

Here is a short excerpt from his excellent blog posting:
During the lecture, Clelland posted an image made from the perspective behind a steering wheel looking, over the hood of a car, at a large owl standing in the middle of the road, identical in perspective to a drawing that I had sketched shortly after the incident with the owl during the rainstorm in May 1987, a drawing Maritza knew well. We both turned and looked at each other incredulously, with our jaws dropped to the floor.
It is this kind of confirmation that keeps me pressing forward as I try to make sense of these perplexing accounts. Thank you Rick! Here is the essay on his website, linked HERE.
image of a four foot tall cardboard owl from my presentation


  1. Came across this article today and thought about you.

  2. I have had a few times I have seen these large owls ,once in the woods near Tacoma Washington and another time in the woods in England in Rendalsahm forest and another times seeing large owl at strange time.

    I have had other strange experiences over my life but the owl in England is especially weird considering the location being so close to the airforce base


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.