Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The New York Times writes about a UFO experiencer without any derision

Astronomy 2 Galaxies and Reverse1997 oil on canvas

This from a recet obituary in the NYTimes:
Ionel Talpazan, an outsider artist from Romania who sold his visionary works of U.F.O.s and life in outer space on the sidewalks of Manhattan before being discovered in the late 1980s, died on Sept. 21 in Manhattan. He was 60...

Mr. Talpazan claimed that one night in the Romanian countryside, when he was 8, a strange, hovering shape slowly descended from the sky, enveloping him in a celestial blue light, and then disappeared. The experience haunted him and became the source of his art.
This article is striking because of the rather bland way it addresses the claims of UFO contact. It is written without a hint of derision. It states plainly that Talpazan had a close up sighting of a mysterious craft that left him confused, and he set about rendering his UFO visions.  Mr. Talpazan stated, “I felt that by drawing them, I might penetrate their mystery.”

This sounds very much like the obsessiveness found in in most UFO abductees.

Ionel Talpazan, pictured in 1999 with his painting “Father and Son in Space.”


  1. I have a framed artwork of his depicting multiple craft of all kind above a city. It's really beautiful.

  2. Just googling some of his pictures - wow, really interesting.

    Though I don't think he claims any direct UFO contact, Paul Laffoley's artwork is worth checking out. It's both very precise and extremely strange.

  3. If seeing UFOs would improve my artwork, I'm all for it!

  4. I think the derision was indirect. The article states Talpazan spent a lot of years barely surviving on the streets of New York. So to a New Yorker, that translates into: "That crazy-looking homeless dude on the subway? I bet he's 'seen' some UFOs!" ;)

  5. Reply to RPJ,

    Well, yes - good point.

    I should reword the text from "without a hint of derision" to "minimal derision"

    Mike C!

  6. Mike,
    Have you heard about or read David Jacobs new book? I listened to his interview on Art Bell recently and it scared the pants off me. Would love to hear your take on his claims.
    Also, can't wait for your new book, and am eagerly awaiting more podcasts from you!


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.