Part-one of a two-part conversation with author Aaron Gulyas and host Seriah Azkath on the radio show Where Did the Road Go?
Audio linked HERE
The focus was UFO history, but we only makes it up to the 1950's, so we will be doing a follow up next month. We start back with Ancient Aliens, and then move forward exploring different ideas, theories and events.
Aaron is a teacher, historian, and writer (generally in that order), He has taught history at Mott Community College since 2006.
Gulyas's first book, Extraterrestrials and the American Zeitgeist: Contact Tales since the 1950s was published in May 2013. His newest book is The Chaos Conundrum, a collection of essays on the paranormal, religion, spirituality, an the atemporal, published by Redstar Books. In Fandom's Shadow, a 50th anniversary retrospective of Doctor Who, Fandom, and its relationship to geography and time, was published in September, 2013 by Deserted Moon Press.
Aaron's website is linked HERE.
Never mind the road! Where did the Hidden Experience audio conversations go??? :(