Monday, March 10, 2014

one year ago today

It was exactly one year ago today that I set my sleeping pad down on the dirt in a muddy turn off along highway 20 in southern Utah. I climbed into my thick winter sleeping bag and went to sleep under the glorious stars on that clear desert night. The events of that nigh, and the follow-up psychic experience changed my life. I refer to this, quite accurately, as my Confirmation Event.

The best link to this event is HERE.

From there you'll have two other links, both written in real time. Hopefully you'll get a sense of the profound intensity of what was happening. It's right there in my written words.

Also, just a few weeks ago I drove past this site on the way to the annual UFO conference in Arizona. I pulled off I-15 and went to the exact same spot along side highway 20 and took some photos. I was confirming what I already knew, that there was no round structure on top of that hill.

the arrow shows the location of the round structure from March 10th 2013
During my drive home from the conference, I retraced my route exactly as I had done the year before. I slept in the same spot as when I saw the round structure. I laid my pad down on the exact same flat spot on the ground. Nothing happened except for a deep sense of enjoyment at seeing the stars above me.
close-up from the same photo with the round structure
placed in with Photoshop for scale
click on any image for a HI-Rez view


  1. The Open Minds guys released a video summary of the 1st day at the IUFOC on March 5th. Along with a small clip of your presentation, Mike, there was also part of Kim Carlsberg's presentation, in which she discusses an 'abduction event' that happened to her & another abductee friend while they were camping in China Lake, California.

    Listening to her reminded me a lot of your experiences. Not only the confirmation event that happened to you alone in Utah, but also the trip you made with Natasha --when Kim said "if you're a contactee, DON'T GO CAMPING WITH ANOTHER CONTACTEE" I immediately thought of you ;)

  2. Hey Mike, I really like this account of your return visit to the site of your 'Confirmation Event'. The way that you have laid it all bare, and along with everything else that had happened to you, for all of us to share in it with you is remarkably generous. And I thank you. I have gone through the very same thing as you.

    Prolonged self doubt ultimately followed by an experience or experiences so profound that all disbelief and denial are finally, at last, suspended into absolute certainty that something truly unexplainable is happening to you, or has happened to, that can no longer be dismissed out of hand. I can really truly relate to that.

    For example, as a dream, a fantasy, an indication of suppressed metal anxieties, a mental construct created by your psyche to escape banality, etc, the list goes on. I'm talking about absolute certainty, that which can, based on personal circumstances, no longer be logically denied to ones self, to the core. You just know.

    However, that is only the beginning of the journey, which I started much earlier in my life than you did. But ultimately it only left me with more and more questions, with a longing for more answers. I believe that I did receive some, but whether through gut intuition or otherwise, I may never know, or be able to obtain confirmation.

    That is why, finally, I had to conclude that none of it made any sense. I posted a comment on this site a while back stating this. Red Pill, who is quickly becoming one of our greatest thinkers in this arena of thought, was quick to respond. He stated something to the effect of:'Hey, that's no reason to stop exploring the subject!' Or something to that effect.

    I get it, but by finally accepting that none of this makes any sense is a kind of surrender or resignation for me, of a sort and gives me the impetus to start over. You have to understand, that I feel that it's not good for anyone to bang their heads against the wall about all this without taking a break now and then. You losing your objectivity, and it's just not healthy, especially if you're directly affected and not just a researcher whose life hasn't been invaded by the inexplicable.

    I hope everyone can appreciate what I've been trying to say here. After awhile, all of this becomes tiresome, while searching for corroborations among all the white noise out there, especially on the internet. In the end, we're ultimately on on own, each of us, with our own experiences, thoughts and inner most enigmas.

    Mr. Owl

  3. "That is why, finally, I had to conclude that none of it made any sense. I posted a comment on this site a while back stating this. Red Pill, who is quickly becoming one of our greatest thinkers in this arena of thought, was quick to respond. He stated something to the effect of:'Hey, that's no reason to stop exploring the subject!' Or something to that effect.

    I get it, but by finally accepting that none of this makes any sense is a kind of surrender or resignation for me, of a sort and gives me the impetus to start over. You have to understand, that I feel that it's not good for anyone to bang their heads against the wall about all this without taking a break now and then. You losing your objectivity, and it's just not healthy, especially if you're directly affected and not just a researcher whose life hasn't been invaded by the inexplicable."

    First of all, thank you kindly for the comment, Mr. Owl --even though one of the reasons I chose my monicker, is to remind me never EVER to take myself too seriously... so you're kinda ruining my Zen, man! :P

    Secondly, your observation reminded me of something I heard on one of Alex Taskiri's Skeptiko's podcasts, in an interview with NDE researcher Raymond Moody --a name I'm sure most of us have heard at least once.

    The Skeptiko episode is aptly titled Understanding Near-Death Experiences as Nonsense, and at first one would be kind of shocked by that statement, because in our culture nonsense has such a strong negative connotation of being without merit and/or meaning.

    But that's NOT what Mr. Moody is saying at all! What he's implying with his choice of the term Non-sense --and notice how *choose* to add the hyphen in the word-- is that although NDEs are not able to be understood by conventional logic, they are however, infused with a great deal of meaning! And the nature of that meaning resides in the substantial transformative experience in the lives of many NDE experiencers, which clearly makes the NDE event stand out from mere mind-generated hallucinations.

    So here we have an incredible insight: that a communication that is not structured according to a conventional intelligible framework, can STILL transmit a lot of meaningful information.

    “…Twas brillig, and the slithy toves. Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. ”

    Readers of this blog will be quick to say that the same applies to OTHER non-sensical but equally transformative, personal experiences, like what we call alien abductions for example.

    So I think this wall we keep hitting our heads with over & over again, is the wall of our own cognitive limitations.

    That wall will remain an impassable barrier until the day that it's not :)

  4. I'm sorry Red Pill. I meant no disrespect, although I was afraid you might interpret this as such. Sadly, I have failed once again, to get my point across. And ironically, not taking myself too seriously is one of the credos that I live my life by!

    Not to be patronizing, but what I refer to are the types of experiences that I've personally gone through of which I have wrestled with for decades. Unless you yourself had experienced it, then you couldn't possibly understand my conclusions and why I have come to them. I suppose that is true for damn near anything or anybody.

    And I have taken a lot of meaning out of said experiences, some of which wasn't apparent at first. Then a larger pattern appeared, years later in some instances, where I asked my self, how could I have not seen this before?

    But like any true troubleshooter, one absorbs that which can be verified by observational facts, and sometimes by pure intuition, and the rest, which may be unexplainable(nonsensical), has to be accepted as such for one to move forward. In other words, skip over the flotsam and continue to move forward towards the bigger picture. The blanks might just fill themselves in later.

    Can one truly deny that, taken as a whole, that anyone has truly made any sense out of this whole subject, beyond those that think or claim that they have? Is anyone absolutely in the know even talking, if anyone such as this even exists? If they are, there has been nothing remotely verifiable. I'd say that the answer is no.

    Additionally, I find the addition in your post of Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky beautifully relevant and impish at the same time. You lend yourself to my nonsensical attitude with nonsense poetry! Thank you sir. I truly wish I could open a genuine dialogue with you to defend my position. Then I think your might understand where it comes from.

    By the way, as I mentioned before, you were the bomb on Radio Mysterioso. I can't underscore that enough. I've been reading your posts on various sites for several years and it was great to finally put a voice and personality to the prolific Red Pill Junkie. I look forward to hearing more from you. You're a natural sir. I'm not sucking up, I really mean it. I love how you were partaking in a little whiskey during your talk with Greg. Now THAT'S not taking ones self too seriously!

    With Peace & Respect,
    Mr. Owl

  5. Gracias, SeƱor Buho. Looking forward to keep engaging with you on this or other forums :)

    As for myself, like I said on my 1st appearance at RM, I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never be able to understand the big picture about any of this. But there ARE fleeting moments, sometimes when you're between the state of dream & awake, sometimes during a moment of quiet reflection, or maybe brought up by 1 Jameson too many, when you one can intuit the ephemeral shape of that big picture. Not clearly observe it, mind you; but getting a sense of its general contour ;)

    Then there are the times when you hear an interview with some new or known researcher --like the one Mike had recently with Brad Steiger for example-- when you get that 'Aha!' moment. How I love those :)

    Bottomline: We shouldn't obsess too much with winning the game. Just that we may be able to advance a few yards for our team while the clock is ticking ;)


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.