Thursday, October 10, 2013

2014 International UFO Congress

I'll be one of the presenters at the upcoming IUFOC (International UFO Congress) just outside of Phoenix. This is a 5-day conference run by Open Minds Magazine. The event runs through the 12th through 16th of February 2014.

A while back I sent in a written proposal to the conference organizers; writing this letter involved some coaching from Micah Hanks. They got back to me recently with a yes, explaining that they've been receiving some feedback that attendees wanted to have more abductees as presenters. I'll be one of 20 speakers in the line-up.

This is an event I've been attending annually since 2008. The reason I make the pilgrimage each year is because it's a long format conference. This allows for much more time to sit and connect with the other attendees, many of whom have their own experiences.

Here's the synopsis of my presentation:
Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee:
Mike Clelland began his study of the UFO abduction phenomenon in 2006 as a way to better understand his own personal experiences. This act of looking unleashed a flood of synchronicities as well as intense owl sightings. These events have been the focus of his ongoing research. Both owls and profound synchronicities seem to play a guiding role in the direct experience of some abductees, this connection points to a deeper reality at play in these mysteries. By looking at these elusive and often ignored aspects of the abduction lore, something truly mystical seems to be revealing itself.



  1. I would love to attend the congress, if only to witness your first --of many-- public presentation, Mike :)

  2. Congratulations Mr. C!!!!
    :) steph

    p.s. good on Micah too

  3. Good for you, Mike! The attendees will certainly get their 'money's worth' with you presenting!

    ~ Susan

  4. Congrats, Mike! Your talk will be great and a fantastic addition to the UFO Congress. Can't wait!

  5. That's awesome Mike! I'm so pleased to hear you're going to present a side of things that is not discussed nearly enough. Good luck!


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.