Saturday, September 14, 2013

Experiencers Speak Conference 2013

presenters at the evening Q&A session

The Experiencers Speak event grew out of a group of UFO abductees who started a meet-up called Starborn Support.

This last weekend this team of dedicated folks put on a two-day conference in Portland Maine specifically for UFO abduction experiencers. I have been connecting with a few of the people who were there, and they each tell the same thing, that the entire event was heartwarming and truly rewarding. Every presentation was video taped by Chris Augustin. He posted them all on a special youtube page. All the speakers are listed below.

Peter Robbins (Left at East Gate)
• Suzanne Chancellor (Random-Alien-Brain-Droppings)
• Jennifer Stein (MUFON/Crop Circle Researcher)
• Christopher Bledsoe Sr. (2006 North Carolina Encounter)
• Debbie Jordan Kauble (Intruders by Budd Hopkins)
• Travis Walton & Steve Pierce (Fire in the Sky)
• Jack & Nancy Malacaria (The Project at Earth)
• Pamela Necerato-Loffredo (psychic & abduction researcher)
Chris Augustin (AlienstheTruth)
• Michael Austin Melton (Starborn Support Radio)
• Kathleen Marden (The Alien Abduction Files)
• Stanton Friedman (Flying Saucers and Science)
• Jim Weiner & Chuck Foltz (Allagash Abductions)


  1. Thanks for the shout out, honored to have been a part of this special event and happy to share the videos.

  2. Just a couple of days ago I subscribed to Chris Augustin's youtube page and am slowly going through the Portland ME. conference speakers he has up. Thankyou so much to Chris for putting up the speeches in their entirety...some go well over an hour!

    It's been fascinating so far to listen to people we haven't heard from in awhile -- in particular Jim Weiner & Chuck Folz (Raymond Fowler's -The Allagash Abductions) and Debbie Jordan-Kauble (Budd Hopkins' - Intruders at Copley Woods and her own book written with her sister).

    ~ Susan

  3. Thanks Mike!
    Will check 'em out.


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.