Saturday, August 24, 2013

what can it mean?

iconic couples from the 1960s

The animated series The Flintstones premiered September 30th 1960.
Betty and Barney Hill were abducted by aliens on September 20th 1961.

Betty and Barney 
is an anagram of 
Nabbed any? Try ET!



  1. A Hill was turned to Rubble?

  2. Step away from the bong Mike :)

  3. I tried this anagram game with Betty & Barney too… see

    Here is relevant passage…

    “Betty Hill’s maiden name is Eunice Elizabeth Barrett. An anagram of her name yields the alien craze be but rite… well this can be continued. Here is an anagram of Barney Hill: bi hell yarn. And an anagram of Betty Hill: thy tell bi… and just what is a bi..?”

    It is curious… and I cant make anything of it… it seems totally meaningless… yet… it is still curious isnt it..?

  4. Maybe I should have included something about 'bi'... again from the post referred to above on Tormance...

    Here is a short description from Wikipedia:

    A bi is a flat jade disc with a circular hole in the centre. Neolithic bi are undecorated, while those of later periods of China, like the Zhou dynasty, bear increasingly ornate surface carving (particularly in a hexagonal pattern) whose motifs represented deities associated with the sky (four directions) as well as standing for qualities and powers the wearer wanted to invoke or embody.

    As laboriously crafted objects, they testify to the concentration of power and resources in the hands of a small elite.


  5. ROFL!! I love Jack's comment above-- nearly spit my drink all over my keyboard!


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