Tuesday, June 18, 2013

audio excerpt from Whitley Strieber's Transformation

Roddy McDowell
I am posting the final 12 minutes of the audio book Transformation by Whitley Strieber. The text is read beautifully by Roddy McDowell. This book was published in 1988 as a follow up to Communion published a year earlier.

one-click audio download HERE

The thoughts presented in this conclusion were written over a quarter century ago, and sadly, the UFO community (if there is such a thing) is still shy to even contemplate these ideas. To me, this avoidance of the core mystery is a sad insight into the workings of the timid human psyche.

I am posting this audio as a reminder that there are much grander questions at play than simply are UFOs real.

As a boy I remember declaring that Roddy McDowell was my favorite actor. This would have been in the era of The Planet of the Apes series and The Poseidon Adventure. My admiration remains. Whitley once commented that Roddy McDowell was very supportive of the his work.

Direct link to the paperback and link to the audio version.

Original hardcover publication; Copyright 1988 by Wilson & Neff, Inc.

Mass Market Paperback, Publisher: Avon Books (Mm) (January 1997)

Audio version, Publisher: Phoenix Audio


  1. You are so right about the ufo community reluctance!

  2. The idea of a soul as a conscious energy of a possible electromagnetic origin still resonates with me.


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