Saturday, May 4, 2013

Mac Tonnies hosts a Canadian documentary from 2008

Mac Tonnies from 2008

Mac Tonnies was the on-camera host for a 2008 VisionTV production titled Life from Other Planets. This was part of a Canadian documentary series for CBC called The Supernatural Investigators. This episode was directed by Michael MacDonald.

This is a tidy little bit of investigative film-making. But for me, what shines through is Mac's screen presence. It breaks my heart to see his face and hear his voice. His soft spoken and thoughtful composure was obviously disarming to each of the people he was talking with.

Mac on the road during the production


  1. Mike,
    Thank you for this. Seriously. I first heard Mac Tonnies on Tim Binnall's BOAA, and was captivated immediately. Here was a man who spoke with a voice that was so captivating and so full of wisdom, that I was shocked to discover later that he wasn't much younger than myself.

    By part two of the BOAA interview not only was I so engrossed by the discussion of 'After the Martian Apocalypse'(of which I bought the ebook because I didn't want to wait for the paper one) I was stunned by his crypto terrestrial hypothesis. Here was someone talking about an idea that I had tossed about for years. The answer I'd alway received by the thought: 'Where are you from?' has always been 'We are from here.'

    Subsequently, I searched, found and devoured every podcast I could find with Mac. Being ever the Johnny come lately, I soon discovered that he had passed away, two years after the fact. I was deeply saddened by this, although I never had the pleasure of knowing him personally.

    One of things I found was that on all the shows he was on, and it seems he was in demand, was the effect he had
    on people, the hosts in particular. His soft spoken, thoughtful approach and obvious intelligence had an effect on people that is hard to put into words. People wanted to know his thoughts and wisdom which belied his young age.

    This man was a rising, shining star.Had he lived a full life, there is no doubt in my mind that he would have been the next big 'star' of the genre and no doubt of many other genres and memes. A true thinker and explorer of our times and beyond. Sorry so long, I've looked for an opportunity to express my feelings about this incredible human being for a long time. I wish I could have known him, and those who did should consider themselves blessed.


  2. Mac was very pleased to have participated in this production. He remains, in my mind, one of the most reasonable voices in the field of extraterrestrial discovery and research. He was, as you point out, a rising star and as such we will never know how brightly he might have shined. I too miss Mac Tonnies as a friend and as a caring human being.

  3. Let's state the obvious, Mac Tonnies' death is suspect. Died of "natural causes" at 34 years old? Described as "cardiac arhythmia", a heartbeat disturbance. What a coincidence. Investigation/autopsy/doctors complicit. It doesn't matter what they say, they ought to have known. Simply practical matters now. I want to see 'em. Everybody in this world deserves to see.


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.