Sunday, January 13, 2013

one post taken down

I took down a post from July of 2012 titled Absurdly High Percentage of Advertising on THE PARACAST. I checked my stats and it showed that this was the 3rd most popular posting in the almost four year history of this blog. That struck me as odd, because it's not really in any way news. I suspect that the high volume of traffic for this one post came from some on-line forums somewhere.

I created that post as a way to voice my frustrations about what I consider to be excessive advertising on an audio interview show with a focus on UFOs. To me, the interruptions made it difficult for me to find enjoyment in the interviews. I was frustrated and the essay grew out of that emotion.

At one point last summer Gene Steinberg (one of the co-hosts) called me on the phone to explain his point of view.

The Paracast is a networked radio show which is also available as a download. By network edict, the downloadable version must have the same ads as the version sent to local stations. My thought is that we are now in an age where that model is no longer required to run a quality show on the web. 

Anyway, I took the post down because it didn't seem relevant to what I am trying to do with this blog. I'm not interested in getting hits on this site if the source isn't directly related to the core topics I've been covering.


  1. Good point. And tempting though it is to make that same observation about Hidden Experience programs that focus on things like movie triva, I'll refrain from doing so.

  2. I think it was the right move, since your honest and personal caveat with the Paracast was subsequently hijacked by many trolls who have a particular ax to grind.


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.