Thursday, January 24, 2013

Graham Hancock on UFO abductees, shamans and owls

Graham Hancock

This presentation addresses the UFO abduction Phenomenon as something that has been ever-present throughout the history of humanity. He specifically talks about owls at about the 38:00 minute mark. I highly recommend this video.

Chris Knowles posted a follow-up on this presentation. His essay is titled Wizards, Workings and Walk-Ins: Watchers and Otherworlds. He uses Jack Kirby as an example of this mystical shamanic powers that Graham Hancock attempts to define.

1 comment:

  1. Great clip.
    I saw Graham Hancock in my hometown last October,along with Dennis McKenna,Mitch Schultz and many other interesting speakers.
    I took photos of the night,which you can view at this link -

    The cinema the talk was held in was also used in the movie "Iron Sky",
    where the Charlie Chaplin movie is shown in that movie.
    It was a great night rubbing shoulders with these guys.
    Surreal stuff indeed.


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