Wednesday, January 18, 2012

audio conversation with William Henry

investigative mythologist

William Henry calls himself an investigative Mytholgyst, and that’s a term I really like. I’ve followed his work for the last decade, and I am continually impressed with his ideas and insights. He has researched ancient Egyptian artwork, pre-Renaissance art, gnostic texts and hidden messages within the world's mythology.

One-click audio download HERE
52 minutes long

His most recent book, THE SECRET OF SION looks deeply into the early paintings and representations of Jesus, and he concludes there is a symbolic message hidden in those works. Could it be that Jesus is an avatar from a race of advanced light beings who dwell at the center of our galaxy and travel via wormhole to and from this cosmic center?

Okay, what is the artist trying to tell us?

The painting above is The Transfiguration by Fra Angelico. Jesus wears the blinding cloak of light. The Taoists call it "the diamond body," and those who have attained it are called "the immortals" and "the cloudwalkers." Yogic schools call it "the divine body." In the Old Testament it’s called the Cloak of Many Colors. In the Hermetic Corpus, it is called "the immortal body." In the alchemical tradition, the Emerald Tablet calls it “the golden body."

Is this an actual garment? Or is it a metaphor?

I encourage you to look at some visual info on William's latest book, here's the amazon LINK, and make sure to flip thru the LOOK INSIDE feature. Lotsa color photos of mythic artwork.

For more information go to William’s website. Wanna read a cool article? Click HERE!

Also visit his page on Whitley Strieber’s UNKNOWN COUNTRY where he hosts a weekly audio podcast series called REVELATIONS.

Also, during the interview I asked (as always) about mythic owl imagery, and William spoke about the owl outline as part of the Capital grounds in Washington DC. See the image below.

Oh those nutty Masons!

During our conversation William tells a story of his first trip to Egypt and seeing a performance by a Whirling Dervish! Is the secret of worm-holes encoded within this mystical dance? The images below are from his book, THE SECRET OF SION, pretty cool isn't it!

From mere mortal on the stage, to flying saucer, to dual portals in space. Does an 800 year old mystic Islamic dance encode the secrets of modern physics?
And - Here's another interview on the same book with William Henry, this one hosted by Whitley Strieber, linked HERE.


  1. This was an interesting change of topic. Lots of food for thought shared during the interview.

    One of the reasons I'm writing this comment right now, is because in my teens I read a book written by J.J. Benítez, titled Caballo de Troya. That book changed my life and led me into this journey.

    The book's (or should I say series, because Benítez wrote 9 of them during an overwhelming period of 30 years. Last one was published last December!) main theme is Jesus, and it devotes some considerable time delving into the issue of the Shroud of Turin, and the numerous appearances of Jesus in what Benítez describes as his 'glorious body'. The Bible passage where Mary Magdalene goes to Jesus' grave and find it empty, and encounters a man she does not recognize until he speaks, and he bids her not to touch him for he hasn't fully 'ascended to His Father' is deliciously enigmatic.

    So here come my caveats with William:

    I'm very interested in all these gnostic notions related to the possibility of transformation into a 'divine' matter, regardless of the term we use for it. But the thing that has always bugged me about the Gnostics is that ALL these are secret teachings reserved to a few privileged. Back in those days they were the elite or the advanced initiates, and nowadays those lucky enough to surf the web and buy books on Amazon.

    And the other 90% of the population still struggling with misery and injustice? Well, sucks to be them! poor chums don't get to have an 'exit strategy'.

    In all the interview there were mentions of wormholes, stargates, and light beings. Never did I hear mentions of love, charity & compassion —the virtues Jesus mentions again & again in the Gospels.

    So that's the core of the problem to me: is salvation reserved to a few lucky to find the secret teachings, or is it the destiny of all?

  2. RPJ

    I have followed William's work, and he does talk of love and compassion. We had a limited amount of time.

    And - I made it a point to talk about finding signs in the humble EXIT sign. I like to think that the universe is offering up it's advice all the time - all around us - we just need to pay attention.

    Mike C!

  3. RPJ

    I have followed William's work, and he does talk of love and compassion. We had a limited amount of time.

    And - I made it a point to talk about finding signs in the humble EXIT sign. I like to think that the universe is offering up it's advice all the time - all around us - we just need to pay attention.

    Mike C!

  4. ~ Lucretia here:

    Wow. I never saw the symbolic implications of the whirling dervish dance-- and now I'm feeling a bit abashed about it!

    Amazing stuff.

  5. Very interesting guy indeed.
    Thanks for bringing him to light for me.
    Just having a quick glance at his website and books,I would have to say that there is gold in them thar hills.
    I like the funnel diagram under the whirling dervishes.It reminds me of the Gabriel's Horn

    diagrams that I find very intriguing,for some reason.

  6. Thanks for pointing out "Gabriel's horn" Briz. Fascinating!

    I dunno... IMHO trying to explain Fortean things in terms of wormholes and quantum mechanics might be as delusional as those Teoshophists of yesteryear, grabbing scientific terms of their era that sound rather quaint to us now --ether anyone?

  7. Wow, interesting connections! I have seen that dance myself, when I visited the Sahara Desert and it sure was a strange dance.


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.