Saturday, June 11, 2011

triangle+scar+left+arm searched on-line

Close up of a tiny set of three dots on my left arm. This curious scar has been there since I was in elementary school and it's faded in a way that the lower left dot is barely visible anymore..

There is a curious statistic on my side-bar. If you scroll down and look at the application titled MOST READ POSTS ON THIS SITE, EVER. The majority are audio interviews with popular authors, but there is one that seems out of place. It’s a post I did last summer titled: Tiny dots on my left arm. (linked HERE)

Why is that post so popular? It’s baffled me, until this morning.

I just recently looked at my stat-counter and found where I could check “Keyword Analysis” and found that the fourth most common way people arrive at my site is by searching out this phrase: “triangle scar left arm”

The implication is that people (from around the world) are using google as a tool to search out an answer about triangle scars on their left arms. Since last summer I’ve received a handful of comments (and emails) where people will say that they have the exact same scar, or something very similar.

The fact that this somewhat obscure post is so popular seems to indicate that there is a very pattern of people out there with odd triangle scars on their left arms, and they are seeking answers. The implications of this is extremely curious, at least to me.

A photoshop recreation that matches the memory form my youth. This shows the curious symmetry and definition of the dots. 3/8 of an in is pretty much 1 centimeter.


  1. What if you asked people to send you photos of their scars, and you post them on the blog?

  2. I also have this but on the inner side of my right arm pointing down towards my hand

  3. I thought I had found the answer to something that has bothered me for 20 years when I saw your post, but it's not quite the same as what I have.
    This is going to sound like the rant of a mad man, but in the 1980's when I was 7 or 8 I had a strange experience one night when I went to bed. It seemed like all I did was blink and it was morning. It wasn't like those nights where you feel you've had hardly any sleep... it literally just felt like a blink. I instantly noticed 3 red spots on my left arm. They weren't in a triangle, but they were in a perfectly straight line and exactly the same distance apart. In a matter of days they turned into tiny 'craters' like your scars have and are still fairly visible today. It has always confused me more because of the 'blinking' experience combined with the dots rather than just the dots themselves.

  4. I have the same exact scar on my right arm, inside of wrist. I remember having it in elementary school because I lied and told everyone it was from a snake bite. Can't be from an IV bc I never had one before adolescence.. never thought much about it, assuming it was from a vaccine, until I asked my mom recently and she seemed alarmed. she claims its definitely not from a vaccine. Hope this helps! I'm very intrigued with everyone's stories. This is kind of strange?

  5. I have this very same mark but on my left side (ribs) on the other side I've got freckles in the same shape. My right eye also has it. I've always had them. Always noticed the scar. I want to know why. Something in my gut tells me its something big. And I'm all sorts of marked up with the symbol.

  6. Reply to caladonia eubanks :

    You post came in at 11:11

    1. I have perfect pyramids on every part of my body

    2. And there something strange going on with body I see ufos and eyes in the clouds and I have pics with Jesus can someone help me please I've been to 16 different churches and even trying to do research I have everyday of my results it's no joke something big is about to happen they saying with fire please some1 help thank u whoever u might be

  7. Bed bug byte patterns are in the linear or triangular shapes like in the descriptions above. Scarring would be similar too. Kids like to pull scabs and it would cause deep puncture like scars.

  8. Isn't every set of three points going to be in a linear or triangular pattern?

  9. Vanessa van der VlietJanuary 17, 2015 at 9:30 PM

    I too have a 3 dot scar this is on my left thigh I have had it at least 30 years and associate it with a UFO sighting at the time. I have had ufo experiences my whole life has ramped up recently since I have been talking to others about my expereinces

  10. Hello! It was my first time to search on google about this triangular scar I have on my left arm. It happened like 5 years ago I just can't remember what year was it. The story was I was asleep in my bedroom when suddenly something itching on my left arm, all I thought is it's a cockroach but I didn't really saw it because at the moment it woke me up I feel so heavy that all I just did was forcefully shaking my left arm to wear off whatever that's itching. The morning I woke I didn't pay much attention about it as if it never happened and I'm not really sure when did I started to notice it but I think it took me so long. I have sent you an email with an image about this scar.

  11. I discovered your site while researching the paranormal for a screenplay I'm writing, then ended up completely fascinated by yours and Christopher Knowles's blogs. This was a week or two ago. Two nights ago after reading a lot about UFO abduction it suddenly occurred to me that the only recurring dream I remember having as a kid involved me standing in a vessel or structure looking out a window at the earth down below, and I think it involved a girl there who I had never met but my impression was that she was like a soulmate or twin. I feel like we were in a cashew or banana shaped ship, with our rooms on each end and a meeting room in the middle, connected by hallways. For the last several years, since I had a sort of spiritual awakening, I believed the dream was my psyche showing me my alienated/suppressed anima, because I rememeber the dreams feeling profoundly spiritual or magical and they seemed to leave a powerful longing in me to return to this place.

    Shortly after this I found the first triangle post on the sidebar of your blog. I can clearly remember finding these circles (I think they each had barely visible dots in the center as well) in a perfect on my left arm when I was younger, and being somewhat mystified but quickly dismissing it. Now I think I've found the faint impressions of them, but also maybe others as well - its hard to tell if I'm imagining this, possibly because I'm so worked up about it, but there seem to be other faint circle impressions running in a line up my inner arm with their origin near my elbow.

    This then reminded me of a playground song we sang as kids. Specifically it'd often be sung by someone who simultaneously drew little circles in pen on the person's arm who they were singing it to. "Circle circle dot dot, now you've got your cooties shot, circle circle square square, now you've got it everywhere, circle circle line line, now you've got it all the time." I searched very briefly but couldn't find a known origin for this rhyme, maybe there is one that's totally normal, but in light of everything else it seems like it may be creepily relevant, ie perhaps it started as a "safe" expression of suppressed trauma.

    Sorry for rambling. I'm now trying to figure out if I might be an "abductee" so I'm in a bit of an emotional whirlwind.

  12. I searched the net to try and figure out what my scars are from its exactly the same as your picture... the dots are exactly 3cm apart in a triangle... I was born in 85 and cannot find the 3 jabs that would leave tiny dent/scar like your picture.. they are on my left upper arm.. it wasn't until my misses asked me yesterday what it was and I didn't even know there was 3 I only thought I had 1. I don't remember any alien abduction dreams even though that would be a awesome reason for them.

  13. I searched the net to try and figure out what my scars are from its exactly the same as your picture... the dots are exactly 3cm apart in a triangle... I was born in 85 and cannot find the 3 jabs that would leave tiny dent/scar like your picture.. they are on my left upper arm.. it wasn't until my misses asked me yesterday what it was and I didn't even know there was 3 I only thought I had 1. I don't remember any alien abduction dreams even though that would be a awesome reason for them.

  14. I woke up during the winter when I was 12. The inside of my upper left arm hurt badly. I took off my pajama top, and was terrified! There was a burn in the shape of a perfect triangle, with a slightly curved base. It was about 3/4 of an inch, and went the whole way down to the subcutaneous fat. There was no burn on my pajamas, at all. I showed my mom and grandma, but they just blew me off. I was terrified, because it made no sense! I had some things happen I won't discuss here, thought it had to do with that. I was 12, it was 1980. I am now 48, and the scar has faded, but us still there. I have no one to talk to about what I know, and have seen. Carrying it around inside is so hard, it has wrecked mist of my life.

  15. I have this triangle dots on my forhead left side. I got it when I was a child like 10 or so... I remember one morning I woke up, looked in mirror and there where 3 dots that made a perfect triangle. Now im 25... dots are still there.
    It still crosses my mind, what is it?...

  16. Not the scar I had on my left arm when I was 17. It was literally a full triangle with laser like thin lines, but it faded. I also remember seeing UFOs frequently, but I told them to go away, and they did.

  17. I have the mark in my chest. You can see it clearly. It's funny, for a long time I was afraid of turning off the lights some nights. I couldn't explain why but I knew "they" would come. I sound cliche right? lol But it doesn't stop it from being real. It wasn't every night. Some nights I would come home from work and then get ready for bed. I'd turn off the lights and this feeling of dread would overwhelm me. I kept thinking, they will come tonight. They will come. Most nights I was terrified. So much, I would turn on all the apartment lights. Always, the same in some of those nights. I woke up between 3-4 in the morning. I'd wake up restless, a dreamless night for me. I hated it. I hated being afraid when I was fearless. Sometimes it was one, most of the time they were several. What did they look like? I don't know. Was it a dream? Maybe. Do I believe in aliens? No. Is it in my head? I don't know. This was in the beginning. I do have to confess that sometimes I just called out to them to show in frustration. This sounds like the rant of a lunatic. I don't know who "they" are. I do not know. I do not see owls, I do not even see shadows. I haven't had visits in over a month. I keep looking at that mark that appeared on my chest randomly though. Too perfect of a triangle. I came to try to find answers in this blog. No such luck yet.

  18. I think it's a coincidence that yours and other people have them in a triangle. I have about 10 of these. Usually in pairs, but I have 2 that are on their own. They almost look like indents in the skin. I have a pair in the crevice of my arm, one on my biceps, two or three pairs on the right of my torso and one on the side of my right breast. I asked my doctor about it once and she told me they were a different kind of birth mark. I don't necessarily believe it, because she seemed uncertain, but I mean hey as long as they aren't hurting me, I stopped caring, but there's always been some curiously as to why these form.

  19. Scars from bed-bug bites, they tend to leave patterns of three bites in a triangle (weird, I know!)

  20. I stumbled across this site as I also have perfect triangle shapes on my skin. Moles or Marks. I have about 5-6 separate areas. They all form a triangle. I also as a child had a sighting of a UFO so much we called the police and the sighting was seen miles and miles away seconds later. Crazy. I remember it like it was yesterday. As a kid I saw strange things to and have suffered with premonitions. I also woke one night floating at the top of my room. I was on the ceiling. I was screaming trying to be heard but only a faint whisper came away. I saw the door to my room slide open and on the other side was a dark figure with a light around him. It felt male. I could see my husband sleeping and I I was screaming then I slammed back down on the bed and woke my husband up screaming crying. Till this day I have no idea. Across my body there is triangle mole patterns and my attention has always been brought to them. I have constantly wondered why I have perfect triangles and what are the reasons behind them. If anyone has any answers please message me

  21. 7 years ago I was going through a very dark night of my soul. I saw recurring patterns of not living in my truth and began self-reflection and inner child healing from child trauma. I began dialing into my intuition which was guiding me to prepare my body in a certain way like eating/drinking certain foods, doing grounding in my garden etc. I would put my son to bed and pray to the 4 archangels Michael, Gabriel. Raphael and Uriel for protection every night. I crashed hard one night putting him to sleep and woke up to a strange feeling on my forehead a few hours later. It hurt so I went to the bathroom and the #7 was scratched on it. I thought maybe it was coincidence and my ring scratched my head that way. I was having a serious argument with my husband shortly after over him banning my oldest daughter (not his) from the home. Same night I had a dream vision at the foot of the tree Jesus hung on and he merged my suffering with his, gave me a personal message about forgiveness and I was infused with a love I cannot begin to describe it was powerful it woke me up. I started seeking God intently and my personal truth thereafter. I was tired of trying to find completion and love from people and material things. I decided to read the Bible from start to finish because I had terrible insomnia for 1.5 yrs. There was unusual electrical activity in my home when I read it between 2 am and 4 a.m. when a disconnected house alarm system kept going off. It was the 7th time I read the Bible 6 times as a kid growing up in a very strict religious home. I was 41 at this time. When I got near the end right before the Book of Revelation describing the 7 seals only Jesus could open, I woke up in the morning with a kundalini awakening. It was the most amazing thing I ever experienced. An unusual energy began unfolding in my body and I began vibrating along my spine and a lot of supernatural things were happening. I was connected to everything and everyone and was filled with so much love. That led me on a goose chase trying to figure out what I was experiencing. I satisfied my intellect looking to the East for answers and querying spirit about how it was encoded into the Bible too. Then one morning, I woke up with a 3 holed perfect triangle on the back of my leg when I was staying at a hotel in Boston. It was in an odd place and still bothers me when I squat but no scar. I discovered later that there were many reported abductions and ET encounters there that the late Dr John E Mack studied a Harvard Psychiatrist and he did hypnosis with. Then a few months later at home, I woke up with 2 large bruises on the front of my forearms as if I was blocking something. I did not hit myself either. One was quite a bit larger than the other one and in the middle was a tiny incision and what looked like a tiny piece of squishy rice under the incision. My body seems to have absorbed it. I took pictures of all these things. Then a couple months later my daughter on the opposite coast woke up with a 3-dot triangle on her arm and same night she dreamed she and I were on a spaceship that looked like a mall inside and she was protecting me. Neither of us watches alien movies either. I wonder if these markings have anything to do with a possible abduction and/or spiritual awakening. Dr Steven Greer said in one of his CE5 meditations, contacting the friendly ETs that she had a full-blown kundalini experience when one came to them. Clearly the chakras are the gateways to higher consciousness, and this is a natural part of human evolution. I have learned so much about humans and our history in the past 7 years. Our bodies are amazing.

  22. I have a set, same as yours. Left wrist, though just to the inside of center and a little further towards my hand. Three little depressions, just like yours, also 3/8 inches apart as measured with a caliper. They showed up in 82 or 83 when I was 6 or 7. I have a memory of a tool being used which left them, a tear-shaped handheld device with a silver tip and blunted tail, purplish metallic, with a squeeze trigger that made a snapping sound. I remember being scared seeing it but being told it was important and it would be fast. I remember a well lit room with others, of different ages, seated on padded bluish-gray benches or tables and also getting their "shots", but I don't remember who was giving them. It seemed like the kind of mass vaccination event that one might expect when an aid organization goes to a remote village.


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.