Saturday, April 16, 2011

significant FBI documents?

A momentous piece of paper as the smoking-gun? Or more clever disinformation? Click on the image for a hi-res view.


From Mike Clelland Jan 31, 2022:

I have become suspect of the blog posts and written work by Dan Mitchell. I cannot vouch for his sincerity. I am including this notice here as a disclaimer. 


In the last few days the media has been buzzing with news stories concerning the release of FBI UFO files. I am very cautious to get worked up whenever there is a release of nothing more than pieces of paper. I don't really see it as conclusive "proof" anything. Sadly, I have a sorta short attention span for this ominous stuff about government.
Dan Mitchell (of the LUMINOSITY blog) pointed out some details in one document that he found most intriguing. He writes about it in a recent post, linked HERE. He addresses the clues within the text that point to some sort of occult knowledge . The document is dated July 8th 1947. This is the same day as the infamous headlines in the Roswell Daily Record, the local newspaper. See the image below. In the elusive document there is a series of numbered points, noted below. I found three of them to be most interesting. Weird stuff for an internal memo, especially from that era.
_________________________________________________ Excerpt from the documents pictured above: 4. They are NOT excarnate earth people, but come from their own world. 5. They do NOT come from any "planet" as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us. 8. The region from which they come is NOT the "astral plane" but corresponds to the Lokas or Talus. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.
Iconic headline, dated July 8th 1947.
Additional text added April 18th 2011:
There is something I didn't know at the time of the posting above: these are NOT new releases. ALL the UFO files at the FBI's Vault site were declassified in 1976, and have been on the FBI's original site since that time. People are assuming that because the FBI's Vault site is new, that the files are therefore newly-released, but they have been used and referenced in dozens of books and articles for at least 30-plus years!


  1. Email from Nick Redfern:
    Hey Mike

    Cool, thanks for this. There is just one thing to be aware of: these are not new releases. ALL the UFO files at the FBI's Vault site were declassified in 1976, and have been on the FBI's original site since 1976.

    The cattle-mute files at the site were declassified in 1989, and I used all the above in my 1998 book, The FBI Files.

    People are assuming that because the FBI's Vault site is new, that the files are therefore newly-released, but they have been used in dozens of books and articles for at least 30-plus years!


  2. About the comment above, I messed up and somehow deleted Nick's insightful addition to this story.


    Mike C!

  3. Que la chingada! Stupid Blogger deleted my comment... oh well, here we go again:

    I think it's very likely that the originator of the memo in question was someone who felt the need to contact the nearest FBI office, the same way Paul Bennewitz started sending copies of his Project Beta to the Air Force and several members of Congress.

    Now, re. the ideas of higher planes of existence and 'vibrational' methods of travel, it may have too much of a space-brotherly and new age-y feeling for most folks today, whereas personally i interpret it using the most advanced concepts of modern physics today: dark energy and dark matter.

    If scientists today think that 95% of the stuff that fills the Universe is invisible to us, is there a reason why we couldn't invert the argument, and say that WE are part of the fringe 5% of the Universe that doesn't interact with the rest?

    Could that be the ultimate answer to the so-called Fermi paradox? that they don't contact us because WE are invisible to them?

    PS: It's also interesting to note that Wilbert Smith, a very prominent Canadian scientist, also claimed to be in contact with extraterrestrial intelligences, and he started to view the phenomenon in more 'metaphysical' terms as he became more involved in the research of UFOs.

  4. Like I said in the post. I am VERY skeptical of pieces of paper. And that's all these things are.

    The interesting thing (to me) was the line:

    " etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own..."

  5. This is mind blowing when one realizes the meanings of the words Lokas (in light of the Mahayana Buddhist belief system) and Talus. I think it was spelled "Talos" in the original Ster Trek series but anyone who who saw that episode and what could occur there would be reminded of the things discussed here, on Luminosity and other blogs.


Hi there. I am eager to hear your comments, especially if you have similar stories. I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

And - I reserve the right to delete any comments that are offensive or excessively harsh.